Candy Canes Cloth

There are 5 candy canes on the right side and 6 on the reverse.

This pattern breaks the rules and there are a lot of ends to work in, but I think the end result is worth it.

Materials: 1 skein each of Lily’s Sugar ‘n Cream cotton in mod [emerald] green (color 01223), white (color 00001) and red (color 00095), size H crochet hook or size to obtain gauge, tapestry needle to weave in ends. Piece weighs about 2 oz (approximately 1 oz green, .55 oz white, .45 oz red).

Gauge: Piece measures approximately 9 ¾” square. Gauge is not important for this pattern.

With green, ch 34 to begin.

Row 1- Sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 2 ch, (bsc in next 3 ch, sc in next 3 ch)5x. 33 sts. Ch 1 and turn on this row and all rows through row 37.

Row 2- (Bsc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts)5x, bsc in last 3 sts, changing to white with last lp of final bsc of row.

Row 3- With white, work first bsc over green yarn as in directions, bsc in next 2 sts, (sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 3 sts)5x.

Row 4-(Sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 3 sts)5x, sc in next 3 sts, drawing up green with last lp of final sc of row. End off white.

Row 5- With green, (sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 3 sts)5x, sc in last 3 sts.

Row 6-Repeat row 2, but change to red with last lp of final bsc of row.

Row 7-With red, work first bsc over green yarn as before, bsc in next 2 sts, (sc in next 3 sts, bsc in next 3 sts)5x.

Row 8-Repeat row 4, ending off red.

Row 9-Repeat row 5.

Rows 10-33-Repeat rows 2-9,

Rows 34-38-Repeat rows 2-6, but end off after row 38.

Weave in all ends.

See for photos of the finished project.