Creating a SAP Production Order / Process Order
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Methods to Create a SAP Production order / Process Order
Methods to Create a Production order / Process Order
The following are the methods through which a production order is created:
a) Planned order conversion: When a planned order (Planned order is created through MRP or manually through MD11) is converted to an Order to execute the production activities.
b) Order is created manually: When you create a Production order or process order manually with reference to a material code or with reference to a reference to a Sales order (in Process order there is no option to create with reference to a sales order).
Production order creation transaction codes
Stock Requirement List Individual Display: MD04
Stock Requirement List Collective Display: MD07
Creation of Production order from planned order: Individual Conversion: C040
Creation of Production order from planned order: Collective Conversion: CO41
Creation of Production order from planned order: Partial Conversion: CO48
Creation of Production order from planned order: Individual Display Screen: MD13
Creation of Production order from planned order: Collective Display Screen: MD16
Creation of Production order using a material code: CO01
Creation of Production order using a sales order reference: CO08
Process order creation transaction codes
Stock Requirement List Individual Display: MD04
Stock Requirement List Collective Display: MD07
Creation of Process Order from planned order: Individual Conversion: C0R7
Creation of Process Order from planned order: Collective Conversion: COR8
Creation of Process Order from planned order: Partial Conversion: COR7_PC
Creation of Process Order from planned order: Individual Display Screen: MD13
Creation of Process Order from planned order: Collective Display Screen: MD16
Creation of Process Order using a material code: COR1
Creating a Production Order / Process Order in SAP
Creating a Production Order / Process Order in SAP
Following Text boxes, one by one, will explain SAP Production order / Process Order creation
SAP Order Creation - Order Creation Selection Screen & Order Header Screen
Enter the following in the Order Creation Selection Screen
When you are converting a planned order to a SAP production/process order, there is no necessity to enter anything on the selection screen. The selection screen entries are required for entry if you are manually creating an order.
Enter the Material for which you are creating a Production Order for
Production Plant
Enter the Plant code where the production order is to be created.
Planning Plant
This is the plant where order is executed and produced. If the production plant is equal to planning plant there is no need to enter the planning plant.
If you wish to use the special procurements key like “production in alternate plant”, you can use the planning plant as the plant where goods receipt is to take place and the production plant is the plant where the actual production happens.
Order type
Order type is a like a document type against which you will be producing the order. Order type contains a list of controls that decide how the order is to be created and processed.
An order type decides the number range of the order, the method in which the Routing/Recipes and/or the BOM is pulled in the order, documentation of order information and goods movements, Batch determination search procedures, reservation creation possibilities and the order costing controls.
Production / Process order number
If the Production order number and the process order number are defined for external numbering, then in that case you need to provide a number up to 12 characters.
Copy from Option
SAP has provided options to copy from an existing Production order, when it does this it creates one more order with the same order type, header material code and the same plant. It copies the component list, the operation list and all the field values from the reference order.
Enter the following in the Order Header Screen : General Tab
If you are converting a planned order to production order, the order is created with the entire order header fields pre-populated (field values pulled in from the planned order)
If you are manually creating a production order, you would have to enter the values for all the fields.
Total Quantity
Enter the quantity that is required for production. This quantity is inclusive of the scrap quantity. The entered order quantity increases by the percentage of scrap entered in the scrap field.
Any assembly scrap percentage maintained in the MRP1 View increases the total quantity and enters a percentage and quantity in the scrap field. Assembly scrap allows you to produce more than the ordered quantity to cover for scraps that may occur in the production process during order execution.
Delivered Quantity
An amount is populated in this field, which is equal to the amount received in to stock for the order.
Scheduling Types
Forward Scheduling: If Order Start date is entered, the Order Finish Date is derived by the system.
Backward Scheduling: If Order Finish date is entered, the order Start Date is derived by the system.
Current Date Scheduling: The System plans the order on today’s date, both start and finish date are today’s date.
Only Capacity Requirement Scheduling: This option allows you to enter the start and finish dates as you wish.
Schedule Margin Keys
The Schedule Margin Keys holds the Floats before and after production, the release period given to the users to release the order from the order start date and the opening period given to the users to convert the planned order to production order.
The floats in production increase the total lead time of production by adding the floats or buffers to the lead time.
Order Dates/Times and scheduling types
When you are creating a production order from a planned order, the dates are borne in from the planned order.
