
Officers should review their PA/PTA Bylaws and Chancellor's Regulations A-660 • Review all PA/PTA documents, etc., that were discussed at the Transfer of records. PA/PTA’s must have their own EIN number and copy filed with the principal. PA/PTAs may not conduct any fundraising activities until they have obtained an EIN. CR A-660 page 25 (EIN number should have been included in the June Transfer of Records)

Principal Quarterly: Regular communication between school officials and PA/PTAs is essential for PA/PTAs to achieve their goals: Principals must meet at least quarterly with the PA/PTA Executive Board. (Every 3 Months- July 1st to June 30th) PA/PTAs are encouraged to satisfy this requirement by inviting their principals to attend all or part of their regular executive board meetings. CR A-660 page 12

Arrange New Signatories on Bank Account: PA/PTA checks must be signed by 2 officers. The PA/PTA bylaws must indicate at least 3 officers to be eligible signatories. The 2 signatories of a check may not be related by blood or marriage. Under no circumstances may spouses, siblings, in-laws or other relatives or members of the same household sign the same PA/PTA or Presidents’ Council check. A PA/PTA member may not sign a check if she/he has any direct or indirect interest in the expenditure. Contact your PA/PTA Bank to find out information to arrange new signatories on bank account. Review all bank account information- CR A-660 page 24.

Officers’ Contact Information : The PA/PTA executive board must make a list of elected PA/PTA officers available to the membership. The list must include names and either a phone number or email address where parents may contact officers. The list may not include officers’ home addresses. A means of contacting the PA/PTA executive board (e.g., the DOE-issued PA/PTA email address or the PA/PTA’s telephone extension at the school) must also be provided. The list must be available in the principal’s office and at every PA/PTA meeting. The list will be posted in the school at the beginning of the school year and made available to any PA/PTA member upon request. CR A-660 page 10

Donation requests (Dues): Send out a welcome letter, with your September PTA Meeting date, ongoing fundraisers such as boxtops, and schoola with your donation request envelope. Please check your bylaws for donation requests/ amount. While a PA/PTA may choose to solicit dues, the payment of dues cannot be a condition for participation or membership. Every parent/guardian is a member of the PA/PTA. CR A-660 page 5

Set up outlook e-mail: New Presidents or Recording Secretaries/Corresponding Secretaries should set up their outlook e-mail account immediately. If one was set up by a previous board member, please change the password. Many important documents and time sensitive information is sent to parents through this medium To reactivate your DOE email account, please call the help desk at 718-935-5100 with your Principal or Principal's secretary.

A list of Executive Board Meeting dates for the year. It is most effective for officers to meet at a minimum of once a month. Sometimes it is necessary to meet more than that and most PA's meet every morning or several times during the week, especially when there is an upcoming event, however, one official meeting with roll call, minutes and structured discussion is good practice. It helps to keep everyone on the same page and discuss upcoming events and plans as well as what will be reported or discussed at the next general meeting. Gives the board an update on committees, special projects and general information. Use your Executive Board meetings as an organizational tool.

A list of General Meeting dates for the year: See your bylaws to see the order of business of your agenda. All PA/PTA Meeting notices must be given to the principal and sent out 10 calendar days prior. PA/PTA Bylaws copies should be made available at every meeting. Minutes from previous months meeting should be presented in draft form for approval at meeting. You should have scheduled meetings set for the year so that parents can plan to attend. You should schedule them at a time when it is most convenient for all parents to attend (not just board members) With the increasing number of parents working, it is beneficial to have night meetings at least every other month if not every month.

Insure your bylaws reflect the correct day, time, location and frequency of your executive board and general meetings.

