
Some members of the Puffin Island research team. From left to right: Mark Bolton, Louise Soanes, Charles Bishop, Lewis Halsey & Beth Goddard.

Proof that puffins can be found on Puffin Island!

Louise & Beth in Beaumaris, ready to board the boat to the island.

Guillemots incubating their eggs on a breeding ledge.

Shag sitting on its nest.

Hatching Gull egg.

Gull chicks camouflaged in their nest.

Boat transport courtesy of Ashley Tweedale.

Looking for nests during a gull census. Hard hats are worn to avoid dive-bom bing!

Beth looking at her kittiwake monitoring area.

Jon with just-ringed shag chick.

Razorbill with a beak full of sandeels.

From left to right: lesser black-backed gulls, herring gulls & great black-backed gulls on the old telegraph station.

Northern cliffs hosting many breeding Auks and Kittiwakes.

Eastern End.

Seals sunbathing.

Louise walking in a cloud of Gulls.

Noisy oystercatchers.