Stay connected with the AGORA Project news by joining our Collaboration without any obligation, and by being on our Collaboration-wide mailing list.  Simply send an email to the Project coordinatorContact us if you have any other question, too! 


[New!]  [05/14/2023]  Wrapping up the first AGORA Mini-Workshop in Seoul  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

Thank you very much for contributing to the AGORA's first successful regional mini-workshop at Seoul National University, Korea!  We had an incredibly productive 2-day discussion about the present and future of AGORA.  Our meeting notes can be found in the links below:   

The link to the slides presented by the participants during the preceding science talk sessions, can be found in the “Detailed Program” on this page:  


A general summary of the workshop is the following:

● 1- Three new projects led by Thinh, Ramón, and Minyong are in progress with a very solid timeline ahead (Papers “Mergers", "Satellite Quenching", “Disk Morphology”; potentially Paper VII to IX).  They will work to have a complete draft ready for discussed at the next workshop in August (more info below).  We congratulate the three of them for their tremendous work!

● 2- Several new projects are ongoing but with somewhat longer timelines.  In particular, Papers “HighresRun” and “High-z Comparison” are in a preparatory phase with only some groups participating.  As soon as these groups get their first results, these will be presented to the AGORA community and new groups will be invited to participate.  Similarly, the “SKIRT-Mocks+Morphology” project will be led by a few groups and experts/interested individuals and will be presented to the community when it is more mature.

● 3- There are several satellite projects that, although related to AGORA, will be published outside the Collaboration.  These include a new halo finder algorithm developed by Kirk Barrow that will be combined with a particle tracking method developed by Ramón, to follow the halos during the final stages of mergers.  Also, the “AGN-Isolated” project (only driven by the GADGET and ENZO groups) or the ARAGORN-DM run (ARrakihs-AGORa) are parallel to the Collaboration, but not entirely within it.

● 4- Online meetings:  We will resume our bi-monthly online meetings, starting in late June or early July.  We will send out a Doodle poll to set the date.  With these meetings, we hope to follow up on all the ongoing AGORA Papers and speed up their progress.

● 5- The authorship policy change:  In the future papers using the “CosmoRun” data, the code leaders will be moved to the third set of authors instead of the second set, which will be for the main contributors/analyzers.

● 6- Data release:  We will release the data at specific redshifts (3, 2, 1, 0) and the metadata (centers, general properties, merger trees) via FlatHub.  We will prepare an ArXiv note for the next online meeting.

● 7- Next workshops:  On August 8, 2024 (PDT), the 12th annual AGORA Workshop will be held online, with some participants joining us in person from Santa Cruz.  Please visit the AGORA website for more details (  Since we have found that having a mini-workshop between the annual workshops is very effective, another mini-workshop is planned in Osaka, Japan, hosted by Kentaro Nagamine in the spring of 2025 (tentatively).  In August 2025, we will have our regular annual workshop back in Santa Cruz.  In the spring of 2026 (tentatively), we will have yet another mini-workshop in Lund, Sweden, hosted by Santi Roca-Fàbrega and Oscar Agertz.


Of course, we discussed all these and many other topics in a great detail, which you can find in the meeting notes.  If you have any question or would like to participate in any of the ongoing/future projects, please contact the Project Coordinator (  

Many thanks once again for all your help and support for AGORA!  


Santi, Ji-hoon and Joel on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [02/09/2024AGORA Papers on arXiv + Registration Open (AGORA Mini-workshop)  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

We are pleased to share the news that AGORA Papers IV to VI are becoming available on arXiv.  Also, we announce that the registration is open for the first AGORA mini-workshop from May 7-10, in Seoul, Korea. 


[1]  AGORA Papers on arXiv

Here are the three papers that have just appeared or will very soon appear on arXiv.  We congratulate all the people who contributed to these papers, which took a truly Herculean effort to complete.  All this and more can also be found on the recently updated AGORA website.  

- Paper IV (a.k.a. “CosmoRun-2” / ApJ submitted): [arXiv] [intro video]

- Paper V (a.k.a. “Satellites” / ApJ accepted): [arXiv] [intro video]

- Paper VI (a.k.a. “CGM” / ApJ accepted): [arXiv] [intro video]

[2]  AGORA Mini-workshop Registration

As announced last month, we are delighted to tell you that the joint conference titled "AGORA in Asia + 5th Numerical Galaxy Formation Meeting in Korea" will be held at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, from May 7-10, 2024.  

