Paul Moxnes, professor, dr. philos./PhD, Organizational psychologist. Semi-retired. Visiting professor Univ. of Oslo
Digital tombstone (preemptive)
Epitaph: Paul Moxnes, writer, husband, father and grandfather, b. 1942, d. 20xx. He was a quite stubborn scholar, creative at times, with mostly sole authored papers. He had a passion for organizational psychology and an unexplained love for categorizing human behavior. A life-long devoted jogger. In his last years, a heart for cold swims.
Bibliography, with full texts: click the hamburger button.
Accomplishments; mostly in Norwegian. All papers posted here have been published in peer reviewed journals - or found worthy of publication by editors of different magazines and newspapers. See Scholarly Publications and Aviser og norske blader. See also Profilering: intervjuer og anmeldelser.
Most cited and most sold book: Læring og ressursutvikling i arbeidsmiljøet (1981). Out of sale. Full text here.
Most sold book, still in sale: Positiv angst - i individ, gruppe og organisasjon (2012) (earlier edition titled Hverdagens angst, review).
Last book: Organisasjonspsykologi - essays for ledere (2022). Review
Work in progress: Ja visst kan personlighet endres: Vitenskapen om personlighetens puslespill (CappelenDamm)
Tiden er knapp, fra 2025 bruker jeg ikke lenger Deler nå mer på
Til dere som har lest boka Samspill og ledelse. Her er Arbeidsnotat om Samspill og ledelse, som jeg viser til i boka.
Gjennom et langt liv har jeg holdt eksterne forelesninger på scener i inn- og utland. Jeg synes det var angstfylt - men ikke etter at jeg var kommet på scenen der flukt var umulig. Takk til alle som løftet meg fram.
Jeg tar ikke lenger på meg forelesningsoppdrag.
Books in sale
Hva er angst 2009
Boken er innkjøpt av Kulturrådet
Angst og arbeidsmiljø på en psykiatrisk avd. på 70-tallet. Popularisert
The Deep Role Model - Implicit Core-Characters in Social Cognition
Deep Roles are personality types explicated as fairytale roles. Papers on deep roles.
Lederutviklingsprogrammet Samspill og ledelse.
The leadership development program Learning-Leadership-in-InterAction (Samspill og ledelse) is an educational program neatly arranged for efficient learning of organizational behavior/ applied organizational psychology - based on pure psychological science - descriptive of what is going on over and below the surface. It is provided by Norway's two leading business schools. The program is protected by Norwegian copyright law.
Biographical note
Paul-Anders Moxnes, born 1942 in Trondheim, Norway. Licensed psychologist, University of Oslo. Doctorate in Organizational Psychology, the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. Licensed group therapist (IGA). Accredited specialist in work- and organizational psychology (NPF). Author of several research books (Norwegian and Swedish editions) and articles on positive (healthy) anxiety, organizational learning, human resources development, and mythological roles (deep roles) in groups and organizations. Current interests include studies in person-perception (deep-role categorizations), and the art and science of teaching psychology to managers. Formerly, professor of Organizational Psychology at the University of Oslo and BI Norwegian Business School. Currently, independent writer and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo.
Healthcare: Still a devoted jogger.
Core family: Married 1974 to Aud (born Lutnæs, 1949). Sons, Andreas (b. 1975) and Kristian (b. 1981). Grandchildren, Alma and Axel. Daugthers-in-law, Ida and Anna.
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Bidrag kan vipses til Paul Moxnes' støttefond Vipps nummer 6984GR
MVH Paul