The Patomskiy Crater and The Tunguska Explosion 30 July 1908


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By Kate Baklitskaya

04 October 2012

When Vadim Kolpakov went on an expedition to the north of Irkutsk region, he had no inkling of the sensational discovery he was about to make.

Patomskiy crater, Irkutsk region, pictured in 2006. Picture: The Siberian Times

Having an official task to draw up a geological map of the region, a young geologist ended up running into something so unique, outstanding and mysterious that it would still puzzle scientists more than six decades later - the Patomskiy crater.

A host of theories have been put forward in the intervening years: that the crater was created by an ancient civilisation, or by prisoners at a top secret Stalin labour camp, or by volcanic activity, or by a meteorite, or by an underground hydrogen explosion, or by a UFO. And even more tantalising: by two UFOs.

Stories have been handed down by native people - who knew about the 'cursed crater' long before Kolpakov revealed it to the outside world. Among these accounts, were warnings that this 'Devil's Place' was dangerous to humans.

Questions remain unanswered about a phenomenon that has been called 'The Most Mysterious Place in Russia'. For example, why don't trees grow on the side of the cone-like structure? Radiation levels are low now, but there is evidence they were once very high: why?

Despite a number of expeditions by eminent scientists, no-one has yet come up with an undisputed answer to what - or who - created this strange structure. A new mission to the remote crater is due in the coming months seeking to finally answer this question.

Aerial view of Patomskiy crater, Irkutsk region. Picture: The Siberian Times

In August 1949, when Kolpakov reached the very north of Irkutsk region, local Yakut people told him a story about an 'evil' place, hidden in the woods.

They called it the Fire Eagle Nest, and according to them even the deer didn't dare to go close to it. Locals told a lot of legends about it, warning people would suddenly start feeling unwell or even disappear, some to be found dead later, some never to be found.

As recently as 2005, indeed, the head of a mission to the crater died suddenly within several kilometres of it.

Legends didn't scare Kolpakov back in 1949 but what he witnessed in a distance when he climbed up the hill was shocking.

'When I first saw the crater I thought that I'd gone crazy because of the heat,' he noted. 'And indeed a perfectly shaped mount of a size of a 25-storey building with a chopped off top sitting in the middle of the woods was quite an unexpected discovery.

'From a distance it looked like a mine-shaft slagheap, only whitish. I even thought, 'Where are the people?' There were no labour camps in the area. Unless a very, very secret one?

'My second thought was an archaeological artifact. But the local Evenks and Yakuts, with my respect for them, are not the ancient Egyptians. They could not build stone pyramids, and didn't have any human resources nor the necessary scientific knowledge."

He ventured gingerly towards the strange shape, like no other anywhere nearby.

'I got closer and realised that the mysterious hill was not the work of a human', said Kolpakov. 'It rather looked like a perfectly round mouth of a volcano with a height of 70 metres. But volcanoes have not appeared on the border of Yakutia and Irkutsk region for several million years. And the crater was pretty fresh. It is located on the slope of a hill overgrown with larch.

'The trees still did not grow on the slopes and in the crater, the winds had not brought the soil yet. I estimated the age of this anomaly at some 200 to 250 years. And another mystery - a semi-circular dome cavity with a diameter of 15 meters in the centre of a crater. In volcanoes, even extinct, such domes cannot exist.'

Geologist Vadim Kolpakov and, below, the first picture of Patomskiy crater taken in 1971. Pictures: The Siberian Times

Since the discovery of this mysterious place, later named Patomskiy crater, scientists came up with widely differing theories of its origin: among them, an unknown underground explosion to the fall from space of a mysterious super dense substance unknown to man.

Or even the UFO.

But not a single one of these theories could fully explain the anomalies of the crater and the processes that still go on inside it.

The first and the most widespread explanation initially was, unsurprisingly, that ventured by Vadim Kolpakov, the Russian discoverer of the crater. After his expedition, in a scientific article he postulated that the crater was the trace of a meteorite.