- Please visit the workshop website to learn more about the workshop rationale and its tentative program; and register by March 5 if you’d like to join us.  We will arrange an online AGORA session in the Thursday afternoon, May 9 to share our progress with the registered remote participants in the US and European time zones.  If you wish to join this online Collaboration-wide brainstroming discussion, please register (registration required to receive a Zoom link).  While non-AGORA members are welcome to join the AGORA portion of the week (May 9-10), we will encourage them to sign up for the Collaboration in advance (without any obligation).  

- In light of the three AGORA papers recently submitted/accepted to ApJ, we plan to use this mini-workshop to (re)introduce the Project, facilitate discussions about ongoing and future efforts (e.g., Papers "Mergers-I/II", "Satellite Quenching”, etc), and identify new projects with inputs from new and experienced Collaboration members.  This will be a great chance to find synergies between the ever-growing numerical astrophysics community in Korea/Asia and the emerging science opportunities from the new and ongoing AGORA simulations. 


Please feel free to forward this page to anyone potentially interested, especially to the young numerical astrophysicists who are looking for opportunities to participate in the science comparison in AGORA, and/or to present his/her work at the Numerical Galaxy Formation meeting. 

Thank you very much, and we will hope to see you in Seoul/online soon!


Santi, Joel, and Ji-hoon

● [01/05/2024]  Save the date: AGORA mini-workshop in Seoul, May 7-10, 2024  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues, 

We wish you a Happy New Year 2024!  After much discussion in the telecon last month and afterwards, we are pleased to announce that the first “AGORA mini-workshop" will be held from May 7-10, 2024 at Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea.  For now, this is a “Save the Date” announcement, and the registration will open in early February, so please stay tuned.  

[1]  Mini-workshop Rationale:

In light of the three AGORA Papers to be posted on the arXiv this month (Papers IV to VI: “CosmoRun-2”, “Satellites”, “CGM”), we plan to hold this mini-workshop to (re)introduce the Project, give a boost to the ongoing efforts (Papers "Mergers-I", "Mergers-II", "Satellite Quenching”), and identify exciting projects with inputs from new and experienced collaboration members.  This will also serve as a regional workshop, so we will also aim to introduce the AGORA Project to the Asia region, and have an opportunity to hear from the galaxy simulation community there.  

[2]  (Tentative) Program:

We are planning the mini-workshop in two parts: 

● On May 7-8 (Tue-Wed), we plan to hold joint sessions with the 5th "Numerical Galaxy Formation Meeting" in Korea, an annual meeting by the Korean galaxy simulation community that has grown despite the hardships of COVID-19.  We will welcome participants to give talks and extend our invitation to the wider Asian region and beyond.  This will be a great opportunity to find common interests and projects to work on, and to promote ongoing AGORA efforts.   

● On May 9-10 (Thu-Fri), we will have working sessions for ongoing AGORA Papers, and a brainstorming session on Collaboration-wide issues.  We may arrange online sessions in the afternoon (e.g., 15:00pm KST) to share our progress with the registered remote participants in the US and European time zones (e.g., 23:00pm PDT, 08:00am CEST).  FYI, the latest Collaboration progress report + online meeting notes can be found in our usual Workspace (membership required).  

[3]  Timeline, Logistics:

● Important timeline

- Jan. 5:  "Save the Date" announcement

- Feb. 1 (tentative):   Registration and workshop webpage opens 

- Feb. 26 (tentative):  Registration closes

- May 7:  AGORA mini-workshop begins  (Note that May 5-6 is a national holiday in Korea.)  

● We are planning to hold the workshop on the main campus of SNU, and are trying to arrange for a block of rooms at the university's on-campus hotel for international participants (link; there is a direct shuttle bus connection between this hotel and the ICN/Seoul Airport, almost door to door).  We have secured some funds that will hopefully help pay for the conference rooms, lunches, and a banquet.  You are welcome to stay and work before and after the workshop.  

● We aim to iron out all the logistical details, and open the registration in early February, to accompany the three AGORA Papers that will be posted on the arXiv in late January.  This will be a great opportunity to attract more participants to AGORA.  


