cDNA Synthesis_AuPre Gold Kit

c-DNA Synthesis:

· Using Oligo(dt)20 Primer

o Thaw each tube in the AuPreP Gold cDNA Synthesis Kit and place on ice

o Briefly centrifuge all reagents componenets

o Reaction Mix

§ RNA (1.2µg) - 2µl

§ Primer (2µM) - 1µl

§ Water - 7µl

o Mix gently and heat the mixture at 700C for 5min. Remove tube and place rapidly on ice

o Add following components to the reaction tube:

§ Reaction Mix (2.5X) - 8µl

§ DTT (100mM) - 2µl

o Mix gently by flicking the tube, centrifuge briefly

o Incubate the reaction tube at 420C for 60min

o Heat at 700C for 15min, centrifuge the mix briefly

o Use for PCR and store at -200C

· Using Random Hexamer Primers

o Thaw each tube in the AuPreP Gold cDNA Synthesis Kit and place on ice

o Briefly centrifuge all reagents componenets

o Reaction Mix

§ RNA (1.2µg) - 2µl

§ Primer (2µM) - 1µl

§ Water - 7µl

o Mix gently and heat the mixture at 700C for 5min. Remove tube and place rapidly on ice

o Add following components to the reaction tube:

§ Reaction Mix (2.5X) - 8µl

§ DTT (100mM) - 2µl

o Mix gently by flicking the tube, centrifuge briefly

o Incubate the reaction tube at 370C for 60min

o Heat at 700C for 15min, centrifuge the mix briefly

o Use for PCR and store at -200C

· Using Specific Primer

o Thaw each tube in the AuPreP Gold cDNA Synthesis Kit and place on ice

o Briefly centrifuge all reagents componenets

o Reaction Mix

§ RNA (1.2µg) - 2µl

§ Primer F (2µM) - 0.5µl

§ Primer R (2µM) - 0.5µl

§ Water - 7µl

o Mix gently and heat the mixture at 700C for 5min. Remove tube and place rapidly on ice

o Add following components to the reaction tube:

§ Reaction Mix (2.5X) - 8µl

§ DTT (100mM) - 2µl

o Mix gently by flicking the tube, centrifuge briefly

o Incubate the reaction tube at 420C for 60min

o Heat at 700C for 15min, centrifuge the mix briefly

o Use for PCR and store at -200C

· Control cDNA Synthesis

o Thaw each tube in the AuPreP Gold cDNA Synthesis Kit and place on ice

o Briefly centrifuge all reagents componenets

o Reaction Mix

§ Control RNA (1µg) - 1µl

§ Primer (2µM) - 1µl

§ Water - 8µl

o Mix gently and heat the mixture at 700C for 5min. Remove tube and place rapidly on ice

o Add following components to the reaction tube:

§ Reaction Mix (2.5X) - 8µl

§ DTT (100mM) - 2µl

o Mix gently by flicking the tube, centrifuge briefly

o Incubate the reaction tube at 420C for 60min

o Heat at 700C for 15min, centrifuge the mix briefly

o Use for PCR and store at -200C