SAT Prep

Voted "One of the Best of Bucks"

Summer 2024 Session Times

Classes run from 6 - 8 pm

Tuesdays - 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/15 (Note last class is a Thursday)

Wednesdays - 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14

Fall 2024 Session Times

Saturdays - 12:30 pm-2:30 pm - 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26

Contact Matt with questions at


Cost: $610  (~$50 per hour of instruction!!)

**Tuition includes 6 two-hour classes replete with strategy, concept review, and study skills taught by two veteran public school Math and English teachers.  Scroll down for more details about our class!

Course Overview

    This 12-hour course teaches students how to think efficiently, translate the concepts being tested on the SAT and reviews key Reading, Writing and Math concepts necessary for success on the SAT.  Each class, students will receive one hour of instruction from veteran SAT Reading and Writing Instructor, AP Language and Composition High School teacher alum, Anthony Barth.  The second hour consists of instruction from veteran SAT Math teacher and former AP Calculus Pennsbury High School math teacher and department chair, Matt Groden.  Matt and Anthony provide students with fresh and engaging ways of approaching problems, not only demonstrating how to master test management but also how to efficiently translate what questions are asking so students own test questions, gain confidence, and increase their maximum score potential on the SAT.  Throughout the course, students will learn how to put into practice a personalized study plan that provides them with a path for continued improvement long after the course ends.  Weekly assignments are provided that target the practice of the skills and strategies taught each class so your student will automatically utilize said test-taking skills and strategies automatically.


"Hi, Matt.  First I wanted to say thank you for a great class.  [My daughter] was able to increase her score 180 points from the psat to the sat."

Brandy - Parent of 2023 Live Virtual Sessions 

"Hey Mr.Groden,

          For the June SAT I was very happy because I got a 770 on the math section. You’re strategies helped me out a lot and practicing hard problems with you. Thank you so much!"

Student from 2022 Live Virtual Sessions


"It is our pleasure referring you as a great tutor Mr.Groden! I would like to also add on about how helpful your SAT prep classes were for me and how they helped me improve both my math and reading scores after I took your class last summer!"

Samyu V. - Student in 2021 Summer Live Virtual Class

"My son took your spring SAT course.  His goal was to improve math...well I think he accomplished that with a perfect 800!!!  Thanks for all your teaching, tricks, examples, encouragement, etc!!  We are beyond proud!!"

Shawn M. - Parent of 2021 Spring Live Virtual Class

"I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much your class helped [my daughter].  She really thought you and Anthony were great.  Her practice exams are the evidence of how the class helped her. Her scores continued to improve each time and at last practice test she scored a 1410!!!  Thanks so much for being a truly great teacher!"

Tammy - Parent of 2020 Summer Live Virtual Class

"My children, classes 2020 and 2022, attended the SAT Prep Course offered by Matt Groden. They were extremely well prepared, achieving their scoring goals the first time taking the SAT.  The only thing I had to do was write the check!  You structure the assignments in such a way that the parents should not have to nag or get involved with the “homework”."

Ruth Anne - Parent of 2019 and 2021 Live Virtual Class

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping my daughter prepare for her upcoming SAT and AP Calc classes [exams]. She loved working with you and Anthony. You were so motivating. I will surely pass your name on to anyone in need of prep of any kind. Thanks again!"

Michelle - Parent of 2020 Spring Live Virtual Class

"I just wanted to follow up with you to thank you for your wonderful SAT prep course. [My daughter] ha[d] a goal of raising her score to 1400 and she earned a 1490!  We are thrilled to say the least! This is 190 points above her previous highest SAT score."

Lisa - Parent of 2019 Winter Student

"I checked my score report today for the SAT and it turns out I got a 1570 on my first one!  The breakdown was 770 reading and 800 in math!  Thanks so much for all of your help...You guys helped me [so] much..."

Student from 2019 Winter Session

"Just wanted to let you know that [my son] received his PSAT scores yesterday and improved over 200 points from the previous year...that was a huge boost to his confidence. Thank you for offering such a great class!"

