Google Applications Used to Pilot Web Sites

Post date: Apr 13, 2011 3:51:12 PM

Three pilot web sites have been developed using Google application software over the past 2-3 months. 

·       Administrative Hearing Unit – General

Charlie Kinney is using Google sites to test web-based distribution and receipt of mediation and hearing-related documents for cases before the Administrative Hearings Unit. A test site for the Hearings Unit is at When it goes live, users will be able to click on links in a list of pending cases to go to a case-specific web site.

·       Administrative Hearing Unit – Case Specific

One case-specific test site is at It is populated with PDF versions of case documents that are publicly available in the Hearings Unit paper case files.

·       Information Technology Services Bureau – Intranet

Reneé Martinez used Google sites and calendar tools to develop an intranet site to share information, documents and news related to the project and activities of the IT Services Bureau.  The web address for the site is


We welcome and encourage your feedback on these sites.  The level of effort to develop each site has been small (8-16 hours) compared to traditional web site development methods used by the Agency. For the Hearings Unit, use of a template means that new case-specific web sites require even less time to create. Could the IT Services Bureau intranet site be used as a template for other bureaus in the Agency?