Later, other scientists, namely the geologist Alexander Portnov, came to the same conclusion, arguing that it could easily be former by a piece of space rock that sliced off the famous Tunguska meteoroid that exploded over Krasnoyarsk region, to the west of Patomskiy Crater, in 1908.

Another early explanation was that the crater had volcanic origin. The shape superficially suggested this. Amateurs looking at it might see this as a probable theory. They may yet be right.

Seven years ago another important expedition to Patomskiy crater was lead by an experienced geologist, Eugeny Vorobiev. On 1 August 2005 it landed in the city of Badaybo, the nearest point to the crater accessible to aircraft. From Bodaybo the road goes only for 200km: for the rest of the way hiking boots and boats are needed.

'The problem was that the budget the expedition had allowed the members only to fly to Bodaybo, and the rest was up to us. This is not the way expeditions should be set up,' bemoaned the head of the Observatory of Irkutsk State University, Professor Sergey Yazev. 'There were some dangerous areas along the way but fortunately we made it safely.'

Yet they were still struck by tragedy. When the expedition had only a short way to go to the Potomskiy Crater, its leader Vorobiev suddenly fell to the ground. His colleagues rushed to help him but it was too late - Vorobiev was dead. Back in Irkutsk the doctors diagnosed the cause as a heart attack, but his demise continued the crater's association, mentioned by native peoples, with death.

'Such a horrible thing happened,' said Sergey Yazev. 'It was a big question what to do next, but as the expedition was so close to the crater, four scientists decided to continue the expedition in honour of Eugene Vorobiev who wanted to reach it so much.'

They were astonished when they glimped the crater.

View from inside the Patomskiy crater, Irkutsk region. Picture: The Siberian Times

'It was breathtaking. What could have brought to life this strange object? 250,000 cubic metres of underground rock pushed to the surface in a very regular round shape.

'We thought that once we reached the crater we would immediately understand its origin but we left the place even more puzzled then before,' he admitted.

In 2006 and 2008 new expeditions were organised. A doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences Alexander Dmitriev, from Irkutsk State Technical University, found a magnetic anomaly within the crater during the 2006 expedition.

He presumed that there could be iron or other material that resembles it in properties at a depth of 150 meters. This begged the question: was the crater caused by a meteorite?

But the nest's shape is not at all like other locations where meteorites were found. Another expert, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Igor Simonov, of Moscow Institute for Problems in Mechanics, conducted a series of intriguing experiments, and evidently established that the crater could have been formed from the fall of a cylindrical object of super dense material.

Tantalisingly, he said: 'On Earth this material is not available, but somewhere in space it may exist.'

By air and by water - year 2006 expedition to the Patomskiy crater. Picture: The Siberian Times

Professor Simonov presented his work to his colleagues. And soon, a senior research fellow, Igor Yermolaev, from the Institute of Mechanics, held another series of experiments, and proved that the falling object could be not only the cylinder, but two bodies, one after another, the first flying at a speed of more than 6.5 km per second.

'When hitting the surface the first object exploded, creating a large crater,' said Igor Yermolaev, 'and the second slowed down presumably up to 1.5 km/s, because of the explosion and went into the ground.'

So two UFOs?

'Counting the fact that two meteorites cannot fly one after the other, hitting the same spot I cannot imagine the nature of this strange object. I do not know what it is.'

However, other specialists have some thoughts about it.

A doctor of biological sciences Viktor Voronin, head of the laboratory of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, also visited Patomskiy crater and came up with significant findings.

'In last year's expedition, a saw cut of a larch that grew at the edge of the crater was made,' he revealed. 'As a single sample is not much use, nothing substantial except for the age of a tree was defined.

'But some strange anomaly in the growth that has occurred in the middle of the 19th century attracted my attention. Known causes, such as fire, insects and other damage, could not explain it. Therefore, during the next expedition, the collection of wood samples for dendrochronological analysis was carried out according to my plan.

