
Preprints and Works in Progress by Professor Sormani   

See also google scholar and my published papers page. Survey articles, chapters, conference proceedings, and undergraduate research are on my surveys page.

Preprints on the ArXiv:

Monotone Sequences of Metric Spaces with Compact Limits

by R. Perales, C. Sormani  (DMS1612049) (arxiv)

Abstract: In this paper, we consider a fixed metric space (possibly an oriented Riemannian manifold with boundary) with an increasing sequence of distance functions and a uniform upper bound on diameter. When the metric space endowed with the pointwise limit of these distances is compact, then there is uniform and Gromov-Hausdorff (GH) convergence to this limit. When the metric space also has an integral current structure of uniformly bounded total mass (as is true for an oriented Riemannian manifold with boundary that has a uniform bound on total volume), we prove volume preserving intrinsic flat convergence to a subset of the GH limit whose closure is the whole GH limit. We provide a review of all notions and have a list of open questions at the end. Dedicated to Xiaochun Rong.

SWIF Convergence of Smocked Metric Spaces

by Dinowitz, Drillick, Farahzad, Sormani, and Yamin  (DMS1612049) (SCGP and GC) (arxiv)

In this paper we explore a special class of metric spaces called smocked metric spaces and study their tangent cones at infinity. We prove that under the right hypotheses, the rescaled limits of balls converge in both the Gromov-Hausdorff and Intrinsic Flat sense to normed spaces. This paper will be applied in upcoming work by Kazaras and Sormani concerning Gromov's conjectures on the properties of GH and SWIF limits of Riemannian manifolds with positive scalar curvature.

Works in Progress:

"Geometric Convergence for an Extreme Limit with Nonnegative Scalar Curvature” and related papers

         with Wenchuan Tian (DMS1612049) (Fields)

"Spacetime Intrinsic Flat Convergence of Cosmological Integral Current Spacetimes" and related papers

          by A Sakovich and C Sormani (DMS 1309360 and DMS1612049)(SCGP)(Fields)

"GH and SWIF Convergence of Metric Spaces"

          by S. Lakzian and C Sormani (DMS1612049)

Other Projects:

Compactness Theorem for SIF Convergence Project Title TBD

          by A Sakovich, M. Graf, and C Sormani (Fields)      

Geometry and Physics of Cosmic Strings 

         with Geshnizjani, Graf, Gregory, Gunasekaran, and Zavala (Fields, WIG3)

Smocking and Scalar Curvature Project Title TBD 

         by D Kazaras and C Sormani (DMS1612049)(SCGP)

Big Bang Spacetimes Project   (this project has been divided between the two authors)

         by C Sormani and C Vega (Vega NSF DMS1309360 and Sormani DMS1612049)