1864 Sep 21


Camp Twelve Miles from Patterson, Mo., September 21, 1864.

Colonel L. A. MACLEAN,

Assistant Adjutant-General:

COLONEL: I am this far on the way and am encamped at Captain Leeper's U. S. Army, a notorious robber, house-burner, and marauder, where I found plenty of forage and beef. The scout I sent out night before last after the Federals that burnt Doniphan overtook them the next morning, attacked and routed them, losing 6 men killed and wounded. Federal loss unknown. Killed some Union guerrillas to-day. They fired on my rear twice, but paid for their temerity with their lives. The country passed over has been rough and sterile in the extreme. Let me know where you will camp to-morrow night.

Very respectfully,


Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.