But if you are creating an order manually then these dates are calculated from the task list (Routing/Recipe) pulled in the order. You can choose a scheduling type as required (or have it preconfigured in the order type scheduling parameter)
Order Start and Finish date/time & Forward Scheduling
If an order start date is entered and Forward Scheduling is chosen, then the system calculates the order finish date by adding up the Routing operations standard value times (the system schedules forward in such cases).
Derivation of the dates based on Routing/Recipe is called lead time scheduling.
Forward scheduling is fit for use when you always have enough capacity available or in the case of made-to-order when the customer is not so hesitant over the delivery dates (in other words delivery dates are flexible)
Steps SAP Uses in Calculating the Dates :
Step 1: Enter the Order Basic Start Date
Step 2: Adds the “Floats before Production” to derive the Schedule Start Date
Step 3: Uses the Routing/Recipe for lead time scheduling to derive the Scheduled Finish Date
Step 4: Add the “Floats after Production” to derive the Order Basic Finish Date
For example:
If there are 2 operations with some standard values as below and the order quantity is 15 Units:
Routing/Recipe Master Data:
Operation 0010: Casting: 1 HR/Unit
Operation 0020: Finishing and Packaging: 1HR/Unit
Total time at 0010 for executing the order : 1 HR X 15 Units = 15 HRS
Total time at 0020 for executing the order : 1 HR X 15 Units = 15 HRS
Schedule Margin Keys:
If Floats before production = 2 Days and Floats after production = 1 Days
Calculating Dates:
§ Enter Order Basic Start Date/Time as = 25th Dec 2010 (00:00 AM)
§ Add 2 Days as Floats before Production: 27th Dec 2010 (00:00 AM) which is equal to = Order Scheduled Start Date/Time.
§ Derive the Order Scheduled Finish Date from Lead time forward scheduling :28th Dec 2010 (06:00) as calculated below :
§ Add 1 Day of Floats after production : 29th Dec 2010 (06:00) = this is the Order Basic Finish Date
Example illustration :
Order Finish Date /time & Backward Scheduling
If an order finish date is entered and Backward Scheduling is chosen, then the system calculates the order Start date by adding up the Routing operations standard value times (the system schedules forward in such cases).
Backward scheduling is fit for use when you always have enough capacity constraints or in the case of made-to-order when the customer is hesitant over the delivery dates (in other words delivery dates are fixed)
Steps SAP Uses in Calculating the Dates :
Step 1: Enter the Order Basic Finish Date
Step 2: Subtract the “Floats after Production” to derive the Schedule Finish Date
Step 3: Use the Routing/Recipe for lead time scheduling to derive the Scheduled Start Date
Step 4: Subtract the “Floats before Production” to derive the Order Basic Start Date
For example :
If there are 2 operations with some standard values as below and the order quantity is 15 Units:
Routing/Recipe Master Data:
Operation 0010: Casting: 1 HR/Unit
Operation 0020: Finishing and Packaging: 1HR/Unit
Total time at 0010 for executing the order: 1 HR X 15 Units = 15 HRS
Total time at 0020 for executing the order: 1 HR X 15 Units = 15 HRS
Schedule Margin Keys:
If Floats before production = 2 Days and Floats after production = 1 Days
Calculating Dates:
§ Enter Order Basic Finish Date/Time as = 29th Dec 2010 (06:00)
§ Subtract 1 Days as Floats after Production: 28th Dec 2010 (06:00 AM) which is equal to = Order Scheduled Finish Date/Time.
§ Derive the Order Scheduled Start Date from Lead time forward scheduling: 27th Dec 2010 (00:00) as calculated below.
§ Subtract 2 Day of Floats before production : 25th Dec 2010 (00:00 AM) = this is the Order Basic Start Date
Order Start/Finish Dates and Current Date Scheduling
When you do not enter any value for the order start date or orders finish date and choose the scheduling type as “Current Date Scheduling”, the system enters the start and finish dates as “today’s date”.
Order Start/Finish Dates and Only Capacity Requirement Scheduling
When you choose to enter both the order start date and orders finish date manually then in that case you should choose the scheduling type as “Only Capacity Requirement Scheduling”.
Order Start/Finish Dates and Forward in Time Scheduling
If order start date/time both are entered and Forward in Time Scheduling is chosen, then the system calculates the order finish date and time by adding up the Routing operations standard value times (the system schedules forward in such cases).
