1-7 The Rocket Man

Duration: 8:36

Keys: F minor

Subcollection: piano pieces

Story sound clip: helicopter

Main theme:


    • The story of "The Rocket Man" is the same story that inspired Bernie Taupin to write the lyrics that Elton John later put to music. In this version, there is a tribute to Taupin and John hidden at A:BB when the whole-note synth traces out the melody notes for "And I think it's gonna be a long, long time."

    • The piano solo at Y:YY begins with the end of the original lullaby and ends (at Z:ZZ) with the beginning of the lullaby.

Composer Trademarks

  • (flirting secondary part)

  • (motif pile-on)

My Favorite Moments

    • At X:XX, the piano line representing the son mimics the piano line representing the father. To me, this brings up an image of a little boy walking in his father's footsteps and trying to act like his dad.