'When the tree cuts from the crater were delivered to the lab, I first determined the age of each tree. The oldest, growing at its bottom, dated back to the beginning of the 16th century. It was around 480 years old.

'But the oldest tree on the slopes of the crater had grown since 1770. It turns out that Patomskiy Crater formed no later than the last date, and, logically, a little earlier ...

'A tree cannot grow on the bare rocks, so first the soil should have formed, which is another 20 years. That makes the crater at least 250 years old.'

So that was one finding.

View from the edge of Patomskiy crater. Picture: The Siberian Times

Yet Professor Voronin also found a strange anomaly in the formation of annual rings of all trees older than 200 years. Some of the trees turned out to have fallen in 1841-42, some just broke off at the same time, and in the samples the annual rings have narrowed at the same time, and soon they died.

It got more complicated when the scientists analysed the tree rings of the trees growing close to the crater. The same year, 1842, the tree rings have increased significantly. And surprisingly, held out at such a high rate for about 40 years, then rings sharply narrowed.

'The sharp jump in the growth of trees is either a sharp improvement in the mineral supply, or if some trees are cut and the remaining trees get more sunlight,' said Voronin. 'It is unlikely that the forest spilled large amounts of fertiliser.

'But there seems to have been a massive inrush, and its cause are still unclear. But the sharp reduction of growth after four decades is not typical for this situation.

'I know of only one similar case. When, after the Chernobyl disaster due to release of radiation, the growth of trees increased dramatically. Maybe we are dealing with something similar here? Yes, now the background radiation in the crater is low. But maybe at some point of time suddenly short-lived radioactive isotopes somehow got here, which had to date, break up, and later the radioactivity decreased to natural?

'A radioactive meteorite? Or, terrible to say, artificial space objects with nuclear fuel on board? There are trees that fell, and broken trees are there as well. Trees away from the crater generally grow quite inexplicably. And it happened in the same years. In general, it is a mysterious story.'

Is he really suggesting the remains of an alien space craft might lie inside the crater?

Aerial view of Patomskiy crater, Irkutsk region. Picture: The Siberian Times

He answers by explaining that the mid-19th century leap in isotopes is equivalent to the patterns that occurred in nuclear arms tests.

In an NTV documentary aired in March 2012, he said: 'It was an incredible, mad jump of both strontium and uranium.

'I am a biologist - not a geologist or a physicist - and so can allow myself certain liberties.

'And it was me who first voiced the version about the UFO apparatus falling there with its nuclear engine still on.

'So at first it hit the ground - and raised the first cone. The several hundred years later the engine blew up, and pushed the middle bit of the crater up. This is where strontium and uranium came from.

'It was my theory of a UFO origin of it.'

Today, contacted by The Siberian Times, he concedes subsequent work on the crater has thrown up another more likely explanation, though even this is not foolproof.

Year 2006 expedition to Patomskiy crater and, above, Vadim Kolpakov and his wife studying the pictures the expedition made. Pictures: The Siberian Times

He has taken a good measure of criticism for his UFO theory yet he still says other explanations are - as yet - not definitive.

'My NTV quote was a while ago, and since that time we've made a number of experiments and analyses that showed that most likely it is a volcano. Yes, the only one like this on this territory,' he said.

'It is not a typical lava volcano, but just at some point gas exploded there.

'Of course, there are many strange things still about the crater. There is no unified, definite consensus yet about it. Together with geomorphologists we have decided that it is the most likely version.

'The strange thing that doesn't fit the theory, however, is that if it was a gas explosion, it would not have raised the temperature. And there for a while the process of surface heating was certainly going on, there was an increased temperature level.

'This is why I was saying to my fellow scientists 'Guys, it must have been a nuclear reactor working there.' Their answer was 'How would it get there/' and 'There are no traces of radioactivity there'

Then - I know it sounds funny that a biologist reminded geochemists about it - I recalled to them that there are short living isotopes that last for only 30-40 years.