The only difference here is that along with Order Start date you can also enter the order start time and allow the system to calculate the order Finish date and time.
Order Start/Finish Dates and Backward in Time Scheduling
If order Finish date/time both are entered and Backward in Time Scheduling is chosen, then the system calculates the order Start date and time by adding up the Routing operations standard value times (the system schedules forward in such cases).
The only difference here is that along with Order Finish date you can also enter the order finish time and allow the system to calculate the Order start date and time.
Scheduled Start Date
The Scheduled start date is always equal to the Basic Order start date, if floats don’t exists. But if you include schedule margin keys with a value of “Floats before production”, the scheduled start date is calculated.
Scheduled Finish Date
The Scheduled Finish date is always equal to the Basic Order Finish date, if floats don’t exists. But if you include schedule margin keys with a value of “Floats after production”, the scheduled finish date is calculated.
SAP Order Creation - Order Header Assignment Tab
Enter the following in the Order Header Screen: Assignment Tab
Not a Mandatory Tab for Data Entry: The fields in the assignment tab are not mandatory for entry by a consultant or user while creating an order.
MRP Controller / Production Scheduler:
Automatically Pulled in: MRP Controller and the Production Scheduler is pulled in from the header material master. MRP Controller is the person who plans and converts the planned order in to production order.
If you haven’t maintained the data in the Material Master of the order material, then you still have an opportunity to enter it right away in the order.
Supposedly, the job of the MRP controller ends there and the job of the Production scheduler comes in.
The production scheduler is supposedly the person who manages the order and executes it in the shop floor. A production scheduler can be the shop floor supervisor.
In many cases the MRP controller and the Production Scheduler is kept as the same.
Configuration: You can configure MRP controllers and Production Schedulers in Transaction code OPPQ and OPJ9 respectively.
Production Plant / Planning Plant
The Production plant and the planning plant is brought in from the selection screen.
Sales order number / Sales order Line item
If you are in a Made-to-Order Scenario and the production order is created from a requirement arising from Customer Sales order. You can trace the production order or process order for the customer sales order, for its progress.
In a made-to-stock scenario there is no connection at all with the customer order or the customer number. In a made-to-stock situation the production is carried out to stock and supply from that stock to satisfy any incoming sales order.
Business area
The business area is determined via the division defined in the material master record.
An organizational unit of financial accounting that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization and to which value changes recorded in Financial Accounting can be allocated.
You can create financial statements for business areas, and you can use these statements for various internal reporting purposes.
Inspection lot
When you are carrying out inspection at GR from the order, an inspection lot is created at goods receipt, this inspection lot is updated here.
Planned order
When you are using Material Requirement planning to plan the header material and a planned order is created to cover the demand and subsequently converted to an order; this planned order which is used to convert to this order is populated here.
The planned order once converted to production order is deleted from the system and also removed from the tables. Thus if you try to see this planned order in MD12 or MD13, you wont be able to see it.
Production Version
When the BOM and the Routing/Recipes are selected in the order from a valid material production version, then that production version is populated in the order here.
Reservation Number
Once you create the order, even before releasing the order, the system creates a “reservation number” for the order which contains the list of components (dependent requirements) which would be used to manufacture the product. This reservation list reserves these components for production.
Configuration: You have an option to use these reservations as hard reserving or soft reserving through the scope of availability settings.
Normally the reservations on components are not hard reservations and these components can be used across orders.
Uses of Reservations: Reservation list can be used by the warehouse or the materials department to keep the components ready for production order or process order. Subsequently the same reservation list can be used for staging the materials to the shop floor for issue to the order.
Transaction code: You can see the reservation in MB23 (you cannot change reservations created through an order).
Stock Overview: You can see a column in the MB52 or MMBE that suggests the total quantity reserved for the material.
SAP Order Creation - Order Header Goods Receipt Tab
Enter the following in the Order Header Screen : Goods Receipt Tab
Not Mandatory Tab for Data Entry: This tab is not mandatory for entry by a consultant or user to create an order.
Stock Type
Automatically populated: Stock type field specifies where the stock would be posted when you create a goods receipt for the order through MB31 or MIGO transaction codes.
If Quality management is active for the header material master and there is an inspection type maintained in the material master to support ‘inspection at goods receipt from order’, the proposed stock type in which case is “Quality Inspection” and if not, the system would always propose unrestricted stock type (free for use stock type).
