
The policy of settling new immigrants in Palestinian territories constitutes a serious obstruction to achieving just and lasting peace in the Middle East

Resolution 465 (1980) Adopted by the Security Council at its 2203rd meeting on 1 March 1980 - 5.

A política de asentamentos de novos inmigrantes en territorios palestinos é un serio obstáculo para acadar unha paz xusta e estable en Oriente Medio.


The Security Council demands the withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from Palestinian cities.

Resolution 1435 (2002), Adopted by the Security Council at its 4614th meeting, on 24 September 2002, 3.

O Consello de Seguridade demanda a retirada das forzas de ocupación de Israel das cidades palestinas.


Any actions taken by Israel to impose its administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem are illegal and have no validity.

UN General Assembly Draft Resolution on Jerusalem, 24 November 2004,1.

As accións tomadas por Israel para impoñer a súa administración na Cidade Santa de Xerusalén son ilegais e carecen de toda validez.