Women in Mean Curvature Flow 2018

Physics Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities at Stanford (PUWMAS) presents

Women in Mean Curvature Flow July 5, 2018

A small casual event for organized by Kathlynn Marie Simotas (PUWMAS) and Christina Sormani (CUNY)

All people who have taken a course using differential geometry are welcome to attend the talks. If you wish to attend, please contact Christina Sormani (sormanic at gmail) and send your name, your background (undergrad, grad, postdoc etc) and your field (physics, math, engineering etc). On July 7-9 there is an international conference on Minimal Surfaces and Mean Curvature Flow that we encourage everyone to register for and attend as well.

Schedule: (Varian 355)

Lu Wang (U Wisconsin Madisson)* 3:00-4:00 pm

Mean Curvature Flow and Self Shrinkers with Conical Ends”

Ling Xiao (U Connecticut Storrs)* 5:00-6:00 pm

Translating Solitons and Convexity”

Dinner 7:00-9:00 pm TBA

Also in the photo:

Theodora Bourni (U Tennessee Knoxville) who was invited but could not attend.

Christine Breiner (Fordham U) who was invited but could not attend.

Tatiana Toro (U Washington) who will speak

at the conference on Minimal Surfaces and Mean Curvature Flow

Recommended sites:

Women in Math at Stanford

Association for Women in Mathematics

MSRI Connections for Women: Differential Geometry

BIRS Women in Geometry


Funded in part by Prof Sormani’s NSF grant DMS 1309360.

It is hosted by PUWMAS.