Title I - FY 2022

Parent Involvement FY 22

A minimum of 1% of a school's allocation of Title I, Part A funds must support parent involvement activities and programs. Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 requires School Leadership Teams to consult with Title I parent representatives regarding the Title I program and the use of these funds.

Parent involvement activities funded through Title I must be included in the parent involvement policy and aligned with student achievement goals in the Comprehensive Education Plan.

To find your 1 % Parent Involvement:

1) Click on this link and scroll down to page 80 of your PDF Second to last column “Total Minimum Parent Involvement Commitment" http://schools.nyc.gov/offices/d_chanc_oper/budget/dbor/allocationmemo/fy14_15/FY15_PDF/sam08.pdf

The only District 21 schools who do not receive Title 1 funding are: IS 98 and IS 239