Please contact the Project coordinator (Ji-hoon) if you have *any* questions/comments about the workshop, and stay tuned for future announcements.  Please also feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested, especially those who wish to perform science-oriented simulation comparisons.

Thank you very much!


Ji-hoon, Santi, and Joel on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

[08/16/2023]  Wrapping up the 11th AGORA Workshop  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

Thank you very much for contributing to this year’s AGORA Workshop (11th already!).  

    Our meeting notes can be found in the links below:  

    In addition, the following page includes an updated IC for Paper “HighresRun” which we extensively discussed as one of the future Papers:

    Also, on Friday 11, Joel gave a great review for the status of the Project.  The slides for more AGORA-related talks can be found on the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop website.


As we discussed, we hope to post 3 papers on the arXiv later this year — Papers “CosmoRun2”, “CGM”, “Satellites” (2 already submitted to ApJ + 1 soon to be submitted).  It is also very exciting to see other projects coming into shape — such as Papers “Mergers-I/II”, “AGN-Isolated”, “HighresRun” — that will utilize existing and future AGORA simulations.  Please visit the discussion notes above for more information.  If you wish to join any of these efforts or have any question, please feel free to contact the Project Coordinator (  Separate emails will be sent soon to schedule telecons for ongoing sub-projects.

Thank you very much once again for all your help and support for AGORA over the years!  


Joel, Santi and Ji-hoon on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [05/22/2023]  Announcing the 11th AGORA Workshop (Aug. 11-12, 2023[Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the 11th Workshop of the AGORA Project will be held at UC Santa Cruz, Aug. 11-12, at the heels of the annual Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2023.  


This year’s AGORA Workshop will be Aug. 11-12 right after the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop, Aug. 7-11.  On Friday 11, the AGORA Workshop and the Galaxy Workshop will hold joint sessions on high-resolution galaxy simulations.  On Saturday 12, we will have working sessions for ongoing AGORA Papers, and a brainstorming session on Collaboration-wide topics.  Registered remote participants will receive Zoom links for the Saturday morning discussion (starting at 09:30 PDT).   You are welcomed to stay and work on Sunday 13, too.  

In-person participation is encouraged for the Collaboration members who have been actively engaged in the ongoing projects and those who are willing to contribute more in the future.  We also ask a student/postdoc to contact us who is interested in helping the future AGORA analysis!  If you cannot make it in person, you are most welcomed to join us on Saturday 12 via remote connection (registration required to receive a Zoom link).

- Registration: 

- Tentative program, logistics, etc:  (note: different from Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop)  

- Latest Collaboration progress report + links to online meeting notes:  (membership required)


Please fill out the registration by July 5 if you wish to attend this year's Workshop — in-person or online.  Please do so even if you've already been invited and registered to the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop (, so we can have an accurate head count for planning.  (FYI, if you wish to join the Galaxy Workshop in-person, too, during the main week Aug. 7-11 and/or the preceding and following week Jul. 31-Aug. 4 and 14-18, please talk to Avishai Dekel now at and register separately.)  There will be a nominal registration fee to be collected on site in order to cover the breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday 12.  


Please forward this message to anyone potentially interested, especially to young simulators who hope to participate in the AGORA science comparisons.  If you’d like to newly participate in any of the ongoing efforts in the progress report above or have any question, please contact the Project Coordinator, Ji-hoon Kim (  We look forward to seeing you in-person or online in August!  


Joel and Ji-hoon on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [08/29/2022]  Wrapping up the 10th AGORA Workshop  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

Huge thanks to all those who contributed to this year’s AGORA Workshop (especially to Joel who kindly hosted the Workshop once again after 2-year hiatus)!  

    The discussion agenda/notes can be found in the link below.  The relevant part of the meeting notes have been transferred to the two Google Docs, one for Paper “CosmoRun”+“CGM”+“Satellites”, and the other for all other Papers.  Those links can be found in this link, too.  (membership required)

    While we push multiple sub-projects to the finish line, more sub-projects are being formed that will utilize existing and upcoming AGORA simulations.  Please visit the discussion notes above for more information.  If you wish to join any of these efforts,  please send an email to the Project Coordinator ( so we can include you in future communications, and in the relevant Slack channel, etc.  Separate emails will be sent out by Santi/Clayton/Ji-hoon to schedule telecons for ongoing sub-projects.

