New Look for Middle Rio Grande Water and Land Use Analysis Tool

Post date: Jan 31, 2012 4:29:37 PM

Over the past six months, a project team consisting of ISC (Nabil Shafike, Liz Zeiler), WRAP (Elizabeth Cervantes, Gary Stansifer), and IT (Steve Hayes) staff have worked with a GIS contractor, The Timmons Group, to design, build and implement important enhancements to the Middle Rio Grande Water and Land Use Analysis Tool.  The enhancements allow new aerial imagery and land use data to be easily and quickly incorporated into the application as it becomes available and provides an easy to use web interface. Please contact Nabil Shafike for questions about the tool.

Main capabilities of the tool are:


· Map Viewer

Used to locate, query and select spatial map data

· Land Use Compiler

Used to compile a group of different land types from multiple historic layers contained within a user-defined selection

· Water Use Calculator

Uses the data created by the Land Use Compiler to generate water usage data by land use type

· Pre 1907 Water Rights Evaluation

Generates preliminary water right validity reports, compliance reports and “exhibit maps” for different areas