Past Events
Taiwan-Japan Joint Seminar
on Photosynthesis Research 2023
We are pleased to announce that Taiwan-Japan Joint Seminar on Photosynthesis Research 2023 will be held at National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan) on Oct. 16, 2023. Ten young researchers have been invited as speakers. Although speakers are restricted to young researchers, we happily welcome participation of researchers and students without any age limits. We look forward to seeing you in Taipei. This seminar will be held after the main sessions of Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2023 (TJPB2023) (
Taiwan-Japan Joint Seminar on Photosynthesis Research 2023を10月16日に国立台湾大学(台湾台北市)にて開催いたします。本セミナーでは各国から5名ずつ、10名の若手研究者を講演者として招待しております。講演者は若手に限定しておりますが、参加には制限はありませんので、大学院生やポスドク、助教の方のみならず、皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。本セミナーはTaiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2023 (TJPB2023) にあわせて開催されます (。
Date (日時)
October 16 (Monday), 2023. 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Venue (会場)
Lecture hall (3F, Rm 332), Life Science Building, National Taiwan University. Fully in-person.
講義室 (3階332), Life Science Building, 国立台湾大学 (台湾, 台北市)。 完全対面開催。
Program (プログラム)
8:50 – 9:10 Registration
9:10 – 9:15 Opening Remarks
9:15 – 12:10 Invited Oral Presentations (Two short coffee breaks in between)
12:10 – 12:30 General Discussion & Closing Remarks
12:30 – 14:30 Lunch & Social Mixer (Optional希望者のみ)
Registration (参加登録)
To register, please fill out the form below by September 22nd.
Registration Form
Registration fees (参加費)
Free (Excluding payment for lunch)
Invited Speakers (招待講演者)
Ten young researchers have been invited. Each speaker will be given 15 minutes, including the time for oral presentation and for Q&A.
Speakers and tentative presentation titles are as follows:
Ting-Shuo Nien (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)[粘庭碩(国立台湾大学)]“Coculture affects the gene expression profiles of two cyanobacteria differentially acclimated in visible light and far-red light”
Han-Yi Fu (National Sun Yat-sen Univ., Taiwan)[傅瀚儀(国立中山大学)]“Investigation of photosynthetic regulatory mechanisms in the extremophilic red algae through fluorescence- and absorption-based measurements”
Lawrence Uy (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)[(国立台湾大学)]“Identifying genes responsible for loss of C4 photosynthesis function in Setaria viridis mutants”
Yen-I Cheng (National Chung Hsing Univ. & Academia Sinica, Taiwan)[鄭晏宜(国立中興大学 & 中央研究院)]“Comparative genomic analysis reveals distinctive genomic features of Taiwan hot-spring cyanobacteria”
Yu-Sian Wu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)[吳郁嫻(中央研究院)]“Functional origin of chloroplast protein import machinery”
Ginga Shimakawa (Kwansei-Gakuin Univ.)[嶋川銀河(関西学院大学)]“Extra O2 evolution reveals a novel photosynthesis reaction in marine diatoms”
Chieko Onami (Kyoto Univ.)[大波千恵子(京都大学)]“Far-red light acclimation in green algae living within coral skeletons”
Shinsa Kameo (Hokkaido Univ.)[亀尾辰砂(北海道大学)]“From green algae to land plants: The photosynthetic apparatus of the green alga Mesostigma viride exhibits intermediate traits.”
Yu Ogawa (Okayama Univ.)[小川由(岡山大学)]“Maintenance of thylakoid membranes and photosynthesis by FZL, a dynamin-like protein enriched on curved grana edges”
Haruhiko Jimbo (Univ. of Tokyo)[神保晴彦(東京大学)]“Dynamism of lipids in photosynthesis”
Organizers (世話人)
Taiwan: Ming-Yang Ho (National Taiwan Univ.)
Han-Yi Fu (National Sun Yat-sen Univ.)
Japan: Keisuke Yoshida (Tokyo Institute of Technology) [吉田啓亮(東京工業大学)]
Ko Imaizumi (Kyoto Univ.) [今泉滉(京都大学)]
Sponsored by (共催)
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Photosynthesis ubiquity: Supramolecular complexes and their regulations to enable photosynthesis all around the globe”
学術変革領域研究 (A)「光合成ユビキティ:あらゆる地球環境で光合成を可能にする超分子構造制御」
The Japanese Society of Photosynthesis Research
National Taiwan University (Department of Life Science, College of Life Science)
Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists (TSPB)