Alphabetic listing: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Background or reference information on the animals listed here may be be found in the open-access sources listed below or in one or more of the resources listed in the bibliography:

Liddell & Scott, English–Greek Lexicon

Thompson, A Glossary of Greek Birds

Main List

Galeos (γαλεός) A small shark, dog-fish.


Antigonus 21.2

Galeotes (γαλεώτης) Gecko


Antigonus 20.1

MA 66; 148.1

Galē (γαλῆ, γαλέη) Weasel or relatives (e.g. marten etc)


Antigonus 11; 35.1; 67

Gampsos, gampsonyx (γαμψός, γαμψῶνυξ) Bird of prey (generic)


Antigonus 94; 99b

Geranos (γέρανος) Crane


Antigonus 40

Par. Vat. 1

Links: Thompson

Glaux (γλαύξ) Little Owl (Athene noctua)


Antigonus 10.2; 57

Par. Pal. 2

Links: Thompson

Gongros (γόγγρος) Conger Eel


Antigonus 92.2,3

Gyps (γύψ) Vulture


Antigonus 42

MA 60; 147.1

Links: Thompson

Cross-reference List (English names)

Gecko See Galeotes above

Gnu See Katobleps

Goat See Aix; Tragos. Domesticated goats may be referred to by or included in collective nouns meaning flock, herd, or domesticated animals. Therefore see also Thremmata, Ktene, Poimne, Probaton.

Golden Oriole See Ikteros

Goldfinch See Akanthis

Guinea-fowl See Meleagris