Fides et Ratio


    • Man's questions [1]
    • The Church accompanies man in seeking answers [2]
    • Philosophy, one of the instruments in this search; connatural to man [3]
    • Philosophy starts when man wonders, seeks universal principles [4]
    • The Church sees Philosophy as an indispensable instrument; but it should seek Truth [5]
    • Church reaffirms need to reflect upon Truth [6]


Jesus, Revealer of the Father

    • The Church bears the message from God (Deposit of Faith) [7]
    • There is a knowledge proper to Faith surpassing human reason [8]
    • Truth of Philosophy and Truth of Revelation neither identical nor mutually exclusive [9]
    • Christ reveals the Father [10]
    • Revelation carried out in time [11]
    • God becomes flesh and joins man [12]

Reason in the Face of the Mystery

    • Still, Revelation is a mystery and therefore requires the obedience of Faith [13]
    • Revelation stimulates the human mind [14]
    • The theme of both Philosophy and Theology: the ultimate end of human existence [15]


"Wisdom Knows All and Understands All" (Wis 9:11)

    • Sacred Scripture shows intimate relation between Faith and reason [16]
    • No reason for competition of any kind between reason and Faith [17]
    • Three rules: a never-ending journey; the need for humility; grounded in fear of God [18]
    • God reveals himself in nature [19]
    • Reason, with Faith in the background [20]

"Acquire Wisdom, Acquire Understanding" (Prov 4:5)

    • In the Old Testament: people search for what is Beautiful, Good and True [21]
    • St Paul in the Epistle to the Romans confirms the possibility of knowing God with reason [22]
    • Epistle to the Corinthians: the Cross can make or break the link between Faith and Philosophy [23]


Journeying in Search of Truth

    • Acts of the Apostles: men have a natural nostalgia for God [24]
    • Every human being desires to know [25]
    • Beginning with the meaning of life and of death [26]
    • This applies to every man and woman of all places and times [27]

The Different Faces of Human Truth

    • Results of this search; attitudes vis-a-vis Truth [28]
    • The question implies the hope of an answer [29]
    • The three levels or modes of Truth [30]
    • Man lives by belief [31]
    • Examples of belief [32]
    • Man seeks an ulterior Truth, an Absolute Truth, assisted by the Christian faith [33]
    • There can be no contradiction between Faith and Philosophy [34]
    • Exploring the relationship between Philosophy and Faith [35]


Important Moments in the Encounter of Faith and Reason

    • From the beginnings of the Church [36]
    • Gnosticism--Philosophy for a few [37]
    • Priority of proclaiming the Faith in the early Church [38]
    • Critical adoption of Philosophy [39]
    • The first great synthesis of Philosophy and Theology by St Augustine [40]
    • The Fathers purified and elevated Philosophy [41]
    • St Anselm and Scholastic Theology [42]

The Enduring Originality of the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas

    • St Thomas highlighted the harmony between Faith and reason [43]
    • St Thomas spoke of the wisdom from the Holy Spirit, theological wisdom, and philosophical wisdom [44]

The Drama of the Separation of Faith and Reason

    • The gradual separation of reason from Faith [45]
    • Idealism; atheistic humanism; positivism; rationalism; nihilism [46]
    • Abandonment of the search for Truth and turning towards subjective certainty or towards utility [47]
    • Some good insights have arisen with the bad, but it is important to recover the unity between Faith and Philosophy [48]


The Magisterium's Discernments as Diakonia of the Truth

    • Philosophy has its own autonomy; reason is open to truth, including revealed Truth [49]
    • The Magisterium examines elements which are consistent with the Truth [50]
    • Church intervenes to stimulate philosophical enquiry lest it stray from the path to the Truth [51]
    • The Church has spoken out in times past [52]
    • Vatican Council I showed both the unity and the distinction between Faith and reason [53]
    • Pope St Pius X, Pope Pius XII, and recently the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith [54]
    • Present dangers: distrust of reason in Philosophy; rationalism in Theology; fideism and "biblicism" [55]
    • Encouragement to trust in human reason and to bring it beyond isolation [56]

The Church's Interest in Philosophy

    • Pope Leo XIIIs Aeterni Patris [57]
    • Positive results of the papal encouragement to study St Thomas [58]
    • Developments in Catholic philosophy other than Thomism [59]
    • Vatican Council II [60]
    • Factors contributing to the decline of the study of Thomism and Philosophy in general [61]
    • Study of Philosophy is fundamental and indispensable for theological studies and formation of candidates for priesthood [62]
    • Stating principles in criteria to restore harmony [63]


The Knowledge of Faith and the Demands of Philosophical Reason

    • Human being by nature is a philosopher; Theology must relate to this fact [64]
    • Philosophy prepares for a correct auditus fidei [65]
    • Philosophy helps us for a correct intellectus fidei [66]
    • The task of Fundamental Theology [67]
    • Moral Theology also needs the contribution of Philosophy [68]
    • The use of the particular sciences should not lead to the rejection of Philosophy [69]
    • Unification from different cultures made possible by the Faith [70]
    • Cultures and Revelation [71]
    • The cultures of the East [72]
    • The Word of God--starting point--and understanding of the Word [73]
    • Proven by great Christian theologians who were also great philosophers [74]

Different Stances of Philosophy

    • Philosophy independent of Revelation [75]
    • Christian Philosophy--meaning, objective and subjective aspects [76]
    • Ancilla Theologiae--Handmaid of Theology [77]
    • Magisterium's insistence on St Thomas [78]
    • The last part: what the Word of God requires of reason [79]


The Indispensable Requirements of the Word of God

    • Sacred Scripture and the Incarnate Word of God bring Philosophy to its limits [80]
    • The "crisis of meaning" [81]
    • Hence an objective, not relativist, Philosophy is needed [82]
    • Need for a metaphysical, transcendent Philosophy [83]
    • Metaphysics even more important in hermeneutics and analysis of language [84]
    • Towards a unified and organic vision of knowledge [85]
    • Eclecticisn [86]
    • Historicism [87]
    • Scientism [88]
    • Pragmatism [89]
    • Nihilism [90]
    • "Postmodernity" [91]

Current Tasks for Theology

    • Two-fold task of Theology: renewing specific methods and looking to ultimate Truth [92]
    • The chief purpose of Theology [93]
    • Relationship between meaning and truth [94]
    • Truth not confined to time and culture [95]
    • Enduring validity of conceptual language in Conciliar definitions [96]
    • Turning back to the Philosophy of Being [97]
    • Truth is also of importance in Moral Theology [98]
    • Proclamation of Faith and catechesis [99]


    • Revisiting the issue of Faith and Philosophy [100]
    • Recovering the relationship [101]
    • Leading people to discover capacity to know the truth and their yearning for the ultimate and definitive meaning of life [102]
    • Philosophy and the new evangelization [103]
    • Philosophy as common ground and starting point for dialogue with non-believers [104]
    • Encouraging theologians to pay attention to philosophical implications of the Word of God; philosophical preparation of candidates for the priesthood [105]
    • Appeal to philosophers and scientists [106]
    • Looking more deeply at man [107]
    • Holy Mary, Seat of Wisdom [108]

For queries and comments, please e-mail jmomandia at gmail dot com.