1863 Jul 22


Barlow, Camp Logan Creek, July 22, 1863.

Colonel BURBRIDGE, Commanding:

COLONEL: I have just returned from watching the movements of the nigger stealers that crossed above Van Buren on Saturday morning before daylight. They took the old Belleview road, down through the Wilderness, until they came to the road leading down Buffalo Creek and to Williams' Mill, on Eleven Point River; there they took the left-hand end of the cross-road, which led them down to the mouth of Buffalo Creek, where they camped Sunday night. They started early on Monday morning in the direction of Van Buren. I followed them about 4 miles on their route. They were traveling on double-quick, as if they had got a fright. Their number is estimated at 250. They had two wagons. Their will go, or have gone, up, and cross at Van Buren, and come down on the east side of Current River, as they have not accomplished what I think was intended by their scout. They took off several men and horses from Buffalo Creek. I expect to move camp to-morrow morning. We will be compelled to go 20 miles above Doniphan to get forage, on Current River, but we will only have a better position to watch the movements of the enemy.

I have the honor, colonel, to remain yours,


Captain, Commanding Outpost