Internet Research Tips








How to Research the Internet Successfully


1.  Search Engines


What are they?

    Search engines are huge databases of webpage files that have been indexed automatically by a computer.  Individual search engines like the ones listed below, search for information within their own database. 


What are they good for?


Search engines are good at finding specific, precise and up-to-date information. 


How is the information found?


Google searches through the full text.  That means that the computer program looks at every word on a website to match the keyword you typed-in. 






2.  Metasearch Engines


What are they?


Metasearch engines are similar to search engines.  Computer programs look for the information using specific formulas.  The difference is that metasearch engines do not have their own database.  They turn to existing databases from search engines to find information. 


How is the information found?


Metasearch engines search for information in the same way that search engines do.  The computer program looks at the full text.





 3.  Internet Directories


What are they?


Are small collection of resources that do not cover the entire Web.  Unlike search and metasearch engines, every single resource on a directory has been chosen by a human editor not a computer program. 


How are they arranged?


Directories are arranged by subject.  They are meant to be browsed, unlike search engines.


How is the information found?


Directories do not look at the full-text to find information.  The computer program only looks at three items to match the keyword or search term you provide.  Those three items are: names of websites, annotations (meaning notes written by the webmaster about the website) and URLs (website addresses). 


 What are they good for?

They are best for browsing and finding general information on a topic.  You may also find links to specialized databases.  Remember, human editors are involved in choosing the resources.  The information is not updated continually as in search and metasearch engines.



 4.  Virtual Libraries


What are they?


Virtual libraries are small collection of resources that do not cover the entire web.  They are similar to directories.  The only difference is that virtual libraries are organized by librarians and information specialists.  You will find links to high quality, educational websites and specialized databases.  Each website has been carefully reviewed and selected. 


How is information found?

Virtual libraries do not look at the full-text to find information.  The computer programs look at three things: names of websites,  annotations (notes about the website written by the webmaster) and URLs (website addresses).


What are they good for?

They are best for finding high quality websites.  You will also find links to specialized databases. 





5.  Specialized Databases


Databases are organized collections of information created by professionals.  All databases are self-contained. That means you will not be given a list of websites to visit.  All the information you need will be found at one site alone. 






Proquest Databases (eLibrary, Culturegrams and SIRS)


Follow these steps:


1.  Go to


2.  Provide the log-in information provided to you.


3.  Next, click on "my products page."


4.  Choose the database you want to research. 



 Make sure to visit the "Proquest" link on the top left,  for detailed information about these 3 databases.