- Paper “CosmoRun2”  (led by Roca-Fabrega)

- Paper “CGM”  (led by Strawn)

- Paper “Satellites”  (led by Jung, Kim & Kim)

- Paper “CosmoTechnical”  (led by Revaz) 

- Paper “AGN-Isolated”  (led by Oh)

- Papers “HighresRun” and “Clumps”  (led by Ceverino & Lupi)

- Paper “Bars/Spirals”  (proposed by Roca-Fabrega)

- Paper “Powderday-Mocks”  (proposed by Narayanan)

- Paper “Mergers”  (proposed by Barrow)


If any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Thank you very much once again for your continuing support for AGORA!  


Joel, Santi and Ji-hoon on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [05/27/2022]  AGORA simulation snapshots now on FlatHUB  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

As many of you know, a group of us including Santi, Joel, and Ji-hoon with help from Chris Hayward (Flatiron) have worked to post the AGORA simulation snapshots from our Papers II and III on FlatHUB.  Here is the link:  

- AGORA data on FlatHUB: 

- AGORA Paper II:  

- AGORA Paper III:

The “TOOLS+DATA” page of the AGORA public webpage has been modified accordingly to include the links to FlatHUB.  Please let us know if you have any comment/feedback.  

We expect FlatHUB to be the platform where we publicly release the data introduced in AGORA publications.  This includes the upcoming release of the “CosmoRun" snapshots down to z=2 saved at finer time-steps, expected when our Papers “CosmoRun2” and/or “CGM” are published.  

We thank the logistical support by the Flatiron Institute including Chris Hayward and Rachel Somerville!  Thanks also to all other AGORA members whose contributions have kept the Collaboration's spirit healthy and strong.  

With best wishes,

Santi, Joel and Ji-hoon

● [05/23/2022]  Announcing the 10th AGORA Workshop (Aug. 19-20, 2022)  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the 10th Workshop of the AGORA Project will be held at UC Santa Cruz, Aug. 19-20, at the heels of the annual Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2022.  


This year’s AGORA Workshop will be Aug. 19-20 right after the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop, Aug. 15-19.  On Friday 19, the AGORA Workshop and the Galaxy Workshop will hold joint sessions on high-resolution galaxy simulations.  On Saturday 20, we will have working sessions for ongoing AGORA Papers, and a brainstorming session on Collaboration-wide topics.  Registered remote participants will receive Zoom links for the Saturday morning discussion (starting at 09:30 PDT).  

In-person participation is encouraged for the Collaboration members who have been actively engaged in the ongoing projects and have been contacted by the Workshop organizers.  We also ask a student/postdoc to contact us who is interested in helping the future AGORA analysis!  Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we may not be able to host too many on-site participants; however, if you cannot make it, participants are definitely welcomed to join us on Saturday 20 via remote connection.

- Registration: 

- Tentative program, logistics, etc:  (note: different from Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop)  

- Latest Collaboration progress report + links to online meeting notes:  (membership required)


Please fill out the registration by June 10 if you wish to attend this year's Workshop — in-person or online.  Please do so even if you've already been invited and registered to the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop (, so we can have an accurate head count for planning.  (FYI, if you wish to join the Galaxy Workshop in-person, too, during the main week Aug. 15-19 and/or the preceding and following week Aug. 8-12 and 22-26, please talk to Avishai Dekel now at and register separately.)  There will be a nominal registration fee to cover the breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday 20.  You will pay this fee when you register for the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop.  


Please forward this message to anyone potentially interested, especially to young simulators who hope to participate in the AGORA science comparisons.  If you’d like to newly participate in any of the ongoing efforts in the progress report above or have any question, please contact the Project Coordinator, Ji-hoon Kim (  We look forward to seeing you in-person or online in August!  


Joel and Ji-hoon on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [08/14/2021]  Wrapping up the 9th AGORA Workshop  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

Thank you very much to all those who made this year’s AGORA Workshop vibrant and extremely productive!  The discussion notes during the 2-day Workshop can be found below.  (membership required)

    In particular, we have formed multiple new sub-projects for which we will utilize existing and upcoming AGORA simulations, and will carry out explorative studies.  If you wish to join these efforts, please visit the discussion notes in the above link and add your name (check pink-colored sentences).  A separate email will soon be sent by Clayton/Santi/Ji-hoon to those in each of these efforts to schedule the monthly telecon, etc.

