20th Young Researchers Seminar of Japanese Society of Photosynthesis Research
20th Young Researchers Seminar will be held in University of Tokyo, Komaba. We have happily invited international and domestic young researchers/students with international experiences as speakers. But we are still looking for speakers. The theme of this meeting is ”Researching abroad ~Where do we come from? Where are we going?~”. If you want to give a talk at this seminar, please comment on the sign up form!
It’s not only limited to PhD students or Postdocs, but bachelor students and professors with young minds are also very welcomed to come! A social mixer will be held after the seminar!! We are planning to have sightseeing around Tokyo next day, depending on the participants. If you are a student and want to give a talk, but your boss cannot support your travel expenses, JSPR young committee can support you partially. Please let us know.
November, 23th, 2019; 1-5 pm (Registration is available from 12:30 -)
11月23日(土)13時 - 17時(開場・受付開始:12時半-)
At Room 829 in Building 16, University of Tokyo, Komaba
*The seminar will be held on the Komaba campus but not on the Hongo campus. For the access to Komaba, you can use the "Komaba-todaimae” station which locates 2 stops away from the Shibuya station via the KEIO Inogashira line.
【Sign Up:参加登録】
Please sign up on the form below. Walk-ins are welcomed, but sign-ups are preferred by 18th, Nov. (Mon).
Participation form 参加フォームはこちらから
参加フォームに登録後、神保晴彦(東京大):hjimbo@bio.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp まで自己紹介文(A4の半分程度)をPDFファイルで送ってください。
After sighing up, please send your brief introduction in a half of A4 as a PDF file to Haruhiko Jimbo (hjimbo@bio.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp ).
【Registration fee:参加費】
(If you are a student and presenter)
【Fee for the social mixer:懇親会費】
¥3,000 for student, ¥4000 for post-doc or others
(Price can be changed)
The mixer will be held from 6:00pm, near by Shibuya station.
13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks
Haruhiko Jimbo(University of Tokyo)
13:05-13:15 Haruhiko Jimbo(University of Tokyo)
“Our secret to beat UC Berkeley students.”
13:15-13:35 Keiji Fushimi (Shizuoka University)
“Molecular Basis of Cyanobacteriochromes for Developing Photoswitches.”
13:35-13:55 Atika Hanoum Rahasta (Osaka University)
“ReNL Transformed Plant and Their Characteristics."
13:55-14:15 Jia Xinyue (University of Tokyo)
“Functional analysis of Lipid Remodeling regulator 1, LRL1, in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii”
14:15-14:25 Coffee break
14:25-14:45 Mohit Kumar Saini (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
“Research life illuminated by the phototrophic bacteria.”
14:45-15:05 Leonardo Basso (Kyoto University)
“Regulation of the photosynthetic electron transport by the NDH complex and KEA3.”
15:05-15:25 Kenji Nishimura (Kwansei Gakuin University)
“Chloroplast envelope ABC transporters and organellar homeostasis.”
15:25-15:35 Coffee break
15:35-16:25 General discussion
Introduction of the participants etc
16:25-16:30 Closing Remarks
Takayuki Shimizu (University of Tokyo)
17:00-19:00 Social Mixer
Haruhiko Jimbo(University of Tokyo)
Takayuki Shimizu (University of Tokyo)