PowerPoint presentations and resources provided by the presenters at the 2012 Annual conference can be downloaded here.

The Prevention of Mental Health Problems in Adolescents

Professor Tracey Wade

This keynote covered the prevention of mental health problems in adolescents. There has been some success in decreasing risk for disordered eating using media literacy approaches, and currently we are trialling work to prevent obesity and disordered eating, and also perfectionism interventions to prevent depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Tracey shared this clip to stimulate the discussion on the media's role in eating disorders:


Wednesday 18th January 2012

Education Development Centre, Milner Street, Hindmarsh. SA

Keynote Presenter

Prof Tracey Wade

Flinders University


DAX Centre

Megan Lees

Megan shared a very interesting PowerPoint informing teachers in SA of the Art Therapy and Psychology which can be learned and integrated into both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Psychology courses. Artwork have been removed from the PowerPoint for ethical reasons. Resources are available for purchase from the Dax Centre in Melbourne. Several Art tours will be travelling to Adelaide over the next 2 years.

Prof Anna Chur-Hausen and Prof Helen Winefield

This presentation outlines different University courses, what to expect when studying Psychology, pathway options for completing different levels of Psychology degrees at University. This PowerPoint presentation is very useful to teachers and students considering a career in the field of Psychology.

Aiming for an A+

Jennifer Hunter

Jenny shared a PowerPoint which focussed on the knowledge and understanding students need to show when preparing their Group and Individual Investigations for Summative assessment at Stage 2. She also shared her tips for success and assisting students to achieve at the highest level.

Kirsty Gebert, Melissa Wegener, Emily Moore

This presentation outlines the SACE requirements for achieving success in each of the 3 assessment types at Stage 2. Suggestions are then offered for motivating and believing in students ability to succeed at the highest level, and provides practical suggestions for learning and exam revision activities. Topic summary sheets for all Stage 2 topics were shared from 2011 student Carly Hausler.

Student advice has also been supplied by two former Stage 2 students. They shared their successes and advice for both students and teachers for achieving in the "A" band in year 12 Psychology.

Teaching Psychology for the first or second time

Jennifer Hunter prepared materials for teachers new to Stage 2 Psychology

Kirsty Gebert prepared materials for teachers new to Stage 1 Psychology.

Series of Short Teacher Presentations - Practical ideas for lessons

Carolyn Maddocks presented her PowerPoint and "Wizz FIzz" prac for starting the Learning topic in Stage 2. Innovative and inspiring Carolyn shared how this fun and practical lesson ensures students remember Classical Conditioning forever! Go Pavlov!!

Jarrod Chave presented his lesson plan for a Brain Dissection in the Stage 1 Brain and Behaviour topic. A show of hands indicated ony 3 or 4 teachers attempt a Brain dissection with their students. After Jarrods inspirational recommendation perhaps we will all give this a go in 2012!

Ingrid Brouwer presented a lesson with four variations about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. This activity involved Katie's Dilemma, and required students to act in the role of Psychologist to help overcome her issues.