2012 Gull Census

Post date: May 31, 2012 5:19:52 PM

A gull census was carried out this week (29th May) on Puffin Island, using the raffle ticket method. For this lengthy operation, we helped Sarah Davis (RSPB), who is running a three year study on gull population decline in the UK. Arriving at the end of her study, she was interested to include the Puffin Island colony as a "non predated colony". We were really pleased by this collaboration, which also provides important data to the long-term monitoring of the seabird population on Puffin Island.

Another visit from Sarah and her team is planned later in June for a ringing session of the gull’s chicks. This will allow her to assess the productivity of the gull population, using the capture/recapture of large chicks’ method.

Sarah Davis’s team at work, looking for the gull nests.

A found gull nest marked with a pasta.

Sarah Davis found the escaped chicks.