- Paper “SFR-PSD”  (proposed by Tacchella) 

- Paper “Chaos”  (proposed by Oh) 

- Paper “IGM-Tomography”  (proposed by Nagamine)

- Paper “AGN-Isolated”  (proposed by Strawn & Nagamine)

- Paper “Morphology”  (proposed by Primack)

- Paper “DM-Highres”  (proposed for relaunch by Primack)

- Paper “CGM”  (led by Strawn & Roca-Fabrega;

- Paper “CosmoTechnical”  (led by Revaz) 

- Papers “HighresRun” and “Clumps”  (led by Ceverino & Lupi;

    Lastly, all AGORA Collaboration members are invited to send us your recorded video talk anytime, if you want to advertise your work through the AGORA webpage (


If any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Thank you very much for all your contributions in AGORA!  


Joel, Santi and Ji-hoon on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [07/06/2021]  9th AGORA Workshop (Aug. 12-13, 2021): Recorded talks + Live discussions  [Read more]   

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the 9th annual Workshop of the AGORA Project will be held online on Aug. 12-13, 2021.  As noted earlier, this year’s Workshop has two parts:  [A] recorded video talks + [B] live discussion sessions on ongoing/future projects.  

[1] Recorded Video Talks

    Despite the months of hardship during the pandemic, many resilient researchers have kept doing amazing work.  However, without many conferences to travel to for 2 years in a row, researchers — junior postdocs and students in particular — had harder time promoting their work than in typical years.  Simulators didn't have a lot of places to showcase their beautiful movies and images, either.

    In the past years, the AGORA Workshop has held joint sessions with the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop on numerical simulations.  Following the tradition, we are soliciting contributed, recorded 15 to 20-min talks on numerical simulations of galaxies and Universe.  While the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop is on its hiatus, we hope the AGORA Workshop would be the place where simulators can present their work and share their ideas with a broader numerical cosmology/galaxy formation community.  (You should feel free to post your talk even if you do not wish to be involved in the ongoing AGORA efforts!)  

    We will then curate your contributions on the Workshop webpage, and expose them publicly for months starting August 9.  The launching of our "talk collection" will be widely announced to the AGORA mailing list, and to the usual Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop participants.  With a fraction of the time and risk you may take in a physical trip, you will be able to present your latest work to the very focused audience with deep interests in the topic.  

[2] Live Discussion Sessions

    On Aug. 12-13, we are planning a 2-day live discussion on the ongoing and future projects in the Collaboration.  To accommodate our participants from virtually all corners of the globe, we plan a 2-hour session each day on Zoom (07:00-09:00 PDT, 10:00-12:00 EDT, 16:00-18:00 CEST, 23:00-01:00 JST/KST).

[3] Registration

    Please fill out the registration by July 23 if you wish to participate in either or both portions of the Workshop.  There is no registration fee.  If you plan to post your video talk, please do register first, and submit the link by August 6.  

Please forward this message to anyone potentially interested, especially to the young simulators who are looking for opportunities to advertise their amazing work, or to participate in the science comparison in AGORA.   If any question, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Coordinator.  We look forward to seeing you online at the Workshop!  


Joel and Ji-hoon on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [06/21/2021]  AGORA Paper III accepted, AGORA Workshop 2021, & renovated websites  [Read more]   

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you very much as always for your interest and participation in AGORA.  We have a few exciting announcements to make.

[1]  Paper III “CosmoRun” + Santi’s Talks + Public Data Release

    The 3rd Paper from the AGORA Collaboration introducing the suite of high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations of a Milky Way-mass halo on “seven" different code platforms (ART-I, ENZO, RAMSES, CHANGA, GADGET-3, GEAR and GIZMO) is now accepted by the ApJ and is on today's arXiv.  We thank everybody who contributed to this ambitious endeavor over the years, including Santi Roca-Fabrega and the code leaders (Ji-hoon Kim, Loic Hausammann, Ken Nagamine, Alessandro Lupi, Johnny Powell and Ikkoh Shimizu).  


-  (Santi’s short video introducing the results can be found in the "Announcements" section)

    Santi will hold two live public talks on Zoom on June 28 (Mon) to introduce Paper III and discuss the Collaboration’s immediate future plans.  

