About The Pacific International Politics Conference

About PIPC

In 2016, a group of academics recognized a need to develop a forum for scientific researchers of international relations (IR) that focused on the Asia-Pacific region. The same year, the group established the first annual Pacific Peace Science Conference (PPSC), which took place at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan.

After the notable success of the first annual conference, planning for year 2 began. In response to feedback from the 2016 conference, the organizers agreed to change the name of PPSC, in order to extend participation to scholars from other subfields of IR, such as the international political economy (IPE).

Starting in 2017, the name was changed to the Pacific International Politics Conference (PIPC).

Our goal of PIPC is to promote research and act as a central forum for scientific researchers of IR in the Asia-Pacific region.