The default GR stock type is “unrestricted stock type” where the stock is free for use.
You can also decide to receive the goods into blocked stock (this can be done manually in the production order).
Think over it: Though it is also possible that the “GR storage location” is designed to book receipts into “blocked stock only” in which case, the goods will always be posted into blocked stock, no matter what.
GR Processing time
It is pulled in from the MRP views of the Header Material Master
Goods Receipt Indicator / delivery Complete Indicator
Once GR is done for the order, the indicators are automatically updated.
Goods receipt Storage location
Automatically Updated: If you have included a Production storage location for the header in the material master MRP 2 View, the same is populated here during order creation.
The second option is to get the Production Storage Location from the Production Version.
If there is no Storage location maintained in Material Master or the Production Version, you can enter one directly here, though it’s not mandatory. In which case you will not find any Storage location defaulted at the time of GR from Order, and you have an opportunity to enter one there.
If you are creating a Batch Master for the header material at the order header level, i.e., all the goods receipts which will be created from the order will be mandatorily for this batch.
Why do you create batch at header level : When you are damn sure that you will always use only one batch to receive goods from an order, then you have an opportunity to fix the batch number in the production order release or create mode itself. You can also classify this batch with values which are required to be populated prior to production start. The creation of batch at the header level may also be required in cases where the product labels are printed prior to goods receipt and they require the batch number to be on it.
Automatically created : This batch is automatically created when you create or release the order. But if you want to overwrite it with another batch number you can certainly do so.
Configuration required: For creating a batch at the header level, you have to use SPRO transaction code CORW, where you can set-No automatic Batch creation, Automatic Batch creation at order release or Automatic Batch creation at order create. At the same time you can decide to have the batch classified in the order or not and if you decide to classify the batch it can be either in the foreground (in the production order screen itself) or in the background. Note that this configuration is done at a plant & production Scheduler Profile level.
Order Delivery Tolerances
The “tolerance value” is automatically pulled in from the material master.
These are tolerances with which an order quantity can be received in stock or confirmed in SAP.
If you maintain under-delivery tolerance: This means that the order can be received in stock or confirmed with a quantity lesser than the order quantity as decided by the under-delivery tolerance percentage entered in this field.
The final confirmations and the order GR only allows the quantity allowed by the under-delivery tolerance. For example if the order quantity is 100 and the under-delivery tolerance is 20%, then the system allows only 80 units to be confirmed in the confirmation screen and once you reach 80 units a CNF status is assigned (fully confirmed status) at the same time once you receive 80 units in GR, the system assigns a fully delivered (DLV status) to the order and you can receive no more now.
If you maintain over-delivery tolerance: This means that the order can be received in stock or confirmed with a quantity more than the order quantity as decided by the over-delivery tolerance percentage entered in this field.
The final confirmations and the order GR only allows the quantity allowed by the over-delivery tolerance. For example if the order quantity is 100 and the over-delivery tolerance is 20%, then the system allows only 120 units to be confirmed in the confirmation screen and once you reach 120 units a CNF status is assigned (fully confirmed status) at the same time once you receive 120 units in GR, the system assigns a fully delivered (DLV status) to the order and you can receive no more now.
If you maintain unlimited delivery: You can receive more or less than the quantity required. This is very risky and must be used when the business is damn sure of what they are doing. This can be a situation, when the organization does not know how much more or less they might receive from the order (use this sensibly).
SAP Order Creation - Order Header Control Data Tab & Dates Tab
Enter the following in the Order Header Screen: Control Data Tab
Not mandatory for data entry: This tab is not mandatory for entry by a consultant or user to create an order.
All the fields in this tab are brought in from order type dependent parameter configuration or order type scheduling parameter configuration. You don’t have to do much here J
Fields values pulled in from “Order type dependent parameter” configuration
Create Reservations/Purchase Requisition: Defining when the reservations and purchase requisitions for non-stock material should be created.
Costing Variant Plan:
Costing Sheet ID:
RA key:
Planned Cost Calculations: determines when the planned cost should be created, to be created at the point of saving or saving after release.
Costing Variant for Actual Costs:
Overhead Key:
Variance Key:
Fields values pulled in from “Order type scheduling parameter” configuration
The below configuration values are pulled in from the order type scheduling parameters which is used to control the scheduling and capacity generation for the order.
