Pacific International Politics Conference 

The 2024 Pacific International Politics Conference in Seoul

After resuming the in-person conference, the PIPC Steering Committee will hold the PIPC meeting at the Korea University in South Korea, hosted by Jiyoung Ko, on July 5 and 6. The details are on the conference page.

PIPC Online Speaker Series 

Please join The Pacific International Politics Conference (PIPC) on their ZOOM online speaker series with a presentation by Eik Swee (University of Melbourne) and Hui-Pei Cheng (Soochow University) - “Farewell President! Political Favoritism, Economic Inequality, and Political Polarization" . Register Here

Date and Time:

August 19th, 6 pm (PST)

August 20th, 11 am (Australia, Canberra)

August 20th, 10 am (Japan, South Korea)

August 20th, 9 am (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore)