About Us

Puffin Island is an island off the coast of Anglesey, North Wales, home to breeding populations of at least ten species of seabird. For more information about the island have a look at the entry on Wikpedia. The island is also home to some historic buildings on the island including the church and telegraph station.

SCAN (Shropshire, Conway, Anglesey) ringing group have been ringing and studying seabirds on Puffin Island since 1982. In 2009, a new partnership was formed between SCAN ringing group and researchers from the University of Liverpool, Roehampton University, Bangor University and the Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) in order to expand the study and conservation of seabird populations on the island. Fieldwork commenced in 2010.

Routine monitoring data from Puffin Island contributes to the UK's Seabird Monitoring Programme. Data on seabird foraging movements contributed to ongoing work on seabird tracking and conservation at the RSPB.

Current participants in research at Puffin Island are:

SCAN Ringing Group

Steve Dodd

Dr Rachel Taylor

University of Liverpool

Dr Jonathan Green

Dr Samantha Patrick

Alice Trevail (PhD student)

University of Roehampton

Dr Lewis Halsey

Bangor University

Dr Charles Bishop


Dr Mark Bolton

Former participants

2018: Jessica George (MSc Student from the University of Liverpool)

2018: Abigail Mickelfield (MSc Student from the University of Liverpool)

2017: William Bevan (MSc student from the University of Liverpool)

2016: Federico De Pascalis (MSc student from University of Trieste) shortly to start a PhD in Italy

2015: Nana Wei (MSc student from the University of Liverpool)

2015: Ruth Dunn (MSc student from Imperial College London) now PhD student at University of Liverpool

2014: Nikki Fairweather (MSc student at University of Liverpool)

2013-2014: Philip Collins (PhD student from the University of Roehampton) now medical writer.

2013: Julia Borges Molina (Science Without Borders exchange student) who returned to University of Sao Paulo

2013: Katie Ferneyhough (MRes student at Liverpool University), went on Staffs Uni as Greenpad Coordinator

2012: Amanda Kuepfer (MSc student at Bangor University), now Seabird Ecologist for Falklands Islands Fisheries

2012: Johann Bourgeois (EU-funded Intern), went on to volunteer for Mauritian Wildlife Foundation

2010: Beth Goddard (MSc student at University of Liverpool), now Senior Ornithologist for APEM Ltd

2010-2012: Louise Soanes (PhD student at University of Liverpool), now postdoc at University of Roehampton

We are grateful to Sir Richard Williams-Bulkeley and the Baron Hill Estate for giving us permission to work on Puffin Island.