Annual AGORA Workshops
In addition to online collaboration within smaller groups, Project-wide conferences are regularly organized on-site or online to keep ourselves on track, the Project as a whole.
On Aug. 9 the Workshop will be in the Simularium, Rm 180 of the Engineering 2 (E2) Building (map) in the northwest corner of the UCSC campus. This will be a joint session with the annual Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop. On Aug. 10 the Workshop will move to Rm 102 of the Interdisciplinary Science Building (ISB; map).
There will be a $50 registration fee to cover the breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday 10. You will pay this fee when you register for the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop (in early summer). [Read more]
● If you are coming *only* for the AGORA portion of the week and not registering for the Galaxy Workshop, thus have no way of paying the registration fee, please inform the AGORA Poject coordinator.
● For a detailed direction to the meeting venue and the parking nearby, please go to the "General Info" tab in the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2019 webpage. You may find it useful to visit the link for visitors by the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at UCSC.
● Parking on campus is free on weekends. However, on weekdays you will need to display a parking permit which you can purchase during the Galaxy or AGORA Workshop registration. If you do not wish to purchase your permit through the Galaxy Workshop registration, please do so at the campus main entrance. If you plan to use public transportation the Santa Cruz Metro schedule to and from the UCSC campus might be helpful.
● We recommend that if you plan to attend the Workshop, you arrange for lodging early. Although hotel policies vary, ask if there is a special rate for UCSC. You may find information about local lodging options in the "General Information" tab in the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2019 webpage.
On Friday 9, the Galaxy Workshop and the AGORA Workshop will hold joint sessions on high-resolution galaxy simulations. On Saturday 10 (only Sat, not Sun), we will have the working sessions for Papers “CGM” and “Clumps", and a brainstorming session on Collaboration-wide topics. For more information about ongoing AGORA efforts, visit the latest web discussion note in the Workspace (membership required). [Read more]
● All the simulation talks will be on Friday 9 during the joint session with the Galaxy Workshop. We do not plan to have any talks on Saturday. If you are coming only to the AGORA portion of the week, but want to give your talk on Friday 9, please contact the AGORA Project coordinator. Registered online participants will receive a Hangout invite for weekend sessions. Feel free to send any suggestion about the Workshop program to the Project coordinator, too.
● 08/09 (Fri) - Rm 180, Engineering 2 Bldg. (a.k.a. Simularium)
□ 09:00AM - 18:00PM : Joint sessions with the Galaxy Workshop (visit the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2019 webpage for the latest schedule, slides, and videos)
● 08/10 (Sat) - Rm 102, ISB
□ 09:00AM - 09:30AM : Breakfast (Rm 102)
□ 09:30AM - 09:35AM : Opening Remarks by Primack & Kim
□ 09:35AM - 10:45AM : Joint Working Session for Paper Groups "CosmoRun"+"CGM"
To be led by Roca-Fabrega & Paper Group leaders
Discussion agenda and links to meeting notes located here
Online participation to be arranged via Google Hangout or Zoom (see the mailing list)
To-do items:
(1) Update on the current runs
(2) Discussion on Paper "CosmoRun"+"CGM": resolution in the CGM, main/realistic/specific objectives to pursue with this first paper, discussion of recent CGM-related papers/topics, etc.
(3) Discussion on Paper "HighresRun"+"Clumps"
(4) Timeline to publish the article: draft-writing, etc.
□ 10:45AM - 11:00AM : Break
□ 11:00AM - 12:15PM : Joint Working Session for Paper Groups "CosmoRun"+"CGM" continues
□ 12:15PM - 13:30PM : Lunch (Rm 102 & patio outside)
□ 13:30PM - 15:00PM : Joint Working Session for Paper Groups "CosmoRun"+"CGM" continues
□ 15:00PM - 15:30PM : Break
□ 15:30PM - 16:45PM : Joint Working Session for Paper Groups "CosmoRun"+"CGM" continues
□ 16:45PM - 16:50PM : Closing Remarks by Primack & Kim
□ 16:50PM - 17:30PM : Break / Carpool to Dinner
□ 17:30PM - 20:00PM : Workshop Dinner at Primack's House & Goodbye
Participants can join the discussion in person at UCSC or online via remote connections. [Read more]
● Registered Participants
□ Oscar Agertz (Lund University)*
□ Nikhil Arora (Queen's University)
□ Kirk Barrow (Stanford University)
□ Nicolas Cornuault (HU Jerusalem)
□ Colin DeGraf (University of Cambridge)
□ Avishai Dekel (HU Jerusalem & UC Santa Cruz)
□ Yakov Faerman (HU Jerusalem)
□ Jonathan Freundlich (HU Jerusalem)
□ Fangzhou Jiang (HU Jerusalem)
□ Yongseok Jo (Seoul National University)
□ Ben Keller (Heidelberg University)*
□ Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University)
□ Nir Mandelker (Yale University)
□ Daisuke Nagai (Yale University)*
□ Johnny Powell (Reed College)
□ Tom Quinn (University of Washington, Seattle)*
□ Joel Primack (UC Santa Cruz)
□ Santi Roca-Fabrega (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
□ Clayton Strawn (UC Santa Cruz)
□ Sandro Tacchella (Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University)
□ Joanna Woo (Simon Fraser University)
□ * indicates people attending only the Friday session of the meeting
□ ** indicates people attending only the weekend sessions of the meeting
● Remote Participants
□ Daniel Ceverino (Copenhagen University)
□ Sukanya Chakrabarti (Rochester Institute of Technology)
□ Bili Dong (UC San Diego)
□ Loic Hausammann (EPFL/Lausanne)
□ Alessandro Lupi (Scuola Normale Superiore)
□ Lucio Mayer (University of Zurich)
□ Ken Nagamine (Osaka University & University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
□ Yves Revaz (EPFL/Lausanne)
The annual Workshop is organized by the AGORA Steering Committee and the Local Organizing Committee. [Read more]
● Steering Committee
□ Tom Abel (Stanford University)
□ Nick Gnedin (Fermilab)
□ Piero Madau (University of California at Santa Cruz)
□ Lucio Mayer (University of Zurich)
□ Joel Primack (University of California at Santa Cruz)
□ Romain Teyssier (University of Zurich)
□ James Wadsley (McMaster University)
+ Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University, Project Coordinator)
● Local Organizing Committee
□ Joel Primack (University of California at Santa Cruz)
□ Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University, Project Coordinator)
□ Vicki Johnson (University of California at Santa Cruz, Administrative Support)