Slope of Patomskiy crater, Irkutsk region. Picture: The Siberian Times

'That event with an increased temperature level was in 1842 - I can give the exact year thanks to the tree growth rings analyses. That was the year when the trees were falling there en mass, and this is when they all got scars.

'And the same date was mentioned completely separately from me by geomorphologists. They said that approximately then (in the 1840s) something happened there, an explosion, or a kind of a push, shove.'

Analysis of trees sent by Voronin to the Novosibirsk Budker Nuclear Researching Institute found that during that period the growth rings showed a sudden jump of strontium and uranium, up three or four levels higher than norm, and held like this for about 20 years - and then went back down.

So where was this radioactivity from if it was a 'gas volcano'?

'This was exactly my questions to geo-chemists, and I was telling them - is it a reactor under the crater? Their answer was - what reactor, where would it come from? But then where did the radioactive elements came from?

'They still haven't answered. But we are getting towards the more reasoned position that says let's forget it the radioactivity and that it looks most likely like volcano....

'But, yes, the question where the radioactivity comes from remains unanswered. No-one can definitely and clearly explain it.

Aerial view of Patomskiy crater, Irkutsk region. Picture: The Siberian Times

'So the hypothesis is quite approximate still, but I do think that geomorphologists opinion is the most correct of all, that it is a gas volcano.

'It also shows the typical ways of rising for the gas volcano - when gas keeps gathering inside the chamber, then there is an explosion that rises the ground, and gas starts gathering again. Then another explosion, and again the ground rises.'

Alexander Pospeev, a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, insists the explanation is more prosaic, and less extra-terrestrial.

'Even now, the origin of the crater is not discovered, but we can say for sure that it has the earthly origin,' he stated. 'It could be caused by the underground release of some fluids such as hydrogen. Maybe some other fluid, that's what we do not know exactly.

'But studies have now shown that there is no object like the fragments of an asteroid or some metal object under the crater, as has been suggested.

'This is pretty interesting place without being connected to some mysterious tales. I'm a scientist and I don't believe in UFOs. I do believe that there is an explanation to every mystery, sometimes simpler, sometimes, as in our case, more difficult.....

Pospeev also has a mundane explanation as for the odd tree rings, insisting - contrary to Voronin - that a gas-based eruption could raise the temperature.

'The changes in the size of rings discovered by Professor Voronin was caused by the release of heat, which accompanied the underground release of the fluid and later when the temperature went back to normal, the ring changed their size back.

'There were no trace of radiation found around the crater. The radiation level there is much lower than in (the city of) Irkutsk.'

Critics may argue that there is a shortage of other such structures. Surely if this was the cause there would be other examples? He claimed there maybe other examples which are - for now - hidden to us, while also acknowledging that the crater has not yet given up all its secrets in terms of finally establishing beyond doubt its cause.

'It can be quite strange that such cases were not seen before, but we are talking about geophysics,' he said.

'For this, in science hundreds of years lasts like a second. We cannot say that in the same area there are no similar objects much older then Patomskiy crater but now just crumbled and overgrown with trees so they have never been discovered by man.

'In fact, in the area there are three or four volcanoes, so it can be that the phenomenon is not quite unique.

'Each expedition has a tremendous value for the study of the crater. There is a huge difference between our knowledge about the crater when we first started the expeditions and now.

'There is a great interest in solving the mystery of Patomskiy Crater and I hope in ten years we will be able to fully solve its riddle.'

Another mission to Patomskiy is planned in the coming months. 'I hope it will find some new facts that will help to reveal the secrets of the crater', he said.







