
The patterns on this site use a shadow crochet technique that allows you to create single crochet striped fabric with a design that is only visible at certain angles. The "trick" to shadow crochet is to make the design with slightly raised stitches. When the work is viewed at the correct angle, the higher stitches are more visible and the design appears. The best way to view the design is by placing the work on a flat surface that is lower than eye level-such as a kitchen counter. As you step away from the piece, the design will become even more pronounced.

Note: The camera picks up the hidden image more than the eye would.

All the patterns use a combination of regular single crochet and single crochet stitches worked in reverse, from the back to the front. The reverse stitches actually have the “back side” facing out and the “front side” facing the back of the work. Every “back side” stitch has a loop which is slightly raised and provides the added height needed for the design to appear. Since the opposite side of the work has the reverse of “right side “ and “wrong side” stitches, this method has the design clearly visible on both sides of the work when viewed at the correct angle.

To make a back-to-front single crochet (bsc), move the yarn coming from the ball to the front of the work. Insert the hook into the next stitch-under both loops- from the back to the front. Yarn over and draw up a loop. Yarn over again and through both loops to complete the bsc. Be careful to insert the hook only through both loops of the stitch in the row below. You now have a rear-facing stitch that faces front!

Since you can now control the combination of front-facing and rear-facing stitches, you now have many new design possibilities.

For more information on back-to-front stitches, see my other website: