Publication Ethics
ISSN 2348 – 8417
“प्राची प्रज्ञा”
A Peer Reviewed Online Journal in Sanskrit
पुनरीक्षिता सन्दर्भिता अन्तर्जालशोधपत्रिका
Publication Ethics
निःशुल्को निर्वाधप्रवेशः
प्राची प्रज्ञा” निःशुल्कनिर्वाधप्रवेशसौविध्ययोग्यतासम्पन्ना सती विश्ववसिनां सहजतया सौकर्येण च शोधपत्रादिसम्पूर्णसामग्रीषु तत्कालावगाहनाय प्रस्तुतास्ति यत्र –
·सार्वभौमिकप्रसाराय उच्चमानगता निर्वाधप्रवेशसौविध्ययोग्यतासम्पन्ना सुदृश्यता
दृढा पुनरीक्षणनीतिः
अविलम्बं निःशुल्कं प्रकाशनम्
सुनिश्चिताप्तलक्ष्यताऽनेकशास्त्रीययोग्यताभीष्टा उपस्थितिः
शोधपत्रादीनां सर्वथानिःशुल्कप्रस्तुतीकरण-प्रकाशनादिव्यवस्था वर्तते ।
Free and open access for all :
Open access publishing allows an immediate, worldwide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research papers, which is in the best interests of the entire community.
High visibility for maximum global exposure with open access publishing model
Rigorous peer review of research papers
Prompt faster publication with no cost
Guaranteed targeted, multidisciplinary audience
No charges and fees are collected for article submission, processing or publishing the research paper.
सम्पादकानामुत्तरदायित्वम् – सम्पादकाः “प्राची प्रज्ञा” इति पत्रिकायै प्रस्तुतशोधपत्रस्य गुणवत्तां पत्रिकोद्देश्यानुसारित्वं मौलिकत्वं प्रारूपानुगुणतां च प्राथमिकतया निरीक्षेरन् । निरीक्षणकाले सम्पादकाः प्रस्तुतशोधपत्रविषयकसमस्ततथ्यानां गोपनीयतां संरक्षेयुः । सम्पादकाः मातृकाकारस्य जाति-धर्म-देश-वर्ग-लिङ्गादिनिर्विशेषेण प्रस्तुतशोधपत्रस्य गुणवत्तां परीक्षेयुः ।
Role of Editors: The role of the editors is to scrutinize the suitability of submitted manuscripts for the journal, including: (a) the quality of the manuscript, (b) whether it meets the Aims and Scope of the journal, (c) the originality of the work, and (d) format of the manuscript. The editors will not disclose information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author. Editors will ensure the prompt handling of the review process. Editors will evaluate the merit of manuscripts for intellectual content without regard to race, gender, country of origin, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
पुनरीक्षकाणामुत्तरदायित्वम् – पुनरीक्षणं शोधपत्रिकायाः अनिवार्यमङ्गमस्ति यत् सम्पादकानां निर्णयं परीक्ष्य मातृकानां गुणाभिवृद्धये सहायतामाचरति । पुनरीक्षकः विवादास्पदमातृकानां पुनरीक्षणं नैव कर्तव्यं तथा सम्पादकं सूचयेत् । पुनरीक्षणकाले पुनरीक्षकः प्रस्तुतशोधपत्रविषयकसमस्ततथ्यानां गोपनीयतां संरक्षेत् ।
Role of Reviewers: Peer review is an essential process to the journal that assists editor in making editorial decisions and authors in improvement of their manuscripts. Reviewers should point out relevant publications not cited in the manuscript and point out any similarities with previously published works. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts with conflicts of interest. If a potential reviewer feels unqualified to review the manuscript, that reviewer should notify the editors immediately and decline the review. Manuscripts received for review will be treated as confidential documents and not shown or discussed with other without authorization from the editors. Reviewer’s misconduct (breach of confidentiality, delay of peer review, plagiarism, or conflicts of interest) will not be tolerated. The Reviewer will evaluate the manuscript according to the ideal norms laid down for "प्राची प्रज्ञा", fill in the following pro-forma and email to the Editor in Chief.
