This page contains a list of errata in the textbook. Any changes to the accompanying code are available by downloading the current version. Please report any mistakes not listed here to the authors (reese AT ece DOT msstate DOT edu, bjones AT ece DOT msstate DOT edu, jwbruce AT ece DOT msstate DOT edu).
Second edition
Errors (Technical)
Chapter 3, pg. 70, Figure 3.15 title. Replace "Instruction format: mov{.b} #lit,Wn" with "Example operation: mov{.b} #lit,Wn". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 3, pg. 72, Figure 3.16 title. Replace "Example operation: mov.{b} [Wns], [Wnd]" with "Example operation: mov{.b} [Wns], [Wnd]". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 3, pg. 84, line 8 of Listing 3.4: Replace ".global __reset:" with ".global __reset". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 3, pg. 87, end of the 5th line of the last paragraph: Replace "locations 0x0002 and 0x021A" with "locations 0x0002 and 0x02B6". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 3, pg. 88, line 8 of Listing 3.6: Replace ".global __reset:" with ".global __reset". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 3, pg. 85, lines (21) and (22). Replace "; u8_j = u8_j 1;" with "; u8_j = u8_j - 1;" in two places. Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 4, pg. 105, answer 2. Replace "so W1 is modified to 0x3550." with "so W1 is modified to 0x3350." Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 5, pg. 139, Figure 5.7(a) line 6. Replace "; u32_p = u32_p - u32_j" with "; u32_p = u32_p - u32_q". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 5, pg. 143, 3rd line from bottom. Replace "(u32_k && !u32_j)" with "(u32_k || !u32_j)". Thanks to Jose Gonzalez for reporting this.
Chapter 5, pg. 154, second to last line of the first paragraph. Replace "with the inclusion of an inverter and a 2-to-1 mux" with "with the inclusion of N inverters and an N-bit 2-to-1 mux". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 6, pg. 186, first and 6th lines of the second to last paragraph. Replace "pi16_a " with "pi16_a--". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 6, pg. 194, Figure 6.22. Replace "se W1, W1" and "se W2, W2" after the "swapU32:" label with "ze W1, W1" and "ze W2, W2". Thanks to Jose Gonzalez for reporting this.
Chapter 6, pg. 208, last line of review problem 1. Replace "pi16_a ;" with "pi16_a--;". Thanks to C. Traver for reporting this.
Chapter 6, pg. 209. Thanks to John Lynch for reporting these:
Review problem 3. Replace "mov [ W1],W0" with "mov [--W1], W0".
Review problem 5. Replace "mov.b [ W1], W0" with "mov.b [--W1], W0".
Review problem 8. Replace "mov W2, [ W0]" with "mov W2, [--W0]".
Review problem 10. Replace "mov.b W2, [ W1]" with "mov.b W2, [--W1]".
Chapter 6, pg. 210, review problem 29. Replace "u8_cnt ;" with "u8_cnt--;". Thanks to Khaled Addowesh for reporting this.
Chapter 6, pg. 211, review problem 30. Replace "u8_cnt ;" with "u8_cnt--;". Thanks to Khaled Addowesh for reporting this.
Chapter 8, pg. 290, code sequence near the bottom of the page. Replace "_ANSELB3 = 1;" with "_ANSB3 = 0;". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 8, pg. 293, last paragraph. Replace "Therefore, the resistance R = 1.3 V/0.015 A = 260 Ω," with "R = 1.3 V/0.005 A = 260 Ω,". Thanks to Khaled Addowesh for reporting this.
Chapter 9, pg. 367, Figure 9.31. There should only be ONE switch (SW0) in this figure, connected to both INT0 and INT1. This way, the edge generated by the switch is seen simultaneously by both inputs. Thanks to John Lynch for reporting this.
Chapter 9, pg. 329, Figure 9.7. Replace "CN0IE" with "CNIEA5" and "CNEN1<0>" with "CNENA<5>". Thanks to Khaled Addowesh for reporting this.