Calculate Capacity Requirements: If this is selected, then the capacity requirements are generated for each of the operations/work centers/resources in the order.
Exact Breaks: If this is selected, then Scheduling should consider breaks.
Schedule Automatically: This indicator is set at release, and it means that the order will be scheduled at the time of saving the order, every time you make a change to the operations details.
Production Scheduling Profile
The Production Scheduling contains a set of control for the production order, it is not mandatory to maintain a scheduling profile in the order.
Normally a profile is pulled in from the Material Master of the production material. If you have not maintained one, you still have a chance to maintain one here, in the order.
Actions and control included in the Scheduling profile are:
Automatic Release on Creation
Automatic Linking documents on Creation
Automatic Printing of Order on Release
Automatic Scheduling of Order on Release
Automatic Linking of documents on Release
Automatic Creation of Control Recipe on Release
Automatic Goods Receipt from order during Confirmation of last operation
Allowing confirmation or reservation of only an available partial quantity for components in component list of an order.
Assign a Capacity Leveling Profile, if you are wishing to use “Availability check for Capacity” in the order.
If you wish to use capacity Availability checks in order, then you also need to maintain the Finite Scheduling indicator.
Controls for Automatic Batch creation in an order and batch classifying settings if required (specifying automatic batch creation at release or save and classifying in the foreground or background).
Allowing entering a default order type for the plant while creating an order.
Enter the following in the Order Header Screen: Qtys and Date Tab:
This tab gives you an overview of the quantities and Dates
SAP Order Creation - Order Header Dates, Master Data, Long Text & Admin Tab
View the following in the Order Header Screen: Master Data, Long Text and Adminstrative Tab
The dates/quantities tab will go on filling in the order specific dates and quantities information. This is self explanatory.
The master data tab contains the BOM and the Routing/Recipe information which is used to create the order.
There is one more tab at the end which is called the administrative tab which is stores the information on who created the order and on which date.
Enter the following in the Order Header Screen: Long Text Tab
The order header, long text tab is free for use to insert any order specific information in it. Long text is an unlimited space to enter process or production related values. Unlike the short text, the long text has no limitation of characters that can be used. The short text normally has only 40 characters to use from.
View the following in the Order Header Screen: Administrative Tab:
This tab gives you information on the date the order was created and the user who created the order
SAP Order Creation - Operation Overview and Detail Screen
Enter the following in the Order Operation Overview Screen & Operation Detail Screen
Operation Overview Screen:
The order operation overview screen contains the list of operations assigned with work centers/resources and arranged in a sequence of processing.
You can see the operation list only when the Routing/Recipe is pulled in to the order. Nevertheless you can change the operation list in the order as required.
Adding or Removing Operations:
You can add “+” you own operations in the order or you can remove operations “-”, if required. When you add an operation, it is not mandatory at all the add a work center or control key or a description, thus you can escape without entering any field values in the operation overview or the operation detail screen.
Atleast one operation should exist in the Order Operation list: The selection of Routing/Recipe in an order can be configured as any one of the option in the table below. But when you have chosen the option where the selection of Routing/Recipe is Mandatory, a task list has to be pulled in the order, or else the creation of order aborts. But when you have chosen the option of Routing/Recipe selection optional and a task list selection is not mandatory and the order can still be created provided you have configured a default operation for the order type. Therefore we can say that the operation overview of an order requires atleast one operation in it for the order to get created.
The relevance of all the field in an operation overview and operation detail screen is explained in detail in the SAP Routing/Recipe section of this website:
Operation Overview fields in a Production Order:
Operation Number
Sub operation
Work center
Control Key
Standard Text
Operation description
Current Operation Status
Operation Start Dates
Operation Finish Dates
Indicator: whether components are assigned to it
Indicator: whether PRT’s are assigned to it
Indicator: whether Trigger points are assigned to it
The Operation Overview field in a Process order contains:
Operation number
Phase number
Control Recipe Destination
Control Key
Standard Text
Operation/Phase Description
Current Operation/Phase Status
Operation/Phase Start Dates
Operation/Phase Finish Dates
Indicator to show for each operation, whether components are assigned to it
Indicator to show for each operation, whether PRT’s are assigned to it
Indicator to show for each operation, whether Trigger points are assigned to it
Operation Detail Screen:
The Operation detail screen can be accessed to edit or view, in an order by selecting the operations/s or phase/s, using the following path:
When you add an operation to the order, you have to enter the field values included in the operation overview screen. These field values in an operation overview or in the operation detail screen are not mandatory for entry when you add an operation.
