Alphabetic listing: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Background or reference information on the persons and peoples listed here may be be found in the open-access sources listed below or in one or more of the resources listed in the bibliography:

Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


Alcman (Ἀλκμάν) The famous lyric poet of Lacedaemon.

Citations: Antigonus 23.2

Links: Smith

Amelesagoras (Ἀμελησαγόρας) An early historian of Attica.

Citations: Antigonus 12

Links: Smith

Amometus (Ἀμώμητος) An ethnographer of uncertain date.

Citations: Par. Flor. 18

Links: Smith

Archelaus (Ἀρχέλαος) A 3rd-century BCE poet and paradoxographer from Egypt.

Citations: Antigonus 19.4; 89.2

Links: Smith

Ariston (Ἀρίστων) 2 A third-century BCE Peripatetic philosopher.


Par. Flor. 25

Links: Smith

Aristotle (Ἀριστοτέλης) The famous philosopher and scientist.


Par. Flor. 10; 19; 29

Links: Smith


Abaris (Ἄβαρις)

A Hyperborean mystic and prophet (mythical).

Citations: Apollonius 4

Links: Smith

Adranus (Ἀδρανός) A daimon worshipped throughout Sicily, particularly at Adranum (mythical).

Citations: Nymphodorus F3

Links: Smith

Aeschylus (Αἰσχύλος) The famous Athenian dramatist.

Citations: Antigonus 115.2

Links: Smith

Aetete / Aetetus (Αίτητή / Αἰτητός) A hermaphrodite from Laodiceia.

Citations: Phlegon 9

Agraulos, Agraule (Ἄγραυλος, Ἀγραυλή) One of the daughters of Cecrops (mythical).

Citations: Antigonus 12

Links: Smith

Alcisthenes, Alcimenes (Ἀλκισθένης, Ἀλκμένης) A native of Sybaris, who owned a fabulously expensive cloak.

Citations: MA 96

Alexander (Ἀλέχανδρος) Alexander of Macedon 'the Great'.


Par. Flor. 5

Par. Vat. 43

Links: Smith

Alitemnioi (Ἀλιτέμνιοι) A Berber people from Libya.

Citations: Nicolaus F18

Amazons (Ἀμάζονες) A tribe of women warriors in Scythia (mythical).

Citations: Nicolaus 27.6

Links: Smith

Anacharsis (Ἀνάχαρσις) A largely mythical sage from Scythia.

Citations: Nicolaus F27.3

Links: Smith

Andron (Ἄνδρων) A man from Argos, with an astounding ability to go without drinking.

Citations: Apollonius 25

Anthropophagoi, Androphagoi (Ανθρωποφάγοι, Ανδροφάγοι) A man-eating tribe of Scythians.


Isigonus F15

Par. Vat. 47

Apollo (Ἀπόλλων) The god Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto.

Citations: Antigonus 15c

Links: Smith

Ardiaei (Ἀρδιαῖοι) A people from Illyria.

Citations: MA 138

Links: Smith - Map

Aristeas (Ἀριστέας) A legendary sage, associated with the cult of Apollo (mythical).

Citations: Apollonius 2

Links: Smith

Ariston (Ἀρίστων) 1 A citharode from Rhegium.

Citations: Antigonus 1.2

Aritonoi (Ἀρίτονοι) Otherwise unspecified people or group that do not eat animals.

Citations: Nicolaus F29

Arsames (Ἀρσάμης) A man from Persia, born with a full set of teeth.

Citations: Antigonus 116

Arytamas (Ἀρυτάμας) Athlete from Lacedaemon; winner of the stadion in the 38th Olympiad, according to Hippys.

Citations: Antigonus 121

Assyrians (Ἀσσύριοι) Inhabitants of Assyria.


Nicolaus F22

Par. Vat. 51

Atarantes (Ἀτάραντες) A people from Libya.


Nicolaus F20

Par. Vat. 55

Links: Smith

Athena (Ἀθήνη) The goddess Athena.


Antigonus 12

MA 108 (Athena Heilenia)

Links: Smith

Athenians (Ἀθηναῖοι) Inhabitants of the city of Athens.


Nicolaus F2.2

Par. Vat. 62

Autariatae (Αὐταριάται) A people from Illyria.

Citations: Nicolaus F38

Links: Smith