Stacy - Parent of 2019 Summer Student

"I wanted to let you know I just got back my SAT score today and I got a 1580 overall with an 800 in the math section!"

Aidan - Student 2020 Fall Virtual Class

"I just wanted to thank you and Anthony for your SAT class this summer. My son got a 1240 on the August SAT, up around 200 points from the PSAT! My son has much more confidence now and I am very grateful to you and Anthony for that."

Vicki - Parent of 2018 Summer Student

"I just received my SAT scores back from June - 1560 total, 780 on math (my best math score yet).  I wanted to say thank you for all your help in aiding me to prepare for the test; it definitely paid off."

Virtual Student from Spring 2021

"Thank you for the informative SAT class this summer. All of your study tips and the classes themselves were very helpful on the test. I recently took the SAT in August and I received my scores today. I was relieved to see I got a 1400 (670 on the math and 730 on the English) this first time I took it..."

Sophia - Summer 2019 Student

   "My son took you sat class last fall.  Took it once and did great, he was so happy with his score."

    -Fall 2019 Parent

    "Yesterday I received my SAT score from the August [exam] and received an 800 in math. I wanted to reach out to you to thank you for the tips and tricks you showed me in your class. I really enjoyed the course and thanks to your help my score has greatly improved and now the college application process has become a lot less stressful."

Luke - Winter 2019 Student

"[My daughter] has been really motivated and committed to getting everything out of your course. And her test scores have gone up 100 points from her PSAT! And we’ve got two weeks to go!  Thank you for all your help!" 

Jen U. - Parent of 2018 Summer Student

"[My son] took the PSAT once before your class. His initial score was 1040 (490/reading) (550/math) and 1240 on his most recent test (610/reading) (630/math)  after taking your course."

Anne F. - Parent of 2019 Summer Student

"I wanted to let you know [my son's] score went up 120 points from his last test!! I’m in tears right now, happy tears of course, and we can’t thank you enough.  It wasn’t just the strategies you shared.  It was also your belief and encouragement that I am sure helped [my son] build the confidence and belief in himself.  He went in there knowing he could do it, and he did! I’m so proud of him and I’m so thankful to you.  

Some people are just meant to teach and build up our young men and ladies because they have a giving and sharing spirit.  You are one of those people.  Thank you so much!"

Tanika C. - Parent of 2017 SAT Prep Course Student

"Excellent class and great communication. Highly recommend. "

Cary W. - Parent of Summer 2017 SAT Prep Course

"I thought your SAT class was wonderful and I appreciated the detailed and thorough reports and email responses from you. My son was lucky to be able to take your course."

Anne F. - Parent of Summer 2019 SAT Prep Course

Our Students' College Acceptances

   Some of the Many Colleges to Which our Students Have Been Accepted

Bloomsburg University

Brown University

Bryn Mawr College

Carnegie Mellon University

Clemson University

College of the Holy Cross

Cornell University

Drexel University

Duke University

Elizabethtown College

Indiana University

Lehigh University

Northeastern University Honors College

Penn State University

Penn State University Schreyer Honors College 

Princeton University

Rowan College

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph's University

Swarthmore College

Temple University

University of Delaware

University of Kansas

University of North Carolina

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh Honors College

University of Wisconsin

Vanderbilt University

Villanova University

West Chester University

About our Amazing Live Virtual Classroom

   The virtual classroom contains an amazing suite of technology that makes our classes feel like a 1-on-1 experience and allows students to see and hear us teach live from the comfort and convenience of home.  Given all this technology allows us to do, it is enhancing how our students learn and how we are delivering instruction like never before.  Even students who are not fans of virtual learning in school have enjoyed and benefited greatly from our virtual format!  With so many excellent techniques, strategies, and study processes to share, the virtual format allows your student to watch back class any time so they do not miss a crucial SAT tip that we share.

     Going to miss class?  No worries!  All classes are now conducted live online and can be taken anywhere there is internet. All of our materials and full videos of our teaching will be available online for students who miss class.