
What to do in April

Notify Principal by April 1st of the date, time and format/location (in-person, or virtual) of elections. Elections in a hybrid format is prohibited.

Nominating Committee:

By April, the nominating committee should be in place and have already sent out a flyer requesting nominations for executive board positions for the upcoming school year. They should be actively seeking candidates and report their progress at the April meeting. They should now have the date set for the April Elections. They must notify the Principal of the date of Elections so they or their designee can be prepared to attend. Remember that the Parent Coordinator may not be the Principal's designee. The Principal or designee should have a copy of the ATS sheet at the elections in the event voter eligibility needs to be determined. A Sample of the Canvas letter can be found here. Basic Responsibilities of Officers ,your bylaws should have something similar.

Budget Committee:

The Budget Committee should present a proposed budget at the April Meeting. (see March for additional info)

Fund Raising Committee:

The Fund Raising Committee should Propose Fund raisers for following year.

Form Audit Committee:

The Audit Committee reviews the association's income and expenses as well as double checks all entries into the check book and ledger. They ensure that items are tallied and reported correctly. In the event there are any discrepancies, please contact Presidents' Council for assistance. The Audit Committee should report at the June meeting. Here is the Audit Committee Statement Form Please read below*....

Please note: The Budget, Audit and Fund Raising Committee should report in May/June.

*In District 21, we have always sealed all books on June 30th to re-open again in September, however, in reviewing practices, this is not necessary. If your association elects to have an audit during the summer, after the term is over (which is actually easier for the auditors) then you may do so and report in September. If you elect to do this then your Audit committee must be available to meet several times during the summer. Your Treasurer must also be available to answer any questions. The audit must be done on school property as the association's records may not be taken out of the building.

Also note that your bylaws should reflect this timeframe.

Remember that the term of the treasurer ends June 30th but the books do not have to be sealed closed.

Also further note: PA/PTA executive boards may meet during the summer to prepare for September.

September October November/December January/February March April May/June