Strange Mystery – The Patomskiy Crater

Strange Mysteries and Unexplained Stuff | Discover the mysteries of the world .|

In 1949, geologist Vadim Kolpakov set off on an expedition to Siberia, not realizing that he was about to discover one of the strangest unsolved mysteries in the world: the Patomskiy crater. As Kolpakov traveled deep into almost uncharted territory, the local Yakut people warned him not to go on, explaining that there was an evil place deep in the woods that even the animals avoided. They called it the “Fire Eagle Nest” and claimed that people would start to feel unwell near it—and some would simply disappear without a trace.

A man of science, Kolpakov was not put off by these stories. But even he was at a loss to explain what he found deep in the Siberian forests. A giant crater, the size of “a 25-story building,” reared up out of the trees. Up close it resembled a volcano mouth, but Kolpakov knew that there had been no volcanoes in the area for at least a few million years. This crater looked relatively newly formed—Kolpakov estimated it as around 250 years old, a figure supported by later studies of nearby tree growth. Interestingly, the trees also seemed to have undergone a period of accelerated growth similar to that seen in the forests around Chernobyl.

Since the discovery of the crater, there have been many theories as to what (or who) could have created it. Some people, including Kolpakov, have speculated that it might have been formed by a meteorite, although the crater does not resemble any other known meteorite site. Others are convinced that it was indeed a volcano. Many even think that there is a UFO hidden underneath the crater. In 2005, an expedition was launched in the hopes of finding some answers—but then tragedy struck. The leader of the expedition died of a heart attack just a few kilometers away from the site. The locals were convinced it was the “evil” crater that led to his death.




The Mysterious Patomskiy Crater

by Kaushik



Local people have superstitious fear of Patomskiy Crater. This unique natural formation is unusual indeed and up to this time it is not clear how it formed. There are many exotic theories, some involving fallen UFO with nuclear engine. Currently it is considered that this mysterious crater is unique type of volcano.


Patomskiy Crater is a large cone which for most part consists of limestone pieces, although here are found other rocks too - sandstone, shale etc. The limestone is very old, formed in Proterozoic eon.

This crater has formed on the slope of Patom Plateau and rises tall above the low, subarctic forest.

The crater is up to 40 m high. Its base is 120 - 160 m wide but the rim of crater has a diameter of 76 m.

Central part - the crater itself - is some 12 - 15 m deep. In the centre of this recession there is located smaller hill which is some 34 m wide.

It is assessed that volume of the crushed limestone blocks is some 230 - 250 thousand m³, weight - approximately one million tons.


Local people - Yakuts - knew about the crater long before Europeans and named it - Fire Eagle Nest. It seems, this name tells something about the geological history of the site - most likely some heat or fire has been involved in the creation of this crater.

Yakuts considered that Patomskiy Crater is evil place which is even dangerous to people and avoided also by forest animals.

In 1949 these environs were reached by the young geologist Vadym Kolpakov who was entitled to make geological mapping in this remote part of Siberia. Yakuts advised him to avoid the crater and, of course, Kolpakov did the opposite.

He recalls - as he reached the site, it seemed to him that he has got fever. The enormous crater looked outlandish and completely out of place as if the young geologist saw it in dream and not in reality.

In fact the site has got bad name up to this day. According to some stories people feel sick near it and locals have told that some people even went missing or dead here. Also one leader of scientific mission, Eugeny Vorobiev suddenly died here in 2005 from heart attack.

Scientific expeditions came to this remote part of Siberia in 1963 and then: in 2006., 2008 and 2010.


Kolpakov considered that he discovered an excellent and unusual impact crater. Some specialists considered that the crater was formed by a piece of Tunguska meteorite in 1908 - another mysterious event in this part of Siberia.

But it was clear soon enough that Patomskiy Crater differs from impact craters and has been formed by some other processes. Several specialists considered that it has been created by a fall of extremely heavy substance. There was even an exotic theory about UFO which tumbled here and subsided deep in the ground. Its nuclear engine at first survived - and then exploded later and created the smaller bulge in the centre of crater.