Chapter 9, pg. 367, problem 9. Replace "Figure 9.19" with "Figure 9.13". Thanks to Khaled Addowesh for reporting this.
Chapter 10, pg. 427, second to last line on the page. Replace "physical pins 15/16" with "physical pins 15/14". Thanks to Eric Timms for reporting this.
Chapter 10, pg. 432, 3rd line of second to last paragraph. Replace "The 16-bit write (c) and read (d) commands..." with "The 16-bit write (c) and read (e) commands...". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Appendix A, pg. 649, replace the "CBB" instruction (fourth line from the top) with "CPB". Thanks to Jacob Mason for reporting this.
Appendix C, pg. 663, table C.1: Replace the machine code for location 0, "01 0111", with "01 0110". Thanks to Pete Dietl and Delenn Sapp for reporting this.
Appendix C, pg. 666, solution 19. Replace "0x1004 = 0x7B0B, ..." with "0x1006 = 0x7B0B, ...." Thanks to Pete Dietl and Delenn Sapp for reporting this.
Appendix C, pg. 671, chapter 6 solutions. Thanks to John Lynch for reporting these:
Solution 1: The table was omitted.
Solution 3: Replace "W1 = 0x0804" with "W1 = 0x1004".
Solution 5: Replace "W0 = 0x0880, W1 = 0x0805" with "W0 = 0x1080, W1 = 0x1005".
Solution 7: Replace "W0 = 0x0806" with "W0 = 0x1006". Replace "0x0804 = 0x8301" with "0x1004 = 0x8301".
Solution 9: Replace "W0 = 0x0805" with "W0 = 0x1005". Replace "0x0804 = 0x8001" with "0x1004 = 0x8001".
Solution 13: Replace "W0 = 0x0806" with "W0 = 0x1006". Replace "0x804 = 0x7B03" with "0x1004 = 0x7B03".
Solution 15: Replace "W1=0x087B" with "W1 = 0x107B".
Solution 17: Replace "0x0806 = 0x0603" with "0x1006 = 0x0603".
Solution 19: Replace "W15 = 0x0806" with "W15 = 0x1006". Replace "0x0804 = 0x0806" with "0x1004 = 0x1006".
Solution 21: Replace "W15 = 0x0802" with "W15 = 0x1002".
Solution 23: Replace "W15 = 0x080C, W14 = 0x0806" with "W15 = 0x100C, W14 = 0x1006". Replace "0x0804 = 0x0802" with "0x1004 = 0x1002".
Appendix C, pg. 690, chapter 9 solutions, solution 9. Replace "RB12" with "RB13". Thanks to Khaled Addowesh for reporting this.
Errors (Grammar, Formatting, others)
Chapter 4, pg. 108, 2nd line from the bottom. Replace "performs a bitwise and AND of the LSB..." with "performs a bitwise AND of the LSB..." Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 6, pg. 179, last paragraph. Replace "± 32 Ki programs words" with "± 32 Ki program words". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 8, pg. 257, next to last paragraph, line 2. Replace "problem" with "problems". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 9, pg. 336, last line, first word. Replace "uses" with "use". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 10, pg. 432, 5th line of second to last paragraph. Replace "...two separate I2C transactions; an I2C write transaction..." with "...two separate I2C transactions; an I2C write transaction...". Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 3, page 57, seven line after the "Program Memory Organization" title, "The program counter (PC) is a 32-bit register..." However, Figure 3.1 on page 56 shows the program counter producing a 24-bit value. Because the PC address (see Figure 3.2 on page 58) is always even, lowest bit of a 24-bit address is always 0; therefore, the address is stored as a 23-bit value and a 0 added at its end. Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
Chapter 9, page 345. The term "semaphore", used in the paragraph in the middle of the page, is not defined until the following page, making this use unclear. Thanks to J. C. Long for reporting this.
First edition
Errors (Technical)
Chapter 2, pg. 39, Figure 2.3, Clock cycle 7 is labeled with state Z3, replace with Z4.
Chapter 3, pg. 61, Figure 3.4. Replace the last address on the right-hand column ("0x0006") with "0x000A".
