
To make a routine appointment please call our dedicated appointments line on 01708 343113 option 1 which is open from 8.00 am to 6.30pm Monday - Friday.

We offer same day bookable appointments from 8.00 am Monday- Friday on 01708 343113 - Option 2. These  appointments are limited and are booked in the order the calls are received.

Appointments can be booked online via the NHS App for routine appointments with a GP.


Alternatively we are now able to offer patients an online booking service. This is for normal ten minute doctor appointments only. To access this you will need to register to sign up for this service - please go to 'Online Booking' tab for more information. You can also access this service, once registered, by downloading our free android app.

Always let the receptionist know if you consider your problem to be an urgent one that cannot wait.


Routine and follow up appointments with the doctor are of 10 minutes duration. Only one problem will be dealt with in the consultation. 

Emergency Appointments

An emergency is a painful or a life threatening condition.  If it is not, then you should make a routine appointment as you will not be seen as an emergency.

Repeat prescription requests are not emergencies. We offer 3 minute appointment for this.

Requests for certification are not an emergency this can be done via a online consultation.

If you require an 'emergency' appointment you will need to call 01708 343113 option 4 from 8.00 am Monday - Friday and calling 01708 343113 option 4 at 16.00 pm Monday - Friday.

There will be allocated slots, and once these slots are gone, an overflow list will no longer be provided.  

Same day appointments are available Monday to Friday at 9.00 am (by calling 01708 343113 option 2), depending on availability.  These are booked in the order the calls are received.  If there is nothing available on the day, or depending on your request, you may be given an alternative option.  

 The routine appointments are now available from 9.30 AM Monday - Friday on Option 1.

These changes need to be made to allow the practice to keep up with the population demand for appointments.

If you could send us your feedback it would be greatly appreciated.


111 or call the surgery on 01708 343113

Bookable on the day appointments for every day plus advanced Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening appointments bookable from every Thursday.

You can see a GP locally at either:


North Street Medical Care            Rosewood Medical Centre       Petersfield Surgery

247 North Street                      30 Astra Close                       70 Petersfield Avenue

Romford                                            Hornchurch                               Harold Hill

Essex  RM1 4QJ                      Essex  RM12 5NJ                     Essex  RM3 9PD

Monday – Friday                           Monday – Friday                       Monday - Friday

2pm - 10pm                                       2pm - 10pm                         6.30pm – 10pm

Saturday – Sunday                           Saturday – Sunday                  Saturday

8am - 8pm                                         8am - 8pm                          12pm – 5pm


Evening and weekend appointments are available with GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Nurses at Petersfield Surgery, 70 Petersfield Avenue, Harold Hill, RM3 9PD, book online using this link -

If you have any issues booking an appointment, or there are no appointments available please contact your own practice.

Out of Hours

Out of hours service is provided by PELC at Queen's Hospital. Please ring the surgery (01708 343113) to be connected to the PELC out of hours service or alternatively ring 111.


The out of hours service is provided when the surgery is closed from 18.30 to 08.00 - Monday-Friday, plus on weekends and bank holidays.


NHS 111

In the case of urgent need when the practice is closed you can call NHS 111 to speak to a triage nurse. Your needs will be assessed and advice offered or arrangements made for you to see a doctor.

Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.


Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or difficulty in breathing constitute an emergency.


Home Visits

Please do not ask for a doctor to call unless the patient is genuinely too ill or infirm to come to the surgery.

Remember that the doctor has better facilities for examination and treatment in the surgery, also for every home visit by the doctor at least four patients could have been seen at the surgery.

If the patient has a temperature or a rash, coming in to the surgery will do no harm and will not endanger others but please inform the receptionist on arrival.

When a home visit is necessary please telephone before 10.30am and be prepared to be asked some details to enable us to assess priorities.

Home visits will normally be made after morning surgery and before afternoon surgery.


Nurse Appointments

Please call the dedicated Appointments Line on 01708 343113 to make an appointment to see the Nurse or Health Care Assistant.

Appointments with a Nurse or Health Care Assistant are offered throughout the day Monday to Friday.  

From July 2018 we will also be running a nurse-led clinic on the last Saturday of every month from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon.

All the nurses can deliver a wide range of nursing care and procedures but some have extra specialist skills.


It is important that you tell the receptionist what you want the nurse to do so that an appropriately skilled nurse can be booked for you. You may be asked by the doctor or another nurse to book a nurses appointment but you can also book directly to see them for things you view as appropriate. Ask the receptionist if you are not sure.



We lose between 40-50 appointments each month because patients book appointments then fail to turn up. This is very wasteful of doctor and nurse time, time which could have been used for other patients. There are many reasons for this behaviour including forgetfulness, travel problems and difficulty contacting us by telephone amongst others.

If you cannot keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible by telephoning 01708 343113 option 1.

For patients who persistently fail to turn up for appointments, we will in future ask the Primary Care Trust to remove them from our patient list.