- 1st talk for Europeans/Asians/Oceanians: 
 IPARCOS seminar@Universidad Complutense de Madrid  /  June 28, 10:00 CEST, 17:00 JST/KST  

- 2nd talk for Americans/Europeans: 
 CGI seminar@University of California at Santa Cruz  /  June 28, 13:00 PDT, 16:00 EDT, 22:00 CEST 

- Zoom links for both talks will be sent to the AGORA mailing list next week.  Both institutions have kindly agreed to circulating the Zoom links to a larger astrophysics community.  The video of his talk will also be posted on the AGORA Project website.  

    We plan to release some of the simulation snapshots used in Paper III publicly once we set up a user-friendly interface on a reliable host.  The system could be accessed through the AGORA Project website, and the announcement will be made in the AGORA mailing list when ready.  Early access to the data can be provided upon request to Santi ( or to the Project Coordinator (, Ji-hoon).  

[2]  AGORA Workshop 2021 + New Project Website 

    We plan to hold the 9th annual AGORA Workshop online on August 12-13, 2021 (Thu-Fri, tentative dates).  We will have not only the technical discussions for the existing members, but also the Collaboration-wide discussions with existing and new members on the future of the Project to best harness the power of multi-platform approach in numerical galaxy formation.  We are also considering to solicit contributed, recorded < 20-min talks on numerical galaxy simulations, and curate them on the Workshop webpage.  More information on the tentative program, registration, etc will be sent to the AGORA mailing list in a few weeks.  So, please stay tuned!  (If not already, please talk to the Project Coordinator to be on the mailing list; or bookmark the AGORA Project website.)  

    This year’s Workshop will be a great chance for new participants in particular — especially if they want to take the opportunities for science comparisons that just opened up.  You are already welcomed to contribute to any ongoing projects in AGORA (; membership required to view), including those that are natural extensions of Paper III.  New code groups are encouraged to follow the calibration steps presented in Paper III — the calibration results of the newly participating codes are to be in the follow-up Papers as an appendix.  

    As a final note, the Project’s websites — both the public front ( and its workspace ( — have just been completely renovated.  You are welcomed to explore them, and let the Project Coordinator know if you find any missing information, or links that do not work.  Notable pages include:  Publicly available AGORA Tools and Data (, Workspace landing page that collects Key Softwares and FAQs (   

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone potentially interested.  Please let us know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions.  Great thanks once again for your continued interest in AGORA!  


Joel, Santi and Ji-hoon on behalf of the AGORA “CosmoRun” Group and the AGORA Steering Committee

● [08/06/2020]  Postponing this year's AGORA Workshop  [Read more] 

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

First of all, we hope everyone is doing well in this time of uncertainty.  As many of you know from our regular telecons for Paper “CosmoRun”, we have come to an agreement that we will hold our next AGORA Workshop when the draft of Paper “CosmoRun” is ready and when the scopes and strategies of the next Papers can be discussed.  The workshop's format will very likely be online, and it will be announced on this mailing list in a timely fashion.  

   For the ongoing efforts towards Paper “CosmoRun” spearheaded by Santi Roca-Fabrega and many of our tireless code leaders, see its Workspace:  The group leading this effort has had 24 meetings/telecons in the past ~3 years!  If you haven’t, you may talk to Santi or Ji-hoon for the recent analysis results, how to contribute to this effort, etc.  Any code representative who is not participating in the current "CosmoRun” comparison is especially welcomed!  

   For the Papers in the next stage — Papers “CGM”, “HighresRun”, “Clumps”, and more — see their relevant Workspaces and/or  You may talk to Ji-hoon with any question or suggestion.  

We wish you and your family all the strength in this strange and uncertain times.  Thank you very much as always for your continued interest and participation in AGORA!  


Joel, Santi, and Ji-hoon on behalf of the AGORA Steering Committee

● [07/21/2020]  The second life of the AGORA disk simulations  [Read more] 

Dear All,  

I've been asked to share with you an unexpected by product of our AGORA disk simulation.  

