Annual AGORA Workshops
In addition to online collaboration within smaller groups, Project-wide conferences are organized annually to keep ourselves and the Project as a whole on track.
We are delighted to announce that the 9th annual Workshop of the AGORA Project will be held online on Aug. 12-13, 2021.
This year’s Workshop has two parts: [A] live discussion sessions on ongoing/future projects + [B] recorded video talks. Register here by Jul. 23!
● On Aug. 12-13, we will have a 2-day live discussion on the ongoing and future projects in the Collaboration. To accommodate our participants from virtually all corners of the globe, we plan a 2-hour session each day on Zoom (07:00-09:00 PDT, 10:00-12:00 EDT, 16:00-18:00 CEST, 23:00-01:00 JST/KST).
● The discussion agenda/meeting note is available in our latest Collaboration progress report (membership required). [Read more]
□ What follows is a tentative program of the Workshop, to be changed per the needs of the registered participants. Please also feel free to send any suggestion about the Workshop program to the Project Coordinator. Registered participants will receive Zoom links for the discussion sessions. Other than posting the recorded video talks, we do not plan to have any talks during our live sessions.
□ 08/12 (Thu) - 07:00AM - 09:00AM (PDT) via Zoom
We will have a Collaboration-wide brainstorming session with both existing and new members on the future of the Project, to best utilize the science comparison opportunities that just opened up with our Paper III. We will also decide on the projects (and their leaderships) we can newly launch, or relaunch. This will be a great chance for new participants in particular — you are welcome to submit a short elevator pitch as a video clip, or talk to the Project Coordinator.
[Topic 1] Summary and status of the Project (0.3 hr)
[Topic 2] Collaboration-wide discussion on the logistics/present/future of the Project (e.g., project direction, science ideas, task force to establish a user-friendly data sharing interface) (0.3 hr)
[Topic 3] Projects we can revive/relaunch, such as Paper “DM-Highres”, Paper “Satellites”, Paper “Outflows” — ending with clear ideas on each Paper’s leadership, and future timeline (1 hr)
[Topic 4] New project ideas that can harness the power of multi-platform numerical investigation (0.3 hr)
□ 08/13 (Fri) - 07:00AM - 09:00AM (PDT) via Zoom
We will have more technical discussions primarily with the existing members already deep in the Project. Many of the Paper Group leaders and code leaders will join us. The latest Collaboration progress report on the ongoing Papers could be useful for the session participants (membership required).
[Topic 5] Ongoing, usual projects to discuss, such as Paper “CGM”, Paper “Technical”, Paper “Clumps” — ending with clear ideas on each Paper’s leadership, and future timeline (2 hr)
● The AGORA Collaboration members are invited to post a recorded video talk on numerical simulations of galaxies and Universe on this website. We hope to provide a venue where simulators can share their work with a broader numerical cosmology/galaxy formation community.
● Please feel free to send us your talk video anytime even if you do not wish to be involved in the ongoing AGORA efforts! [Read more]
□ Despite the months of hardship during the pandemic, many resilient researchers have kept doing amazing work. However, without many conferences to travel to for 2 years in a row, researchers — junior postdocs and students in particular — had harder time promoting their work than in typical years. Simulators did not have a lot of places to showcase their beautiful movies and images, either.
□ In the past years, the AGORA Workshop has held joint sessions with the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop on numerical simulations. Following the tradition, we are soliciting contributed, recorded 15 to 20-min talks on numerical simulations of galaxies and Universe. While the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop is on its hiatus, we hope the AGORA Workshop would be the place where simulators can present their work and share their ideas with a broader numerical cosmology/galaxy formation community.
□ If interested, please follow the simple guideline below:
First, fill out the registration form (by July 23), and indicate that you want to submit a talk.
Think of the usual simulation talks you have seen in the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop (e.g., 2019 Workshop).
Create a < 20-min YouTube clip using the softwares like Zoom, Powerpoint, Keynote, or OBS (example by Roca-Fabrega).
Simply email the link to the Project Coordinator (by August 6).
□ We will then curate your contributions on the Workshop webpage, and expose them publicly for months starting August 9. The launching of our "talk collection" will be widely announced to the AGORA mailing list, and to the usual Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop participants. With a fraction of the time and risk you may take in a physical trip, you will be able to present your latest work to the very focused audience with deep interests in the topic.