There existed also other theories: about work of ancient civilizations, about top secret facility in Stalin times and others.


Currently it is considered that Patomskiy Crater was created by the internal (endogenous) processes of Earth. Geophysical research shows that there is no large metal object or meteorites below the crater.

The age of these processes was determined by the tree-ring analysis of the few trees growing on the slopes of crater and near it.

According to this analysis formation of Patomskiy crater started some 500 years ago. Then, at the end of the 15th century - early 16th century many trees were felled by some process and many new ones started to grow here some 480 - 400 years ago. At this time formed the inner part of crater (but not the central bulge) - limestone blocks here are weathered to a greater extent.

Some centuries later, in 1841 - 1842 the outer layer of the cone formed. At this time many trees around the crater were damaged, thus these events were quite violent and very well could have caused the bad fame of the crater among Yakuts.

Latest episode was the formation of the bulge inside the crater - it consists of least weathered rocks. It has not been dated because there are no trees inside the crater which would provide data.

It is not entirely clear though how the crater was formed. Its formation can be compared to volcanic processes but such kind of volcanism is not known from other locations on Earth except for similar, smaller crater in Sayan Mountains (also in Russia) which is some 10 - 15 m tall.


In 1949 a geologist named Vadim Kolpakov discovered a large mound of limestone in the north of the Irkutsk region in southeastern Siberia, about 360 km from the district center Bodaibo. The cone is curiously shaped with a crater at the top and a small mound in the center. The mound is about 40 meters high and 100 meters across at the base. The smaller mound at the top is about 12 meters high. The crater was named Patomskiy, after a nearby river, but local residents call it “the Fiery Eagle’s Nest”.

Since the discovery of the crater, there have been many theories as to what could have created it. For a long time it was believed to be a meteorite impact structure. Some linked it to the Tunguska meteorite, whose remains have never been discovered. But the crater does not resemble any other known meteorite site. Later, some geologists suggested that it could be a nascent volcano, but no volcanic material has ever been found either.

Photo credit

By counting tree rings of trees growing on the crater, Siberian scientists have calculated the age of the crater to be about 250 years. Interestingly, the trees around the crater show evidence of accelerated growth for a period, similar to that seen in the forests around Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster. This has given rise to wild theories of hidden nuclear plant and buried UFO with nuclear fuel on board. So far no object like the fragments of an asteroid or any metal under the crater has been discovered.

More recent work on the crater has thrown up another more likely explanation — a gas volcano. The mound could have formed by the underground release of some fluids such as hydrogen. The release of heat, which accompanied the underground release of the fluid, caused changes in the size of tree rings which was interpreted as abnormal growth.

Alexander Pospeev, a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, told Siberian Times, “Even now, the origin of the crater is not discovered, but we can say for sure that it has earthly origin.”




What (or who) created Siberia's 'Eagle's Nest'? A meteorite, a nuke or gulag inmates? Scientists baffled

  • The site in Irkutsk, Siberia, was discovered in 1949 by a geologist

  • Scientists now think the Patomskiy crater was created by a meteorite but no traces of material have been found to support the theory

  • It is thought to be 250 years old and changes shape constantly

By Sarah Griffiths

PUBLISHED: 12:31 BST, 7 February 2014 | UPDATED: 13:14 BST, 7 February 2014

When one geologist stumbled across a massive mound 65 years ago, he had no idea his discovery would spark one of the world’s strangest scientific mysteries.

The site in Irkutsk, Siberia was discovered in 1949 and is a huge convex cone with a funnel-shaped recess and a rounded hill in the middle, which looks a little like an eagle’s nest with an egg nestled inside it.

The origin of the Patomskiy crater has baffled scientists for decades and theories for its existence have ranged from a nuclear blast to a secret gulag mine and even a meteorite strike.


