
What to do in May/June

Nominating Committee

Principal should have been notified by April 1st of the date of elections. If you didn't do so now!

Elections must be held in accordance with your bylaws and the Chancellors Regulations A-660. This information is provided by Presidents' Council and FACE each year. Elections held at any other time will not be valid.

Nominations Notice must go out 10 days in advance.

Close of Nominations and elections must be held at a time to ensure maximum participation based on your past PTA/P/A attendance.

Installment of new officers and transfer of records may be done on the same night. The transfer of records MUST be done before June 30th.

All committees should give reports if they have not done so at the previous meeting - proposed fund raisers for next year, Proposed Budget, Audit etc...

Parents of SLT

Should be working on the CEP and clearly defining Goals for the Title I programs within the school as well as the spending of Title I parent involvement allocation for the upcoming school year. This is then brought forth to your general membership for meaningful discussion and participation in decision making. The recommendations made by parents must be clearly defined and noted in the minutes and are then brought back to the SLT.

SLT Elections

First and foremost, check your SLT bylaws to see how many parents are on the SLT, what the terms and term limits are and if alternates are allowed.

Send out the vacancy/SLT Election notice with the tear off stating the date of the meeting that nominations and elections for PA/PTA & SLT will be held.

Hope to get back many tear offs. Then at the meeting ask for more nominations. If you get only the required amount of nominations, then there is no election.

If you get more than required then a ballot/poll is created and voting will commence. (follow standard procedures for nominations and elections) Let candidates tell a little about themselves.

As on any ballot/poll, names should be listed in alphabetical order. You ask the voters to circle/click the required amount of parents out of however many names are there (minus one or including the president as they are automatic). Count votes. The candidates with the highest votes win the next highest can be an alternate. (If the bylaws allow for an alternate) (Understand, an alternate is only if a member drops out so another election is not needed, an alternate does not sit in if someone is absent)

Understand that the president of the PA/PTA is an automatic core member of the SLT so if 4 are needed then you only need to elect 3. Co-Presidents are not automatic. If a co-presidency exists, then only 1 is an automatic member of the SLT, the other needs to be elected. Usually the Co-Presidents split it up, one attends SLT the other attends Presidents' Council.

New Presidents or Recording Secretaries should set up their outlook e-mail account immediately. If one was set up by a previous board member, please change the password. Many important documents and time sensitive information is sent to parents through this account.

Tips on Running PA/PTA Elections

please download a great checklist put together by Presidents Council here

September October November/December January/February March April May/June

Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Chair Person Elections

After the PTA and SLT Elections you must adjourn the PA/PTA meeting and open the Title I PAC meeting.

A Title I Chairperson and alternate must be elected immediately and certified by the principal.

*Remember school staff does not vote in the SLT and Title I PAC elections even if they have a child currently attending the school.

Click here to download Election certification forms. (doc format)