Chapter 3, pg. 65, Figure 3.7. Replace "mov Wn, f" with "mov Wns, f" (it only supports register direct addressing).
Chapter 3, pg. 74, Figure 3.17b, In right hand W0 register, replace 0x1A23 with 0x1AF3.
Chapter 3, pg. 86, Listing 3.5, for the 'goto done' machine code, replace 040214 with 040218.
Chapter 4, pg. 102: Replace the sentences "The rrnc (rotate right without carry) instruction rotates the bits one position to the right, with the most significant bit rotating to the least significant bit position. The rlnc (rotate left without carry) instruction rotates the bits one position to the left, with the least significant bit rotating to the most significant bit position." with "The rrnc (rotate right without carry) instruction rotates the bits one position to the right, with the least significant bit rotating to the most significant bit position. The rlnc (rotate left without carry) instruction rotates the bits one position to the left, with the most significant bit rotating to the least significant bit position."
Chapter 4, pg. 126, problem 38. Replace "(uint8) u8_q)" with "(uint16) u8_q)"
Chapter 5, pg. 149, Figure 5.24. Replace asrl with asr in the explanation under item (b).
Chapter 5, pg. 159, problem 5. Change "u64_i = u64_i + u64_k;" to "u64_i = u64_i - u64_k;". Thanks to Daniel Downs for reporting this.
Chapter 5, pg. 159, problem 25. Change "((u16_k + (uint8) u8_q) >> 2) & 0xA343D;" to "((u16_k + (uint16) u8_q) >> 2) & 0xA343D;". Also note the errata for the solution to this problem.
Chapter 5, pg. 159. problem 27. Change "( ( i32_s - (int32) i8_q ) >> 2) | 0x38DB807F" to " ( i32_s - ( (int32) i8_q >> 2 ) ) | 0x38DB807F". This re-arranges the parenthesis so that the shift operation on i8_q is done before the subtraction from i32_s to match the solution in appendix G.
Chapter 6, pg. 163, Figure 6.2. In line (2), replace "u32_j = 0xFEDCAB98;" with "u32_j = 0xFEDCBA98;".
Chapter 6, pg. 164, Figure 6.4. Replace last line of assembly "mov u16_k" with "mov W0, u16_k".
Chapter 6, pg. 183, 4th line from bottom, replace "...decrementing the stack pointer by 2..." with "......decrementing the stack pointer by 4...".
Chapter 6, pg. 191, Figure 6.26. Insert the lines "ze W1, W1" and "ze W2, W2" between the lines "swapU32:" and "sl W1, #2, W1".
Chapter 6, pg. 205, problem 33. Replace "for the subroutine of problem 26." with "for the subroutine of problem 28."
Chapter 6, pg. 205, problem 35. Replace "Implement the subroutine of problem 26..." with "Implement the subroutine of problem 28...".
Chapter 7, pg. 220, last sentence. Replace “+7.10375 to -8.0” with “+7.9375 to -8.0”.
Chapter 8, pg. 254, bullet #11. Replace "T1CLK" with "T1CK"
Chapter 8, pg. 261, 2nd paragraph -- Replace "pic24_delay.c" with "pic24_delay.h". Note: the 'common', ''include" directories are now under 'lib/' from the top level distribution.
Chapter 9, pg 322, Figure 9.3, Vector 17: replace "_SP1ErrInterrupt" with "_SPI1ErrInterrupt". Vector 18: replace "_SP1Interrupt" with "_SPI1Interrupt".
Chapter 9, pg. 333, Figure 9.10: Replace “FOSC = 4 MHz” with “FCY = 4 MHz”.
Chapter 9, pg. 364, Figure 9.31. There should only be ONE switch (SW0) in this figure, connected to both INT0 and INT1. This way, the edge generated by the switch is seen simultaneously by both inputs.
Chapter 9, pg. 364, Problem 14. Replace "statement F" with "statement J".
Chapter 9, pg. 364, Problem 17. Replace "statement H" with "statement L".
