IAS Emerging Topic on Scalar Curvature Seminar

Wednesday Mornings 10-12 am

organized by Christina Sormani

Room 114 Simonyi Hall

This is a series of seminars/discussions following the

IAS Emerging Topic Week on Scalar Curvature and Convergencd

organized by Misha Gromov and Christina Sormani

Oct 24: 10-12 am Review of the Emerging Topic Week

Nov 3: Gromov and Sormani complete IAS Emerging Topics Report

Nov 10: Gromov posts Scalar Curvature of Manifolds with Boundaries on arxiv

Nov 28: 10-12 am Stefano Nardulli Isoperimetric Profiles and discussion

Dec 5: 10-12 am Christina Sormani Intrinsic Flat Stability of the PMT

Dec 6-7: Scalar Curvature Workshop at NYU organized with Gromov.