Welcome to Matt Groden's Problem Solved Math Tutoring!

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Click on the Video Above to Check Out My Teaching!

  About My Services

I provide a host of small innovative math classes, 1-1, and small-group tutoring for students ranging from math-phobic 6th graders to enthusiastic high-school and college math students exploring college-level Calculus.  I am passionate about teaching students how to learn and changing how students think about math.  My students improve their math skills by learning how to learn math and not simply being given the correct steps.  To be sure, my students demonstrate mastery of the correct steps, but they do so from a position of understanding and not memorization, which allows them to gain more from their studies, rather than a baseline understanding that will allow for only short-term success in school.

What Drives My Teaching?

   In my 11+ years of teaching middle and high school math to students ranging from those who think of math as a vile 4-letter word to those who love math as a passion, I have enjoyed leading students to realize math is an interconnected puzzle.  Math concepts build on each other as the pieces of a beautiful whole.  Too often I see students of all ability levels approaching their studies of math by memorizing steps - like rote following the ingredients in a cook book without understanding why or how the ingredients make for such an amazing mental meal!