Convex Geometry I - WS17/18

The WS 17/18 I am teaching Convex Geometry I.

Lectures (begin on October 19th):

Thursday 16.15-17.45 MA 851

Friday 10.15-11.45 MA 750

Exercise session (by Hannes Pollehn, begins on October 24th):

Tuesday 14.15-15.45 MA 651

The content of this course is:

Combinatorial Convexity (Helly and Caratheodory type theorems), valuations, space of convex bodies, volumes, surface areas, mixed volumes, aspects of Brunn-Minkowski theory, the Minkowski problem, isoperimetric inequalities, extremal problems with convex bodies.

The material will be based mostly on the following two books:

Peter M. Gruber, Convex and Discrete Geometry, Springer.

Rolf Schneider, Convex Bodies: The Brunn-Minkowski Theory, Cambridge.


20/10/2017 The first exercise sheet is here.

26/10/2017 Today's lecture will be held at MA406 (see above). Starting November 2nd, all subsequent Thursday lectures will be held at MA851.

01/11/2017 A reminder that starting tomorrow, Thursday's lectures will be held at MA851.

The second exercise sheet is here.

09/11/2017 The third exercise sheet is here.

16/11/2017 The fourth exercise sheet is here.

23/11/2017 The fifth exercise sheet is here.

28/11/2017 The sixth exercise sheet is here.

06/12/2017 The seventh exercise sheet is here.

13/12/2017 The eighth exercise sheet is here.

22/12/2017 I just uploaded the ninth exercise sheet, as well as the last year's notes for Convex Geometry I.

08/01/2018 The ninth exercise sheet has been updated; there was an error in the previous version.

13/01/2018 The tenth exercise sheet is here.

18/01/2018 The 11th exercise sheet.

24/01/2018 The 12th exercise sheet.

30/01/2018 The 13th exercise sheet.

06/02/2018 The last exercise sheet.