Peace with Justice

The peace in the Middle East must warrant the right of return and the right to national independence and sovereignty in Palestine.

UN General Assembly Resolutions: Resolution 31/20 (November 24, 1976)

A paz no Medio Oriente debe garantir o dereito de retorno e o dereito á independencia e soberanía nacionais de Palestina.


Israel must ensure the safe end immediate return to the occupied territories af all those deported.

Resolution 799 (1992) Adopted by the Security Council at its 3151st meeting, on 18 December 1992, 4.

Israel debe asegurar un retorno seguro e inmediato aos territorios ocupados de todas as persoas que foron deportadas.


The Palestinian People have the right to exercise their sovereignity over their occupied territory .

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, 2.

O Pobo Palestino ten dereito a exercer a súa soberanía sobre os terrritorios ocupados.