All the fields of the operation detail from the Routing/Recipe are pulled in the order and are arranged in a “tabular” fashion.
The relevance of all the field in an operation detail screen is explained in detail in the SAP Routing/Recipe section of this website:
Sub-operation dates
This is a display only tab in the operation detail screen and it shows the start dates and finish dates for the sub-operations assigned to the operation. This option is not included in the process manufacturing. In process manufacturing you have phases assigned to operations and there is no trace of sub-operations in process manufacturing.
This is a display tab in the operation detail screen and it shows the quantities that are to be confirmed and that which are already confirmed. It also shows the scrap quantities, both planned and confirmed.
Confirmed dates
It shows the operation start and finish dates, both planned and confirmed dates.
Assignment of capacity requirements:
At the operation detail level you make assignments of the individual capacities declared in the work center, i.e. you can actually decide which machine or labor is to be actually used to execute the operation and also split up the total operation quantity between the capacities. Splitting the operation quantities between the individual capacities reduces the total operation lead time and gives you accurate information on the machine or labor that was used for execution. This facility is only available for discrete manufacturing or repetitive manufacturing (if you use production orders there).
Scheduling and Capacity Generation in an order:
Operation Scheduling and Capacity Generation: The operation standard values derived (machine time, set up time, teardown time, utilities consumption) is a direct proportionate of the order quantity. When you schedule an order, the scheduling formula and the capacity generation formula for each operation derives the total lead time for each operation. When we add the operation lead times we get the total order lead time. Note that this has been explained in several topics before.
Planned Costing Requirements: At the same when the system calculates the operation lead times (scheduling and capacity requirement generation) using the standard values like machine time, set up time and teardown time, it also calculates the planned cost for each of the standard value (if a costing formula is assigned to the standard values in the work center/resources).
Planned cost generation example:
For an operation which is assigned to a work center/resource called “Finishing”, the following standard value are assigned for a base quantity of 1 Unit
Similarly the costs are calculated at all the operations in the routings.
SAP Order Creation - Component Overview Screen
Enter the following in the Order Component Overview Screen
Component Overview Screen:
Component Detail Screen:
The Component overview screen contains the List of components pulled in from the BOM. The quantities are proportionate to the Order quantity. The Quantity required of each component is called the requirement quantity.
Every component that is pulled in from the Standard BOM would be represented as a Line Item in the Component overview screen.
When you are in the creation mode of the order, the standard BOM is pulled in and a reservation list is created by the system which contains these components. A reservation list is a direct copy of the component list.
Adding or Removing Components
You can add “+” you own component in the order component overview screen or you can remove components “-”, if required. When you add an components, the system forces you to enter the following:
Operation number to which it should be assigned to
The Item category of the component
The Component quantity required for production of the order quantity
The Unit of Measure of the component if the same is not maintained in the Material Master or BOM
The Plant of the component is defaulted to the Production Plant of the order, in cases where you are issuing a component from alternate plant, it would pick up the same from the material master's Special procurement key - withdraw from alternate plant
If the Component added is a Phantom Header Material, the system needs you to choose addition of component with BOM Explosion or without BOM explosion. If you add the Phantom Material with BOM explosion then the components of the Phantom Material BOM are pulled in the order and if you add the Phantom Material without BOM explosion, only the Phantom Material itself is pulled in the order
Every Line item in the Component Overview screen contains the following:
Line item number
The line item number normally increases in an increament of 0010. This is configured in the order dependant parameters.
b) Component
This is the component number brought in from the Standard BOM.
c) Component Description
The component description is the standard component's material master description. This description cannot be changed in SAP. It can only be changed in the material master change transaction code.
d) Component quantity required for the order & UOM
Component quantity or the requirement quantity, is the standard BOM quantity multipled by the Order quantity. Though if there is a scrap quantity maintained at the order level or the component level, this requriement quantity is increased by the scrap percentage.
You can manually change this quantity in the productin order.
UOM : The component UOM is fetched directly from the standard BOM. This is also know as the issue UOM. The material when it will be issued to the order, it will be issued in the UOM mentioned here.
e) Component Storage location as brought in from
This is the component storage location from which the material would be issued to the order.