The site in Irkutsk, Siberia was discovered in 1949 and is a huge convex cone with a funnel-shaped recess and a rounded hill in the middle, which looks a little like an eagle's nest with an egg nestled inside it

The current thinking is that the site was indeed created by a meteorite strike, but no evidence has been found to support the theory.

The cone is 80metres tall and has a diameter of 150metres at its widest. The depth of the inner circle ditch is around 10metres.

It was named Patomskiy after a nearby river and was discovered by a geologist called Vadim Kolpakov who tried and failed to arrange a scientific trip to examine the site, but numerous expeditions have taken place since and one last year collected samples.

Theories that the mound is a giant slagheap have been thrown out as there were not enough people living nearby when the crater is thought to have formed to create such a pile.

And there were never labour camps or gulags in the region.

Half a tonne of samples were taken from the site and removed by helicopter last year.

The samples led scientists to dismiss ideas of a uranium ore explosion as the background radiation at the site is low and no uranium has been found nearby either.

This left them with two main theories – one of a volcano and another of a meteorite.

However, the mysterious site has not given up any meteoritic material and the area is not thought to be volcanic.

In fact there are no volcanoes within thousands of kilometres of the Patomskiy crater and it also seems to be relatively new.


The origin of the Patomsky crater has baffled scientists for decades and theories for its existence have ranged from a nuclear bomb blast, a secret Gulag mine and meteorite strike


The cone is 80metres tall and has a diameter of 150metres at its widest. The depth of the inner circle ditch is around 10metres

Scientists thought the crater was only between 100 and 500 years old and could be the result of the Tunguska meteorite, which fell in the Krasnoyarsk region in 1908, but whose crater has never been discovered.

It is thought the meteorite was sighted just 70km away from the ‘eagle’s nest’ and that distance is a mere 10 to 15 seconds of flight.

As the Tunguska event occurred in 1908, the age coincides, but modern tests have shown that the crater is actually 250 years old – so it could have been formed by a previous meteorite that fell when the area was virtually unpopulated.


The strange mound was found in Irkutsk, Siberia (pictured) was discovered in 1949 but it was only last year that scientists took samples from the site


The crater was named Patomsky after a nearby river and was discovered in Siberia (pictured) by a geologist called Vadim Kolpakov who tried and failed to arrange a scientific trip to examine the site. The first expedition only took place last year

Scientists now think that there is something with a high iron content and ferromagnetic materials buried between 100 and 150 metres underneath the crater.

They believe it could be a meteorite or another incredibly dense object, but they are not certain.

The fact that the crater is ‘alive’ as its shape changes constantly - by rising and falling - and that the trees nearby the site are reported to grow abnormally fast, adds to the mystery.


Scientists now think that there is something with a high iron content and ferromagnetic materials buried some 100 to 150 metres underneath the crater (pictured)




The Patomskiy Crater. The local indigenous people call it "The Fire Eagle nest", and consider it "an evil place where animals will not go, and where people feel unwell and can even disappear"

submitted 3 years ago by septicman

In Siberia, Russia, there's an unusual natural phenomenon that has been called 'The Most Mysterious Place in Russia'. That phenomenon is The Patomskiy Crater.

Trees do not grow on the sides of the crater, but flourish for miles around it. There is a magnetic anomaly inside it, and there is evidence (based on analysis of the nearby trees) that radiation was once very high in and around it.

The origins of the crater have been speculated as everything from volcano to meteorite to secret nuclear reactor to multiple (yes, multiple!) UFOs. However, the truth remains unresolved...


From Wikipedia:

Patom crater (Patomskiy crater), (Russian: Патомский кратер) is a made of shattered calcareous blocks on a slope of the Patomskiy upland. The crater site is located in the north of the Irkutsk region of southeastern Siberia, 360 km from the district center Bodaibo.