Chapter 10, pg. 382, text and Figure 10(b): Change "7.3728 kHz" to "7.3728 MHz". Likewise, change "36.864 kHz" to "36.864 MHz".
Chapter 10, pg. 410, Figure 10.36b: Add "CONFIG_RP3_AS_DIG_PIN();" to the slave SPI configuration function. Pin RP3 on the PIC24HJ32GP202 is an analog pin, and the analog functionality must be disabled since RP3 is being used as the SPI Slave Select input.
Chapter 11, pg 464, Figure 11.13: There must be at least a 1 instruction cycle delay between setting the ADC sample bit and checking the ADC DONE bit, as setting the sample bit clears the DONE bit. A "__delay32(1)" library call should be inserted between "SET_SAMP_BIT_ADC1()" and "WAIT_UNTIL_CONVERSION_COMPLETE_ADC1()". Without this change, the function returns the value of the previous conversion as the check for the DONE flag is done immediately after setting the sample bit. The library code archive has been updated with this change.
Chapter 15, pg 671, Figure 15.2. The '+' terminal of the LM386 should be connected to the wiper of the 10 kohm potentiometer if the pot is used.
Appendix G, pg 795, Problem 1. The machine code for location 0 should be "01 0110".
Appendix G, pg 797, problem 9. Replace "mov.w #0x12F0,W2" with "mov.w 0x12F0,W2" (drop the #, this is not an immediate move).
Appendix G, pg 811, line1. Replace "(int *) pu8_1;" with "(uint16 *) pu8_1;"
Appendix G, pg 818,problem 3. The clock frequency should be 20 MHz, not 40 MHz. The solution should read "232 ticks × 1/20 MHz × 8 = 4294967296 × 1/20 MHz × 8 = 1718 s."
Appendix A, Figure A.2, pg. 711. For the ggg field, replace the description of "Register offset addressing mode for Ws source register (Figure A.3)" with "Addressing mode for Wso source register (Figure A.3)". Likewise, for the hhh field, replace the description of "Register offset addressing mode for Wd source register (Figure A.3)" with "Addressing mode for Wdo destination register (Figure A.3)".
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 713. Replace "ASR.{B} Wb, Wns, Wnd" with "ASR Wb, Wns, Wnd" (it does not have a byte version).
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 713. Replace "ASR.{B} Wb, #lit4, Wnd" with "ASR Wb, Wns, Wnd" (it does not have a byte version).
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 713. Replace the "AND.{B} Wb, #lit5, Wd" instruction encoding of "0100 0www wBqq qddd d11k kkkk" with "0110 0www wBqq qddd d11k kkkk".
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 715. Replace "CLR{.B} Ws" with "CLR{.B} Wd" (this is a destination register).
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 716. Replace "MOV Wn,f" with "MOV Wns,f" (it only supports register direct addressing).
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 717. Replace "MOV f,Wn" with "MOV f,Wnd" (it only supports register direct addressing).
Appendix A, Figure A.4, pg 717, Replace "Wsn" with "Wns" on the PUSH.D line, for 3 replacements.
Appendix A, Figure A.10, pg 719, Replace "SL.{B} Wb, Wns, Wnd" with "SL Wb, Wns, Wnd" (it does not have a byte version).
Appendix A, Figure A.10, pg 719, Replace "SL.{B} Wb, #lit4, Wnd" with "SL Wb, Wns, Wnd" (it does not have a byte version).
Appendix A, Figure A.11, pg 720, Replace "XOR" with "XOR.{B}" for all XOR instruction forms (they all have byte versions).
Appendix D, Figure D.4, pg 772, Replace "ENABLE_Rxy_AS_PULLUP()/ "DISABLE_Rxy_AS_PULLUP()/" with "ENABLE_Rxy_PULLUP/DISABLE_Rxy_PULLUP".
Appendix G, pg. 797, Chapter 3, problem 13. Change line 3 from "sub.b j, WREG ; WREG = WREG - j = (i - 32) - j)" to "subr.b j, WREG ; WREG = WREG - j = (i - 32) - j)". Change line 4 from "mov.b k ;k = (i - 32) - j" to "mov.b WREG, k ;k = (i - 32) - j".