Free Use of the School Building: PA/PTAs are entitled to free use of school buildings, including school safety or security coverage, for 110 hours per year outside of school hours. These hours apply 12 months a year and are not transferable. Unused hours may be rolled over from one month to the next, but expire at the end of the school year. If there is more than one PA/PTA in the building, each PA/PTA is entitled to the full 110 hours per year. The PA/PTA is responsible for obtaining permits to use the school building outside of school hours. These permits establish the time and place of meetings. The PA/PTA should request necessary permits from the custodian. CR A-660 page 14

Fundraisers: Principal approval of PA/PTA Fundraisers - The principal’s written consent is only required when the fundraising activity is held during school hours or on school property. PA/PTA fundraising activities involving students during instructional hours are restricted to 2 per year. PA/PTA fundraisers are not ends in themselves. They must be tied to the goals of the organization, including parent education, workshops, and school, district, or borough initiatives. Proceeds from fundraisers must be used to supplement or complement the educational, social and cultural programs of schools. Fundraising Activity Reports no more than 5 days after each fundraiser are to be submitted to the principal. If a PA/PTA deposit will not be made immediately on the same day as the fundraising activity, the PA/PTA must ensure that all funds are secured in a locked location on school or DOE premises (e.g., the school safe). The PA/PTA must obtain a written acknowledgement (including indication of dollar amount) from the principal when PA/PTA funds are secured in the school. Please review Chancellors Regulations A-660, A-812, 610 for fundraising and prohibited fundraisers. CR A-660 pages 25-28.

A written Treasurer’s Report: is to be presented at each PA/PTA Meeting and copy given to the principal.

Budget: The executive board must review the proposed budget (proposed in June) in September for presentation and discussion during the September meeting. Budget amendments may be proposed at this time. The executive board must present the budget process for membership approval no later than the October meeting.

It will be helpful to prepare a survey to be sent out at the beginning of each year to ask your membership :

What is the most convenient time and meeting format (in-person, hybrid or virtual) for them to attend meetings.

Important issues they feel should be discussed at meetings, i.e.; new curriculum, testing etc.

Topics they would like training on/guest speakers for... at meetings i.e.; homework help, saving for college, health & nutrition for children etc.

Fund Raisers they would enjoy or help with/donate to. Remember after each fundraiser, a Fundraising Activity Report must be filed with the principal within five days after the conclusion of each fundraising activity.

Giving your membership an opportunity to voice their opinions and let you know what their needs are helps them to realize that the PA/PTA board is not an entity of itself and is there to represent its members. This helps to increase participation and build attendance at meetings and fund raisers.

You should also be prepared with: Dates for your picture sale, candy sale and any other fund-raisers that are held in the first quarter of the term. (Remember that all fund raisers are to be approved by both membership and the principal)

Committee List: Have your committee list set and available at your first meeting and encourage participation. Committees are an important part of each Parent Association/Parent Teacher Association. It helps to increase participation from general membership. It also helps so that a small number of people are not doing a large number of tasks. It is not effective for the executive board to do everything. This creates burn out. Progress of these committees should be reported at each meeting.

Remember that you will most likely have the largest number of attendance at your first meeting. This is the time to reach out, discuss ideas and be welcoming. Especially encourage new parents to get involved. Let them know how important they are to the organization and that their involvement is important in their child's education.

Remember to introduce the Executive Board: It is best to introduce the board at every meeting and also have a list of their names and positions available at all times. If at all possible your meeting notices/ letterhead should include the names of all board members and committee chairs where necessary. Also insure that a list of board members with addresses and phone numbers is on file with Presidents' Council and most importantly with each Officer of the PA/PTA.

Bylaws: According to Chancellor’s Regulation A-660, PA/PTAs must review their bylaws every three years and upon revision of Chancellor’s Regulation A-660 (currently dated 11/18/2021). Robert’s Rules of Order – Newly Revised may serve as a reference to assist with interpreting PA/PTA bylaws. If a revision of the association’s bylaws is in order, as per CR A-660, the members of the executive board should notify and bring the matter before the general membership. A bylaws committee may be formed to review and recommend propose changes to the bylaws. The association’s executive board must notify its members of the proposed revisions to the bylaws in writing. Because a revision is a proposed replacement of the current bylaws, a copy of the proposed revisions explaining what is to be changed and why, should be sent to all members. Bylaws should be amended as needed. Any PA/PTA member may present a motion at a general membership meeting to amend a provision of the bylaws that is not in compliance with Chancellor’s regulation A-660 . Amendments that bring the bylaws into compliance must be voted on immediately after the motion is presented and require approval by two-thirds of the members present. A PA/PTA Bylaws Template can be requested from Presidents' Council. Copies of new Bylaws or amendments (if any) must be given to the principal.

September October November/December January/February March April May/June