Official Records

The Official Records of the War of the Rebellion is a compilation of the records of the Union and Confederate Armies. These are letters, dispatches and official reports written or received by those who served in the American Civil War. Some are very lengthy while others are very short. No attempt is being made to interpret these records, rather to present them as accurately as they were written, so you can make your own interpretation.

I have attempted to search the records for all instances where Ripley County or Doniphan have been mentioned. Some records directly refer to activities which occurred in the area while others show the role the area played in a distant event.

I hope the reader will be able to develop a better understanding and appreciation of the Ripley County area and it's importance during the Civil War. Through these records you can also learn to appreciate what the citizens of Ripley County had to endure during the Civil War.

With well over 100 instances of Ripley County or Doniphan mentioned, I have tried to organize these records by year and date written so the reader can follow the progression of the Civil War in Ripley County. Click on the three horizonal lines at the top left of this page to drop down the menu.