- the material master: Issue Storage location field or
- the standard BOM: Issue storage location at component level
you can change the issue storage location manually in the order.
f) Component Item Category
- "L" for Stock Item
- "N" for Non Stock Item
- "C" for Class item used in Variant Configuration
If the item category for the component is "N" then the system creates a Purchase requisition (PR) in the order for the component procurement. This PR is inturn converted to Purchase order (PO). The item category is also changeable in the order.
Configuration Dependancy for creation of Purchase Requisition:
This setting is also relevant for creation of reservations. Thus we can say that for creation of reservation and PR, you can configure as following:
-If the Order dependant parameters settings allow for creation of PR/Reservations at order creation, the option 3 - "immediately" will be choosen.
-If the setting allow for creation "at release", then the PR/Reservations are created at order creation stage itself.
-If you set it to "Never", the PR/Reservations are never created.
From release
g) Component Plant
The component plant in most of the cases is production order plant unless and untill you are using withdrawl from other plant for the component. To Use Withdrawl from other plant you have to mark the special procurement key of the component in the material master as "Withdrawl from alternate plant".
h) Component BackFlush Indicator
If the Component is marked as Backflush component in the material master or in the work center where it is assigned to, the backflush indicator would be selected.
Though you can select this indicator manually.
If this indicator is set, the component would be issued automatically in the background during operation or order confirmation.
i) Operation assigned to
The operation to which the component is assigned to will be defaulted in the production order, if you have done a component allocation in the Routing or Recipe or in the BOM.
If you have not allocated the component to the operations, the system will default to the first operation number.
j) Requirement date
The Requirement date equal to the operation start date (to which the comopent is allocated to) is populated for the component. This date can be changed if the operation start date is changed or rescheduled.
k) Withdrawn Quantity
The Withdrawn quantity is the amount of quantity of the component issued to the order till date.
l) Component Usage Probability
The component usage probability is brought in from the standard BOM.
If the component are placed in an Alternate group with prorities and strategies, the usage probability will be calculated in the order component overview.
You can nevertheless change this percentage allocation manually.
j) Reservation number & Reservation Item number
Every component in the component overview screen becomes part of the reservation list. Therefore every component will contain the Reservation number and Reservation Item number.
The Production order reservations cannot be changed. They are only for display.
Configuration Dependancy for creation of Reservations:
If the Order dependant parameters settings allow for creation of Reservations at order creation, the option 3 - "immediately" will be choosen.
If the setting allow for creation "at release", then the reservations are created at order creation stage itself.
If you set it to "Never", the reservations are never created.
From release
Reservation List and Picking List
The Reservation list created from a production order can only be viewed through the use of transaction code MB23. You cannot change the order reservation nor create one.
You can use the reservation list to Stage material from Inventory Warehouse to Shop Floor Issue storage location.
Picking List - For every production order or for every reservation list, a picking list is created. You can use the picking list to issue material to the production order. Picking list is included in Tcode MB26.
SAP Order Creation - Releasing the order
Releasing an order:
When the order is under the creation mode or the order is under a change mode, you can release an order. The Production order header screen or the Operation Screens or the component screens have a "Green Flag" button on the top to release an order as shown below:
Releasing an order will trigger the following activities:
Releasing an order would change the "CRTD status of the order to "REL"
Releasing would start allowing order confirmations
Releasing would start allowing goods issues to the order
Releasing would start allowing goods receipts from an order
Before Release, the system would carry out an material availability check, if configured:
The Material Availability checks would check the stock availability of all the components and if the materials are not available the system would generate a "missing part list" showing the shortage quantities.
As per the Order availabillity checking rules and controls configuration, the system allows or disallows the Release of order, incase of shortages.
Before Release, the system would carry out an Capacity availability check, if configured:
You can also configure the system to carry out capacity availability checks before release of the order, through the order avialability checking rule and controls.
But to have the capacity availability checked, you should mark the work centers as relevant to "Finite Scheduling" and the Production Scheduling profiles and capacity profiles should be configured for capacity availability checks.
The Capacity Availability checks works only in Orders and through the use of this functionality you can decide on loading the work centers when they are free and available for use. The system would prompt the free spaces also.
SAP Order Creation - Saving the order
SAP order creation - Saving the order:
When you are ready to save the Order, you should press the save button at the top of the screen.
Saving the order would save all your changes.
If you have not given any external numbering to the order, SAP will generate an internal number as shown below.
The following screens would explain you the same:
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