"प्राची प्रज्ञा"
A Peer Reviewed Online Journal in Sanskrit
प्राचीमनु प्रदिशं प्रेहि विद्वान् (शुक्लयजुर्वेदः/वामासं / 7. 66)
Review Report
Name of The Reviewer------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date -------------------------------- Place--------------------------------------------------------------
Note – Articles are not publishable if total Score is less than 50 points.
मातृकाकाराणां कर्तव्यम् – मातृकाकारेण पूर्वमप्रकाशितं अन्यत्र वा प्रकाशयितुम् असमर्पितं स्वीयं मौलिकं शोधपत्रं प्रस्तोतव्यं यत्र अन्येषां सन्दर्भयोग्यं पर्याप्तं प्रायोगिकं विवरणं स्यात् । शोधपत्रे सैद्धान्तिकदृष्ट्या प्रायोगिकदृष्ट्या तथ्यानां विश्लेषणदृष्ट्या च उल्लेखनीयं योगदानं स्यात् । शोधपत्रे नूतनस्य विचारस्य सिद्धान्तस्य मूल्याङ्कनस्य दर्शनस्य व्याख्यानमार्गस्य वा आविष्कृतिः स्यात् ।
Role of Authors: Authors of original research (not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere) should be an accurate presentation of the work carried out, a discussion of the significance of the work in context with previous works, and should contain sufficient experimental detail to allow others to replicate the work along with appropriate citation. Authorship should be limited to those persons who have made a significant contribution to the work in terms of conception, design, experimental implementation, and data analysis and interpretation. All persons making significant contributions should be included as co-authors. If an author discovers a significant error in the published work, the author is obligated to inform the journal editor in order to either correct or retract the paper. The authors should be satisfied with the format, scope and other norms before the submission. The Research Paper must present a discovery / invention of a new - idea / thought /design / plan / awareness / inkling/ indication / appreciation / conception / understanding / opinion / view/ concept / notion / theory / principle or even a new style of interpretation. All the correspondence should be made through the same email ID only by which the paper has been submitted.
शोधपत्रसम्बद्धसमस्तपत्राचारः एकेन एव अन्तर्जालसङ्केतेन (email id) स्यात् । शोधपत्रप्रकाशनप्रकियायाम् अन्तर्जालमेव न तु कदापि मुद्रणं माध्यमत्वेनावलम्ब्यते । शोधपत्रस्य प्रकाशनार्थं चयनाय सर्वाधिकारः “प्राची प्रज्ञा” इत्यस्याम् एव न्यस्तः ।
All the process will be made online only and no printing media will be entertained. The selection of the Research paper is entirely entrusted to “प्राची प्रज्ञा”.
प्रकाशकस्योत्तरदायित्वम् – यदि प्रकाशने सैद्धान्तिक अनाचारः चौर्यं वा प्रमाणितं भवति तदा प्रकाशकः सम्पादकमण्डल्या सह विमृश्य शुद्धिपत्रं प्रकाशयेत् ।
Role of the Publisher: In cases of proven scientific misconduct, plagiarism, or fraudulent publication, the publisher, in collaboration with the editorial board, will take appropriate action to clarify the situation, publish an erratum, or retract the work in question.
Editor in Chief
Prof. Sugyan Kumar Mahanty
email - prachiprajnaenb@gmail.com
Central Sanskrit University, 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.
"प्राची प्रज्ञा" इत्यन्तर्जालपत्रिका "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License." इति अभिज्ञापत्रस्य अन्तर्गततया उपलब्धा अस्ति ।
Published by
Prof. Sugyan Kumar Mahanty
Central Sanskrit University, 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.
Thank you for your visit.