
Linear Algebra Spring 2024

An Asynchronous Online Course

with Prof Sormani (Playlist about Myself)

MAT313 Elements of Linear Algebra: 4 hours, 4 credits. Vector spaces, systems of linear equations, determinants, linear transformations, and matrices. PREREQ: MAT 176. With Departmental permission, MAT 176 may be taken as a COREQ.

Course Website: with links to all lessons and videos:

Linear Algebra Welcome: Video Playlist

This is an Asychronous Course so students may watch the lessons and do homework at any time of day completing two lessons per week meeting the deadlines on the schedule below.  This is a four credit course so each lesson has two hours of videos and up to four hours of homework.   Students need a tablet, smart phone, or computer with a camera to photograph their classwork/homework and a google account to access googledocs and youtube.   Lehman College can provide a loaner tablet.  Graph paper and pens of various colors are needed.  No textbook is required because every lesson has detailed notes.   

Please email me at from your preferred email address and also from your gmail to introduce yourself to me if you have not already done so!

Course Syllabus and Schedule:

This is an asynchronous online course.   Professor Sormani will create playlists of videos for each 2 hour lesson and post the videos to youtube.  The links to these playlists and the corresponding class notes will be found under each lesson in the schedule of lessons below.  If there is a problem viewing or hearing any video, please give the video a thumbs down and email the professor ( with the subject header MAT313 VIDEO TROUBLE. Students will watch all the videos, take notes with pen and paper, and pause the videos to complete classwork assigned in the videos before watching the solutions. Class notes are also provided so students can check their notes.  Everything should be written neatly and clearly including the assigned questions, the completed solutions to the classwork, and the corrections of the classwork.  

Lehman College requires proof of attendance.  To prove that each lesson is complete, the student must submit their classwork and homework to the professor by sharing a googledoc full of photos of their work as explained at the top of each lesson and write down the time when they watched the videos.  Students will include a photo of themselves holding up the first page of their classwork for each lesson or place their photo id next to the first page of their classwork.  Students who do not complete at least the first lesson within 2 weeks will be removed from the course by Lehman College Policy.   Students who suffer hardship may be granted to permission to submit some lessons late and take the corresponding quizzes late, but lessons must be completed in order unless 

Homework: Students must complete the homework for each lesson and submit it with that lesson's classwork before starting the next lesson.  Three to four hours of homework is assigned in each lesson and will be checked by the professor.   Students may be required to resubmit their work to fix errors and complete missing problems.  As in all math courses, write out the question and include any diagrams before solving the problem.  Students may seek help and work together when doing homework. Always give credit for information learned online, with the help of a tutor, or a classmate by citing where the help came from (providing a link, or a textbook, or the full name of the assistant).

Office hours.   Since this course meets asynchronously, there are no fixed office hours and no zoom meetings. Instead Professor Sormani will answer questions by email within 48 hours.   Questions should be emailed to the professor ( with the subject  MAT313 QUESTION with a link to the student's googledoc and a photo of the question in the googledoc next to the typed word QUESTION. Professor Sormani will then post a photo of the answer into the googledoc next to the question and email the student that the answer is ready.   Sometimes Professor Sormani will make an extra video with the answer.


There are eight 20-minute quizzes (each worth 10%), there is a group project (worth 10%) and a final project (worth 10%).  Homework and classwork is not part of the grade but must be completed before taking the quizzes.   

Quizzes (80%): There are eight 20-minute quizzes (each worth 10% of the course grade).  A student may only take a quiz after completing the lessons leading to that quiz.   Every student will be given a unique quiz similar to a sample quiz and must show all work as shown on the sample using the methods taught in this course.   Work will be completed on paper and submitted by taking a photograph of that work and a selfie holding up the work.   Students may consult notes and textbooks and online calculators during quizzes but may not seek help from people.    Students who do not submit their quiz on time will earn a 0 on the quiz.  Students are allowed to retake two quizzes per semester.

Group Project (10%):  There will be an asynchronous group project that students contribute to all semester long.  Students do not have to meet with one another for the group project.    This project involves many problems with many steps.   Students will log into the project doc and read the work other students have done, add politely suggested corrections, and add more steps of their own.  The professor will regularly visit the project, awarding students points for their personal contributions to the project.   Students must submit Lesson 4 to join Part I of the Group Project, they must submit Lesson 9 to join Part II of the Group Project, and they submit Lesson 14 before joining Part III of this project.   For full credit students must contribute to all three parts.  It is recommended to log in to the group project 2-3 times a week.

Extra Credit (up to 5%): There are extra credit assignments in many lessons as part of the homework.   Exceptional work on a project may also earn extra credit.

Final Project (10%): This is in place of a final exam.  The final project (which must be completed alone) covers all the material in the course.  Students must submit Lessons 23-24 before working on Part I and must submit Lessons 25-27 before working on Part II of this project.  Students must complete the final project on paper and submit the work with selfies during the last month of the semester and can seek feedback and assistance from the professor. The final project is due at the end of finals week but may be completed earlier.   

Materials, Resources and Accommodating Disabilities:

Internet Access: Students are required to have internet access to complete two 2-hour lectures per week and to upload homework and to take quizzes and work on projects.   

Paper and Pens: Students should use graph paper and pens of multiple colors in this course.   This work will be photographed and submitted in a googledoc, which can be done easily if you use the same devise to take the photo that has the googledocs app.

Resources: Below inside the schedule you will find a link to each lesson's googledoc which has detailed notes and links to videos posted on youtube.   The course can easily be completed on a tablet or smartphone which has these apps or on a computer with a browser and internet access.

Textbook: There is no required textbook because we will be following the class notes. If you would like a textbook:  A textbook is free at this link: “A First Course in Linear Algebra" by Robert Beezer.

MATLAB: Students are encouraged to use MATLAB to check their work. CUNY has MATLAB available here and MATLAB has a 2 hour MATLAB onramp course,

Accommodating Disabilities: Lehman College is committed to providing access to all programs and curricula to all students. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room SH-238, telephone number, 718-960-8441. E-mail:   Some standard accomodations are extra time on quizzes.

Handling Stress: Many students encounter stress of some sort during the semester.  Lehman Student Services can help students manage many kinds of hardship that may arise.   Email: to contact them. Students who are afraid of failing or earning a low grade may withdraw from the course but should consult with the professor first.  The professor can work with the student to arrange a more manageable schedule that can still lead to a passing grade.   Sometimes, if a student has been working hard and is progressing with passing grades but encouters hardship, the student can request an incomplete to finish work in June.

Course Outcomes

Math Major Outcomes incorporated into MAT313


(links to lessons will be activated as the course progresses)

to Echelon Form  (due Th Feb 1)

Echelon Form using our Algorithm (due Sun Feb 4)  This is the algorithm we will use to do all problems thoughout the course.  

(late students do this shorter Lesson 6 before Th Feb 29)

(you must complete lessons by Sunday May 19 at 10pm to take a quiz)

Part I 10pm Sun May 19 (best to submit right after fixing Lesson 24)

Part II 10pm Sun May 26 (best to submit right after fixing Lesson 27)

Students who are behind schedule but have a passing average based on their quizzes before the end of the semester, may request an incomplete so that they have time to complete Lessons 23-28 and the Final Project.   All quizzes must be done before the end of the semester.