Appendix G, pg. 798, Chapter 4, problem 41 solution. Replace "mov u8_p,W0" with "mov.b u8_p,WREG", and replace "cp u8_r" with "cp.b u8_r"
Appendix G, pg. 799,Chapter 4, problem 45 solution. Replace "cp.b u8_r" with "cp0.b u8_r".
Appendix G, pg. 801,Chapter 5, problem 15 solution. Replace V=1 with V=0.
Appendix G, pg. 802, Chapter 5, problem 25 solution. Replace the solution with:
mov.b u8_q, WREG
ze W0,W1 ;W1 = (uint16) u8_q (zero extend)
mov u16_k,W0 ;W0 = u16_k
add W0,W1,W0 ;W0 = (u16_k + (uint16) u8_q)
lsr W0,#2,W0 ;W0 = (u16_k + (uint16) u8_q) >> 2
mov #0xA34D,W1 ;W1 = 0xA34D
and W0,W1,W0 ;W0 = ((u16_k + (uint16) u8_q) >> 2) & 0xA34D;
mov WREG,u16_i
Appendix G, pg 802, Chapter 5, problem 27. The instruction sequence 'asr W1,W1; rrc W0,W0' needs to be replaced with 'asr W1,W1; rrc W0,W0 ; asr W1,W1; rrc W0,W0' in order to shift the 32-bit partial result by two positions.
Appendix G, pg. 803, Chapter 6, problem 27. Line 3: replace "cp0 [W0]" with "cp0.b [W0]", line 6: Replace "mov [W0],[W1] " with "mov [W1],[W0]".
Appendix G, pg. 804, Chapter 6, problem 35. Insert the lines "sl W1, W1" then "sl W2, W2" between the lines "ze W2, W2" and "add W0, W1, W3".
Errors (Grammar, Formatting, others)
Chapter 1, pg. 29, 1st paragraph, line 2: Replace "leftmost row" with "leftmost column".
Chapter 6, pg. 180, 1st paragraph, line 9: Replace "Listing 3.3" with "Listing 3.4"
Chapter 6, pg. 188, Figure 6.23, assembly language: Replace "bra GEU,end_loop ;exit loop if u8_i>=1" with "bra GEU,end_loop ;exit loop if u8_i>=16".
Chapter 8, pg. 257, 2nd paragraph, line 9: Replace “The TD TT-232R-3.3” with “The FTDI TTL-232R-3.3”
Chapter 8, pg. 262, Figure 8.6: The outstring() function is in common\pic24_serial.c, not common\pic24_uart1.c.
Chapter 8, pg. 269, Figure 8.10. The doze postscaler option should be "... clock modes except HS, XT".
Chapter 8, pg. 282, 5th paragraph, line 1: Replace "Figure 8.9" with "Figure 8.10"
Chapter 8, pg. 284, 2nd paragraph, line 7. Replace “process or” with “processor” (extra space is removed)
Chapter 9, pg. 344, first paragraph, line 4. Replace “Figure 8.29” with Figure 8.30”.
Chapter 9, pg. 362, problem 2. Replace "purposefully" with "purposely".
Chapter 10, pg 381, 1st paragraph: "The FERR bit (framing error status) is set to a “1” is the stop bit..." should be "The FERR bit (framing error status) is set to a “1” if the stop bit..."
Chapter 14, pg. 619, 2nd paragraph, line 9: "until the both tasks", delete the.
Chapter 14, pg. 621, 2nd paragraph, line 5: Replace wait(-then-signal) with wait()-then-signal() .
Chapter 14, pg. 630, 2nd paragraph, line 1: Replace "in Figure 14.10). The" with "in Figure 14.10, the".
Chapter 14, pg. 636, caption of Figure 14.14: Replace "datatypes" with "data types"
Chapter 14, pg. 652, Figure 14.26: Replace "if the interrupt is needs servicing", delete is.
