All of the following Programs are versions of Ronchi Simulations.

While I would suggest that fine analysis of a surface now be done Interferometrically (probably with OpenFringe), I still favor earlier quick testing via Ronchi. Many Ronchi Simulations have been written - almost all lacking Wave Optics refinements - but I do not see any disadvantage if one is familiar with Ronchi Testing and knows its limitations. And I actually prefer my own programs because of the quick method of changing the Conic Constant and grid position for comparisons.

RonchiEstimates is unique because it actually allows crude Quantitative Estimates of local defects. It has been overtaken by Interferometry but should not be forgotten.

I would like to rewrite most of this with the Programming Skills I have now developed but simply do not have the time. Maybe one day !

Download, Unzip, and simply Run. Some are better for comparing two figures, others for crudely analyzing a figure.