
Materials: 1 skein each of light and dark Sugar 'n Cream cotton, size H crochet hook or size to obtain gauge, tapestry needle to weave in ends. Model uses chamomile (pale pink scented yarn(color 24010) as the light color and light blue (color 00026) as the dark color. Piece weighs under 1.7 oz.

Gauge: Approximate size is 9" wide by 8 3/4" tall. Gauge is not important for this pattern.

With light color, ch 32

Row 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, (bsc in next 9 ch, sc in next ch)3x. 31 sts. Ch 1 and turn at the end of this row and every row through row 35.

Row 2-bsc in 1st st, (sc in next 9 sts, bsc in next st)3x, changing to dark color with last lp of final bsc on row.

Row 3-With dark color, repeat row 2, but work first bsc of row over dropped yarn as shown in directions on Getting Started page.

Row 4-sc in first st, (bsc in next 9 sts. sc in next st)3x, drawing up the dropped light color yarn with the last lp of the final sc of this row. Prepare to loop the dark color around to be covered with the first st of row 5.

Continue following the chart for directions. End off the light color after row 34.

Photographs of this project are on