It was discovered in 1949 by a geologist named Vadim Kolpakov. It is a large mound of limestone with a diameter of about 160 meters and a height of about 40 m, while the crest's diameter is 76 m. The cone's crown is formed like a ring shaft. In the center of the crater is a mound with a height of about 12 m. The volume of the crater is estimated as 230-250 thousand cubic meters, with a weight of about one million tons. Another name is Kolpakov Cone (Russian: Конус Колпакова); the Yakutian (local indigenous people) name is translated as "the nest of a fiery eagle".

Several scientific expeditions have been sent to the crater, but the nature of its origin remains a mystery.


Having an official task to draw up a geological map of the region, a young geologist named Vadim Kolpakov ended up running into something so unique, outstanding and mysterious that it would still puzzle scientists more than six decades later.

In August 1949, when Kolpakov reached the very north of Irkutsk region, local Yakut people told him a story about an 'evil' place, hidden in the woods.

They called it the Fire Eagle Nest, and according to them even the deer didn't dare to go close to it. Locals told a lot of legends about it, warning people would suddenly start feeling unwell or even disappear, some to be found dead later, some never to be found.

Legends didn't scare Kolpakov back in 1949 but what he witnessed in a distance when he climbed up the hill was shocking:

"When I first saw the crater I thought that I'd gone crazy because of the heat. And indeed a perfectly shaped mount of a size of a 25-storey building with a chopped off top sitting in the middle of the woods was quite an unexpected discovery." "From a distance it looked like a mine-shaft slagheap, only whitish. I even thought, 'Where are the people?' There were no labour camps in the area. Unless a very, very secret one?" "My second thought was an archaeological artifact. But the local Evenks and Yakuts, with my respect for them, are not the ancient Egyptians. They could not build stone pyramids, and didn't have any human resources nor the necessary scientific knowledge."

He ventured gingerly towards the strange shape, like no other anywhere nearby:

"I got closer and realised that the mysterious hill was not the work of a human. It rather looked like a perfectly round mouth of a volcano with a height of 70 metres. But volcanoes have not appeared on the border of Yakutia and Irkutsk region for several million years. And the crater was pretty fresh. It is located on the slope of a hill overgrown with larch." "The trees still did not grow on the slopes and in the crater, the winds had not brought the soil yet. I estimated the age of this anomaly at some 200 to 250 years. And another mystery - a semi-circular dome cavity with a diameter of 15 meters in the centre of a crater. In volcanoes, even extinct, such domes cannot exist."


An expedition to Patomskiy crater in 2005 was lead by an experienced geologist, Eugeny Vorobiev. On August 1st, it landed in the city of Badaybo, the nearest point to the crater accessible to aircraft. From Bodaybo the road goes only for 200km: for the rest of the way hiking boots and boats are needed.

As they neared the crater, the expedition was struck by tragedy. With only a short way to go, its leader Vorobiev suddenly fell to the ground. His colleagues rushed to help him but it was too late - Vorobiev was dead. Back in Irkutsk the doctors diagnosed the cause as a heart attack, but his demise continued the crater's association, mentioned by native peoples, with death.


The strange formation of the crater has led to fairly wild speculation. If it was caused by a meteorite, or any other crashing airborne object, it would seem that there would need to be two of them, impacting one after the other.

The trees around the crater show evidence of a massive spike in radiation around the time of the crater's formation, and exhibit similar characteristics to that of the foliage around Chernobyl.

Recent thinking suggests that the crater is somehow volcanic in origin, with an eruption of gas responsible for the unusual formation. However, this doesn't explain the high levels of radiation.

At least one scientist has put forward the theory of a crash-landed UFO (or even two, given the one-after-the-other indications) powered by some form of nuclear fuel.

The only fact, however, is that sixty years after its discovery, the crater remains an unresolved mystery.


Well, from the air, it's pretty damn impressive!

This is what it looks like from inside the crater. And here's more of a side view


The bulk of this post came from this excellent article over at Siberian Times. I'd recommend starting there.

Want to see it for yourself? Barring a trip to Siberia, here it is on Google Maps.











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