“The East Wind Tells”31” x 24” oil on linen
“Peaceful and Still Ends the Day”24” x 36” oil on linen
“Pueblo Horses”20” x 24” oil on linen
“Cool Summer Shade”36” x 30” oil on linen
“Canyon Shadows”6” x 8” oil on panel 
“Return to Nature”30” x 24” oil on linen
“American Icons”48” x 72” oil on canvas
“Clouds from the East”9” x 9” oil on panel 
“Two Bucks"24” x 30” Oil on canvas
“Adobe Shadows”30” x 24” oil on linen panel
“Ancient Spirits”19” x 17” oil on panel
“Aspen Shade”18” x 14”oil on linen
“Young Aspens”18” x 14”oil on linen
“Cloudy and Cool”24” x 20” oil on linen
"Late Afternoon Sun”16” x 12” Oil on canvas
“Camp Jack”39” x 40” Oil on Canvas
“A Study of Fawns in Light and Shade”12” x 16” oil on board
“Sandstone Sunset”11” x 14” oil on panel
“El Prado”9” x 12” oil on board
“Enchanted High Country”24” x 36” oil on linen
“Autumn Sun”16” x 24” oil on linen board
“Balanc”15” x 30” Oil on board
“Chamisa After the Rain”9” x 12” oil on panel
SOLD“Low Sun”9” x 14” oil on panel
SOLD“Sunset and Spring Sage”6” x 8” oil on board 
SOLD“Pueblo Prowlers”12” x 16” oil on linen
SOLD“Ranchos Afternoon”24” x 18” oil on board
SOLD“A Chance of Rain”6” x 6” oil on panel
SOLD“Fast Water Rio Hondo”8” x 6” oil on linen
Scott Yeager’s work on the cover of Western Art Collector, May 2023 SOLD “Summer Sunshine” 36” x 30” oil on linen
Scott Yeager’s work on the cover of Western Art Collector, May 2023SOLD“Summer Sunshine”36” x 30” oil on linen
SOLD“Winter Range"30” x 40” Oil on canvas
SOLD“Monsoon Season Rio Fernando de Taos”6” x 8” oil on linen 
SOLD“Sunshine, Shadows and Showers”24” x 36” oil on linen
SOLD“Antler Shadows”16” x 20” oil on linen
SOLD“Aspens”10” x 8” Oil on board
SOLD“Rio Fernando Redwings”12” x 10” oil on linen 
SOLD“Ears Nose and Eyes of Taos Valley”20” x 16” oil on linen
SOLD“An Early Start”8” x 6” oil on board
SOLD“Full Color”16” x 12” oil on panel
SOLD“Red Willows and Redwings”24” x 20” oil on linen
SOLD“Buffalo Sky”Commission46” x 33” oil on linen
SOLD“Buffalo Sky-study”22” x 16”oil on canvas
SOLD“Why I Love October”24” x 36” Oil on canvas
SOLD“Life of the Valley”10” x 12” oil on panel

by  Robert Parsons

and   Ashley Rolshoven

Located at:

122 D Kit Carson Road, Taos New Mexico, 87571

(575) 737-9200

For more information Contact  us at: art@parsonswest.com

To visit our other gallery Parsons Fine Art go to our website: parsonsart.com