Tulip Cloth Pattern-full instructions

For this pattern (as an example) I have provided full written instructions. Subsequent patterns will have a graph, materials list, gauge, and instructions for first 4 rows. To conserve space, photographs of the projects are only in Ravelry.

Materials: 1 skein each of light and dark Sugar ‘n Cream cotton, size H crochet hook or size to obtain gauge, tapestry needle to weave in ends, Model uses white (color 00001) and hot pink (color 01740). Total weight is under 1.6 oz.

Gauge: Approximate size is 8 1/4” wide by 9” tall. Gauge is not important for this pattern

With light color, ch 29 to begin.

Row 1-sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1, turn. 28 sts

Row 2- (RS)bsc in each st across. Change to dark color with final loop of last bsc of this row. Ch 1 and turn on this row and all following rows through row 35.

Row 3-circle light color yarn to outside of edge and work 1st bsc of row over the light yarn. Pull the light yarn gently to the correct tension. Work bsc in each st across row. Continue to change colors in this fashion (i.e, start new color with final loop of last st of the even row, ch 1 and turn in new color, work first st of new row over old color and pull through).

Row 4-sc in each st across. Change to light color as before.

Row 5-sc in first 8 sts, bsc in next 12 sts, sc in last 8 sts.

Row 6-bsc in first 8 sts, sc in next 12 sts, bsc in last 8 sts, Change to dark color.

Row 7 Repeat row 6 with dark color.

Row 8-Repeat row 5 with dark color. Change to light color.

Row 9-sc in first 6 sts, bsc in next 16 sts, sc in last 6 sts,

Row 10-bsc in first 6 sts, sc in next 16 sts, bsc in last 6 sts, Change to dark color.

Row 11-bsc in first 6 sts, sc in next 16 sts, bsc in last 6 sts,

Row 12-sc in first 6 sts, bsc in next 16 sts, st in last 6 sts. Change to light color.

Rows13-24-Repeat rows 9-12.

Row 25-sc in first 6 sts, bsc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 3 sts, sc in last 6 sts.

Row 26-bsc in first 6 sts, sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 3 sts, sc in next 4 sts, bsc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, bsc in last 6 sts. Change to dark color.

Row 27-Repeat row 26 with dark color.

Row 28-Repeat row 25 with dark color. Change to light color.

Row 29-sc in first 6 sts, (bsc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts)2x, bsc in next 2 sts, sc in last 6 sts.

Row 30-bsc in first 6 sts, (sc in next 2 sts, bsc in next 5 sts)2x, sc in next 2 sts, bsc in last 6 sts. Change to dark color.

Row 31-Repeat row 30 with dark color.

Row 32-Repeat row 29 with dark color. Change to light color.

Row 33-Sc in each st across.

Row 34-Bsc in each st across. Change to dark color and end off light color.

Row 35-Repeast row 34 with dark color.

Row 36-Repeat row 33 with dark color. Do not ch1 and turn at the end of this row. End off.

Weave in all ends.