1-6 The Long Rain

Duration: 10:54

Keys: F# minor, B minor

Subcollection: atmospheric pieces

Story sound clip: rain, electrical storm

Main theme(s): descending third at the top of the theme that begins at 2:08 and the losing-mind motif

It doesn't take much insight to realize that I tried to connect to the rain that is everpresent on the planet Venus. In addition to this, I also tried to drive listeners crazy so that they can identify with the characters in the story. To accomplish this I did several things. For example, I used very repetitive musical passages and I also tucked the music in behind the rain where you couldn't quite hear it as clearly as you would like. Also, at 7:10 we hear for the first time what we later learn is the main theme from "No Particular Night or Morning." Thus, this musical idea of the double-bounced arpeggios represents the losing of minds.

At 2:45 the electrical storm hits. I didn't want to make it too violent because that would disrupt the monotony I was trying to develop. To record the lightning strikes I played an electronically synthesized sound through an electric guitar effect complete with distortion. I also have sounds of a tesla coil from the video game "Command & Conquer" if you listen closely.

Every instrument and sound that I used had either a pitter-patter quality or some sort of falling quality to it (except for the sun dome at the end, of course).

The sun dome at the end of this piece and the sound of the fire balloons at the end of that piece are supposed to be reminiscent of one another because of the protection and comfort they provide on dangerous planets.


  • Recorded in only three days, August 2005.

  • My brother Drew expertly performed the rain stick.

  • Nearly every track on this piece was recorded in one take (the exception was the snare drum).

  • The stereotypical Chinese fifths are hidden at 1:10 to coincide with the discussion in the story about Chinese water cure.

  • I played the snare drum, beginning at 1:16, with my bare hands and tried with the equalization to mimic raindrops (that happen to have an excellent sense of rhythm).

  • The primary sound during the first section of music is the same one that I used on Songs Left Unsung for "Interlude A."

Composer Trademark

    • (chordal soundscape)

My Favorite Moments

  • The thunder that sounds during the chord change at 3:15.