Maybe some of you have recognized its short apparition in the video presenting the SDSS/eBOSS data release published yesterday: 

Note that a 3D-360-VR (google cardboard) version of this film exists: 

Finally, here are two face on view of the evolving AGORA disk alone: 

(downloadable files also available at:


Yves Revaz

● [01/02/2020]  Public release of AGORA isolated disk simulation snapshots  [Read more] 

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

How are you, and happy new year to you all!  As many of you know, a group of people including Santi, Ji-hoon, and Joel have been preparing the public release of the isolated disk simulation snapshots from our Paper II (  A “Quick Links” page was built on the Project’s public webpage, which includes the simulation snapshots (on Google Drive) and many other useful resources provided by AGORA — e.g., common analysis scripts in yt used to obtain the diagnostics in Paper II, isolated and cosmological ICs, links to the key softwares, etc.:  [click Tools+Data tab]

The following short release note has also been prepared to be posted on the arXiv on Jan. 14 (expected; but not to be submitted to any peer-reviewed journal).  If you have any last-minute comment, please feel free to let us know by no later than Jan. 8.:, 

Please let us know if you have any comment/feedback.  Thank you very much for your attention, and for all your contribution to keeping the spirit of AGORA! 

With best wishes,

Santi, Ji-hoon, and Joel on behalf of those who prepared the public release of the AGORA isolated disk simulation data

● [08/14/2019]  Wrapping up the 8th AGORA Workshop  [Read more] 

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

Great thanks to all those who contributed to another very interesting Workshop this year!  It was indeed full of fun and very productive.     

   A summary of the discussions during the Workshop can be found below.  As you may notice, we made various strategic changes to deliver best science in the coming months.  Important items that require your attention are in red color:   

- Workshop Discussion Agenda:

- Paper “CosmoRun” + Paper “CGM” :

- Paper “HighresRun” + Paper “Clumps” :

   ACTION ITEMS for Paper “CosmoRun” and Paper “CGM” participants:  Participants of the Paper “CosmoRun” and Paper “CGM” are particularly encouraged to take a careful look at the docs above.  A separate email will be sent by Santi to those running the simulations to schedule the next monthly telecon, among others.  

   ACTION ITEMS for Paper “Disk” code leaders:  A separate email will be sent by Ji-hoon to code leaders of our published, isolated disk comparison paper (a.k.a. Paper II or Paper "Disk") to discuss the public release of the simulation data.  

Thank you all very much for your continuing interest in AGORA!  


Joel, Ji-hoon, and Santi on behalf of the AGORA Steering Committee

● [07/08/2019]  Registration and payment for the 8th AGORA Workshop (Aug. 9-10, 2019)  [Read more] 

Dear AGORA Colleagues,

As we announced earlier this year, we are again happy to have the 8th Workshop of the AGORA Project at UC Santa Cruz, Aug. 9-10, 2019.  We apologize for the late email about registration and payment, as we have been coordinating with the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop.  



This year’s AGORA Workshop will be Aug. 9-10 right after the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop, Aug. 5-9.  On Friday 9, the AGORA Workshop and the Galaxy Workshop will hold joint sessions on high-resolution galaxy simulations.  On Saturday 10, we will have working sessions for Papers “CGM” and “Clumps", and a brainstorming session on Collaboration-wide topics.  Many of the Paper Group leaders and code leaders will join us in person and online during the Workshop!  

- More information about the 8th AGORA Workshop: 

- Latest progress report on planned Papers (being updated; log-in required): 

- More information about the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop:

If you wish to participate in the ongoing efforts of Papers “CGM” and/or “Clumps”, but haven’t heard about the recent telecons and updates, please contact the Project Coordinator, Ji-hoon Kim (  



Please fill out the registration ASAP no later than July 21 if you wish to attend this year's Workshop — in person or online.  Please do so even if you have already signed up for the separate Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop, so we can have an accurate head count for planning.  If you’d like to participate online, please do fill out the form so we can send you a Hangout invite.  There is a $50 registration fee to cover the meals and logistics on Saturday 10.  

- Registration:  (note: different from the Galaxy Workshop questionnaire)

- Payment:  (note: different from the Galaxy Workshop payment) 

Please forward this message to anyone potentially interested.  Thank you very much!  


Joel Primack and Ji-hoon Kim on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the AGORA Steering Committee

NEWS ARCHIVE (2012-2020)

● Here are the archived news items posted on the Collaboration mailing list.  [Read more]   

    AGORA news 2017-2020:  [archived] 

    AGORA news 2015-2017:  [archived] 

    AGORA news 2014-2015:  [archived] 

    AGORA news 2013:  [archived] 

    AGORA news 2012:  [archived]