"Calibrating Cosmological Simulations with Machine Learning"
by Yongseok Jo (Seoul National University) [slides]
Questions/comments to: kerex[at]
"Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies and Their Member Star Clusters Form Simultaneously In High-resoluiton Galaxy Collision Simulations
by Joohyun Lee (University of Texas at Austin) [slides]
Questions/comments to: jhl1862[at]
"Probing Feedback via IGM Tomography and Ly-alpha Forest"
by Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka / Kavli IPMU / UNLV)
Questions/comments to: kn[at]
"Machine-assisted Exploration of Simulation Parameters"
by Boon Kiat Oh (Seoul National University) [slides]
Questions/comments to: ohboonkiat[at]
"Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Feedback Based On High Resolution Simulations"
by Yuri Oku (Osaka University) [slides]
Questions/comments to: oku[at]
"Implications of Giant Clumps in Star-Forming Galaxies"
by Joel Primack (University of California at Santa Cruz)
Questions/comments to: joel[at]
"Updates on the AGORA Paper 'CosmoRunTechnical' "
by Yves Revaz (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
Questions/comments to: yves.revaz[at]
"Announcement of AGORA Paper III"
by Santi Roca-Fabrega (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
Questions/comments to: sroca01[at]
"New Results from the AGORA Project's Paper III"
by Santi Roca-Fabrega (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
Questions/comments to: sroca01[at]
"How Metals Are Transported In And Out Of A Galactic Disk"
by Eun-jin Shin (Seoul National University)
Questions/comments to: shinej816[at]
● Please fill out the registration form by July 23 if you wish to participate in either or both portions of the Workshop. There is no registration fee. If you plan to post your video talk, please first register for the workshop, and email your video link to the Project Coordinator by August 6. [Read more]
□ Please feel free to forward this page to anyone potentially interested, especially to the young numerical astrophysicists who are looking for opportunities to advertise their amazing work, or to participate in the science comparison in AGORA.
□ If any question, please do not hesitate to contact the AGORA Project Coordinator (Ji-hoon Kim).
● Registered participants will receive Zoom links via email so they can join our 2-day live discussion sessions anywhere from the world. [Read more]
□ Registered Participants
Tom Abel (Stanford University)
Kirk Barrow (Stanford University & University of Tokyo)*
Daniel Ceverino (Universidad Autonoma Madrid)
Avishai Dekel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Maria Emilia De Rossi (Institute for Astronomy and Space Science, Argentina)
Begona Garcia-Conde (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
Anna Genina (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
Cameron Hummels (California Institute of Technology)
Yongseok Jo (Seoul National University)*
HyeonYong Kim (Seoul National University)
Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University)
Ahram Lee (Seoul National University)
Joohyun Lee (University of Texas at Austin & Seoul National University)*
Seungjae Lee (Seoul National University)
Alessandro Lupi (Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University & University of Nevada at Las Vegas & Kavli IPMU)*
Boon Kiat Oh (Seoul National University)*
Yuri Oku (Osaka University)*
Songyoun Park (Seoul National University)
Johnny Powell (Reed College)
Joel Primack (University of California at Santa Cruz)*
Tom Quinn (University of Washington at Seattle)
Yves Revaz (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)*
Santi Roca-Fabrega (Universidad Complutense Madrid)*
Eun-jin Shin (Seoul National University)*
Clayton Strawn (University of California at Santa Cruz)
Sandro Tacchella (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Hector Velazquez (Institute of Astronomy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico)
John Wise (Georgia Institute of Technology)
* indicates those who plan to submit video talks
● The annual Workshop is organized by the AGORA Steering Committee and the Local Organizing Committee. [Read more]
□ Steering Committee
Tom Abel (Stanford University)
Piero Madau (University of California at Santa Cruz)
Lucio Mayer (University of Zurich)
Joel Primack (University of California at Santa Cruz)
Romain Teyssier (University of Zurich)
James Wadsley (McMaster University)
+ Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University, Project Coordinator)
□ Local Organizing Committee
Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University, Project Coordinator)
Joel Primack (University of California at Santa Cruz)
Santi Roca-Fabrega (Universidad Complutense Madrid)