प्राची प्रज्ञा

Prachi Prajna

Prachi Prajna is an eco-friendly journal


contributes to green solution to environmental hazards

वनस्पतिभिः पृथिवी सजोषा उभे रोदसी परि पासतो नः ॥ ऋग्वेदः/शाकलसंहिता/7.34.23 

The pair of heaven and the earth consentient with the forest lords, and both the world-halves, pressure for us those riches.

ISSN 2348 – 8417

A Peer Reviewed Online Journal in Sanskrit


पुनरीक्षिता सन्दर्भिता अन्तर्जालशोधपत्रिका

प्राचीमनु प्रदिशं प्रेहि विद्वान्, शुक्लयजुर्वेदः, वा. मा. सं., 7.66

शास्त्रार्थान् निर्दिशन्ती परमहितयुता शास्त्रमञ्जूषया या

काव्यानां स्वादुधारामृतरससरसा संस्कृता या च हृद्या ।

सद्योवृत्तैस्सुरम्या नवनवरुचिरा भ्राजते या धरायां

“प्राची प्रज्ञा” प्रकामं ह्यणुकिरणयुता पत्रिका राजतां सा ॥ 

प्राच्यावाच्यं सकलभुवनं दीपयन्ती प्रभाभिः

प्रेष्ठान् कामान् सुविहितदिशा साधयन्ती सुसिद्ध्या।

वार्ताजातैः जनगणमनःशेमुषीं भासयन्ती

"प्राची प्रज्ञा" भवविभवदा कामधुक्स्यादभीक्ष्णम् ।।


सादरं निवेद्यते यत् प्राची प्रज्ञा इति सन्दर्भिता अन्तर्जालशोधपत्रिका

  (Refereed & Peer Reviewed E-Journal in Sanskrit) 

संस्कृतमाध्यमेन विश्वजनतायाः सेवायै कृतसंकल्पास्ति । 

अस्यां पत्रिकायां संस्कृत-हिन्दी-आंग्लभाषासु शोधलेखाः संस्कृतवार्ताश्च प्रकाश्यन्ते । 

संस्कृतक्षेत्रे नवाचार-नूतनप्रयोग-नवोन्मेष-नवसन्दर्भ-शोधप्रवृत्ति-गतिविधि-सूचनादीनामपि पत्रिकायामस्यां प्रकाशनं भवति । 

नवसर्जना अपि काव्यधारायां प्रतिबिम्बिता भवन्ति ।

|| स्वस्ति ||

Aim and Scope of the Journal 

The E-journal Prachi Prajna / प्राची प्रज्ञा is a free and open access journal for Research Papers on Indology or Indian Knowledge System in Sanskrit, English and Hindi, Contemporary Sanskrit Poems, News on the activities to promote Sanskrit, and the information on Sanskrit related websites & scholarly contributions. The philosophy on which we work is the idea behind the Vedas, to establish a feeling and emotion of “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्” meaning ‘the whole world is a family.’  

The aim and objective of The E-journal Prachi Prajna / प्राची प्रज्ञा is to provide a free and open access platform to all for getting in to the magnificent treasury of Indology. No charges and fees are collected to process or publish the research papers, creative writings, news or information on Sanskrit & indology.

The Scope of the E-journal Prachi Prajna / प्राची प्रज्ञा is to entice the attention of the people from each corner of the world towards the rich and vivid but still unseen knowledge area of Indology based on Sanskrit and to open all the possible doors of opportunity to explore it for the well being of all without an exception.

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग्भवेत्।

sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ sarve santu nirāmayāḥ

sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaścid duḥkhabhāgbhavet

(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,1.4.14)

May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, may all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer.

Editor in Chief

Prof. Sugyan Kumar Mahanty

email - prachiprajnaenb@gmail.com

Central Sanskrit University, 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
"प्राची प्रज्ञा" इत्यन्तर्जालपत्रिका "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License." इति अभिज्ञापत्रस्य अन्तर्गततया उपलब्धा अस्ति ।

Published by

Prof. Sugyan Kumar Mahanty

Central Sanskrit University, 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.