Alphabetic listing: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Background or reference information on the plants listed here may be be found in the open-access sources listed below or in one or more of the resources listed in the bibliography.

Liddell & Scott, English–Greek Lexicon

Main List

Terminthos (τέρμινθος) Terebinth, turpentine tree


MA 88a

Thapsia (θαψία) Deadly Carrot (Thapsia garganica)


Apollonius 16

Thelyphonon (θηλυφόνον) Women's Bane, one of several names used for Akoniton. See also Skorpion; Pardaleios.


Apollonius 41

Tribolos (τρίβολος) Can refer to various prickly plants.


Antigonus F3

Tripolion (τριπόλιον) Sea-starwort


Antigonus 26

Cross-reference List (English names)

Terebinth See Terminthos above.

Truffle See Hydnon