Chapter 14, pg. 656, 1st paragraph, line 9: Replace "12C" with "I2C".
Appendix B, pg. 730, 3rd paragraph, line 10: Replace "Program button 2 seconds" with "Program button within 2 seconds".
Appendix G, pg. 793, Chapter 1, problem 1. "25=32, 26=64, " should be "25=32, 26=64, ".
Appendix G, pg. 795, Chapter 2, problem 1. The label 'START:' should be in front of the 'JC LOC_IS_1' instruction, i.e. "START: JC LOC_IS_1". The label 'LOC_IS_1:" should be placed in front of the "OUT 1" instruction, i.e., "LOC_IS_1: OUT 1"
Chapter 8, Page 290: "Note that a port bit cannot be both an input and an output simultaneously; it is either one or the other based on the setting of the TRISx<y> bit." Actually, a port can always be read (act as an input) regardless of the TRIS bit setting. When the TRIS bit is 0 (tristate buffer is enabled, port pin is being driven, so the port is configured as an output), reading the Rx<y> bit returns what is driven on the port pin (See Figure 8.23).
Chapter 9, Page 330, Figure 9.8, Change notification interrupts. This diagram is the change notification system of the PIC24H Family. The PIC24F family has the additional feature of a programmable pulldown; the bit names are CN0PDE<x>. See Section 12.6 of the PIC24F Family Reference Manual.
Chapter 10, pg. 427, Figure 10.54: The diagram shows a logical view of the 24LC515 serial EEPROM, but does not reflect the physical pinout. Refer to the data sheet for this device for the pinout.
Chapter 11 - The examples in Figures 11.17, 11.19, and 11.21 that make use of more than one ADC buffer ADCxBUFy are intended for PIC24 CPUs without DMA such as the PIC24HJ32GP202. For PIC24 CPUs with DMA (such as the PIC24HJ64GP502), buffers past ADCxBUF0 do not exist; instead, DMA must be used for buffering. Some examples on using the ADC with DMA have been added to the "chap11/" folder of the code archive. Chapter 13 discusses general use of the DMA module.
Chapter 12 - The function named configOutputCapture1 in Figures 12.25, 12.27 and Listing 12.5 should more aptly be named configOutputCompare1 since it configures the output compare module. The code is correct, but a more appropriate name should have been used.
Analog pins and remappable pins - when mapping a remappable pin to an external pin, the analog functionality must be disabled for input functions or else the input always returns as '0'. While not strictly necessary, the analog functionality should also be disabled for output functions as this reduces loading on the pin. The analog functionality can be disabled by the CONFIG_RPx_AS_DIG_PIN() macros. In our examples, we did not always do this, but the examples in which we did not explicitly disable the analog functionality work on the PIC24HJ32GP202 because we chose non-analog pins. For example, in our SPI examples in Chapter 10, we used RP5 for the SPI data in function; RP5 is a digital-only pin on the PIC24HJ32GP202. For completeness, we should have included a CONFIG_RP5_AS_DIG_PIN() in order to disable the analog functionality in the case where RP5 is an analog input pin on another PIC24 family member. For a RPx pin without analog functionality, the associated CONFIG_RPx_AS_DIG_PIN() macro is an empty macro, so it does not cost code space to include it.
Reference Problems:
In Chapter 8, some of the references used the section number of the PIC24 Family Reference Manual section number instead of the reference number given in Appendix F.
Pgs 267, 268: Replace reference “[25]” with “[27]” in four places in this section.
Pg, 268, third line from bottom. Replace reference “[7]” with “[15]”.
Pg. 277, First line of third paragraph. Replace reference “[8]” with “[16]”.
Pg. 280, First line of second paragraph. Replace reference “[9]” with “[17]”.
Pg. 281, Second line of fifth paragraph. Replace reference “[9]” with “[17]”.
Pg. 289, Replace reference “[10]” with “[18]”.
Code Updates
The code archive is continually being tweaked, so you may see small differences when comparing Figure code with source code in the archive. The functionality will remain the same however. We strongly encourage you to download the current version of the code archive.